Not-for-profit organisation The Dry Mouth Foundation offers the Niemtzow Dry Mouth protocol and also trains new practitioners from the acupuncture and dental professions.

The Niemtzow Dry Mouth protocol is a point precise acupuncture protocol to treat radiotherapy-induced xerostomia for cancer patients, created by Dr Richard Niemtzow, a colonel in the US Air Force.

Dental professionals are ideally placed to both identify xerostomia and, with appropriate training, offer patients treatment for improved oral hygiene following radiotherapy or Sjögren's syndrome-induced xerostomia. The results are improved oral cavity hygiene, elimination of harmful gels and sprays, and physiological benefits for the patient.

Patients receiving the point precise needle sequence have shown visible results within 15 minutes of the first of two treatment sessions, producing significant saliva flow for several months or years. For further information visit