J. E. Regezi, J. J. Sciubba, R. C. K. Jordan. UK: Elsevier price £83.99; pp 480 ISBN


The aim of this text is to present oral diseases in a way that helps a clinician recognise, diagnose and treat a wide range of head and neck pathology. It provides the aetiology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, treatment and explanation of the pathogenesis of the disease in a detailed but easy to read manner. The sixth edition has brought us new concepts on disease aetiology and the molecular basis of cancers, introducing an area of current research.

Presenting a wide breadth of knowledge, this text is ideal for students and those in general practice. The supplemental study resource via the Evolve website gives readers access to an interactive learning experience and study aids for students and instructors.

The book contains a clinical overview and 16 chapters covering a wide range of areas from vesiculobullous diseases to malignancies of the jaws. A major change from the previous edition is the removal of the extensive chapter on common skin lesions of the head and neck. There is a clear structure to each chapter with details of each disease broken down into sections. The differential diagnosis section is useful for linking ideas, emulating the thought processes used by a clinician. Within each chapter the information is logically and clearly set out to make reading ordered and information memorable. Tables and text boxes are appropriately used to emphasize salient points and it includes 960 high quality photographs and histological images. Each chapter also provides a comprehensive bibliography for further reading.

Aspects of previous editions that have worked well have been kept, such as the valuable clinical overview section at the start of the book. Key diseases are summarised in a succinct, tabulated form with associated pictures. This is ideal for revision, as a pragmatic quick reference section with 'need-to-know' information.

The book is written by American authors but this is only noticeable when epidemiological data is given that relates exclusively to the USA and UK readers will still find the text just as wholesome.

In conclusion, this book is a clear, concise, understandable and well organised oral pathology book. I feel it is a valuable addition to a dental professional's library, particularly as a reference text since it is much more than light reading.