Principles and practice of laser dentistry

  • R. A. Convissar
UK: Elsevier price £103.00; pp 352 ISBN 9780323062060 | ISBN: 978-0-3230-6206-0

Goldman, a pioneer in laser surgery, remarked in his 1967 publication that 'there has been too little interest in the clinical and applied phases of laser dentistry by dentists'. This book certainly addresses these issues with an evidence-based approach to information collated from a host of international contributors.

For the historians amongst us the first chapter deals with the development of the quantum theory and origins of lasers. For the physicists amongst us the second chapter addresses the fundamentals of laser delivery, safety and effect on tissues. In the following 13 chapters Dr Convissar examines the use of lasers in nonsurgical, surgical and regenerative periodontics, oral pathology, implantology, fixed and removable prosthetics, cosmetic procedures, endodontics, restorative and paediatric dentistry, orthodontics and oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Each chapter is carefully constructed with a brief overview into current and future laser application within that particular dental discipline. Peer-reviewed procedures are discussed with a focus on comparative data assessing the success of different types of laser. Clinical cases serve to summarise the preceding information and are supplemented by useful step by step illustrations and full colour pre, intra and post-operative photographs to aid comprehension. In addition the clinical tip and caution boxes draw attention to pertinent information and steer the clinician around the hazards of laser use in everyday dental practice. The summary at the end of each chapter is ideal for a review of contents.

Whilst commenting on the future for laser technology, the emphasis of this book is very much based within the current clinical environment. Dr Convissar aims to address the practicalities of laser with regard to economics, clinical time and outcomes. The final chapter even demonstrates how to introduce lasers into your practice.

This book highlights the possibilities for hard and soft tissue lasers and demonstrates that with proper case selection, the outcomes can be at least comparable or superior to traditional approaches with regards to wound healing, haemostasis, tissue damage and post-operative pain and infection.

As a general read it can be difficult to retain all the information, especially concerning the comparative data on different laser types. However, as each chapter can stand on its own, the clinician may then focus on his/her particular dental interest. This book would serve as a useful reference guide before investing in laser technology, provide an excellent support for a new user or equally educate an existing user in expanding their scope of application.