The neurobiology of orthodontics: treatment of malocclusion through neuroplasticity

  • M. Z. Pimenidis
UK: Springer price £126.00; pp 166 ISBN 9783642003950 | ISBN: 978-3-6420-0395-0

This book reflects the relationship between the orofacial functions and the neurological activity of the brain. Through in-depth neurological knowledge the book demonstrates and educates on the effects of orofacial stimulation and function on the development of the stomatognathic system. The book describes how the development of malocclusions can occur or can be avoided depending on the orofacial sensory input. The comprehensive information about brain activity and the effects on the orofacial development allow better appreciation and diagnosis of the resulting malocclusions. The descriptions of the neurological and stomatognathic development enhance understanding of the effects of orthodontic treatment on the brain.

The literature is specialised towards orthodontic therapy and therefore is a recommended read for those practising orthodontics. However, even though it may not be initial resource material for an undergraduate or the general dental practitioner, it is highly recommended for those with an interest in orthodontics. Good knowledge of the orthodontic therapy effects on neurological activity is demonstrated and it would aid in the treatment planning and implementing of orthodontic treatment to achieve successful results.