Floods are one of the most frequent and devastating natural disasters for human communities. Currently, flood response management globally commonly relies on hydrodynamic models for accurate simulation of complex flow patterns of flood events and to provide information on flood risks. However, the computational demand of hydrodynamic models means that they cannot be deployed usefully for real-time flood inundation forecasting over large domains or for situations where simulations need to be run repeatedly for planning purposes. Here we introduce a new modelling approach that supercharges hydrodynamic models for speed while maintaining high accuracy. We found that spatiotemporal patterns of flood inundation simulated using an extremely simplified (and hence superfast) hydrodynamic model can be mathematically transformed to reproduce the results from a high-resolution model. We exploited the efficacy of this transformation to provide high-resolution and accurate flood inundation predictions in a few seconds rather than the many hours required by conventional high-resolution hydrodynamic models, which represents an important practical advancement towards saving lives and protecting assets during flood emergencies.
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Data availability
The low- and high-fidelity model results used to generate the data in this paper are available from the digital data repository in Fraehr53. The high-fidelity model dataset for the Chowilla floodplain study site was retrieved from the data repository in Fraehr54, and the high-fidelity model dataset for the Burnett River study site was made available by Zhou et al.24.
Code availability
The LSG model framework is coded in Python programming language (v.3.9). The custom code used for data preparation, EOF analysis, LSG model training and prediction, as well as postprocessing, is available from the digital data repository in Fraehr53.
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N.F. acknowledges support from The University of Melbourne via the Melbourne Research Scholarship, and W.W. acknowledges support from the Australian Research Council via the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (no. DE210100117). We thank SunWater and the Murray–Darling Basin Authority for their permission to use the case studies for the Burnett River and Chowilla floodplain, respectively. We thank Y. Zhou for making high-fidelity model results available for the Burnett River case study, and BMT for providing a TUFLOW licence to conduct TUFLOW simulations.
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N.F., Q.J.W., W.W. and R.N. conceived the study conceptualization. N.F. built and ran the hydrodynamic models, developed the codebase, performed data analysis and created visualizations. The methodology was developed by N.F., Q.J.W., W.W. and R.N., with N.F. and Q.J.W. devising the evaluation metrics. All authors contributed to writing, editing and review.
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Fraehr, N., Wang, Q.J., Wu, W. et al. Supercharging hydrodynamic inundation models for instant flood insight. Nat Water 1, 835–843 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44221-023-00132-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s44221-023-00132-2
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