Effective personalized well-being interventions require the ability to predict who will thrive or not, and the understanding of underlying mechanisms. Here, using longitudinal data of a large population cohort (the Netherlands Twin Register, collected 1991–2022), we aim to build machine learning prediction models for adult well-being from the exposome and genome, and identify the most predictive factors (N between 702 and 5874). The specific exposome was captured by parent and self-reports of psychosocial factors from childhood to adulthood, the genome was described by polygenic scores, and the general exposome was captured by linkage of participants’ postal codes to objective, registry-based exposures. Not the genome (R2 = −0.007 [−0.026–0.010]), but the general exposome (R2 = 0.047 [0.015–0.076]) and especially the specific exposome (R2 = 0.702 [0.637–0.753]) were predictive of well-being in an independent test set. Adding the genome (P = 0.334) and general exposome (P = 0.695) independently or jointly (P = 0.029) beyond the specific exposome did not improve prediction. Risk/protective factors such as optimism, personality, social support and neighborhood housing characteristics were most predictive. Our findings highlight the importance of longitudinal monitoring and promises of different data modalities for well-being prediction.
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Data availability
Being part of a national prospective cohort study, the Netherlands Twin Register data cannot be made publicly available for privacy reasons, but they are available for legitimate researchers via the data access procedure at https://tweelingenregister.vu.nl/information_for_researchers/working-with-ntr-data. Data of the Geoscience and health cohort consortium (GECCO) can be requested via the data access request form at https://www.gecco.nl/exposure-data-1/.
Code availability
Python scripts for the machine learning models can be found at https://osf.io/zphw8/.
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D.H.M.P. is funded by an Amsterdam Public Health AI and Machine learning grant and ERC consolidation grant (WELL-BEING 771057, M. Bartels). The NTR data collection was supported by the following grants: NWO large investment grant (NTR: 480-15-001/674), ZonMW Addiction program (31160008), Spinozapremie (NWO/SPI 56-464-14192), Twin-family database for behavior genetics and genomics studies (NWO 480-04-004), genetic influences on stability and change in psychopathology from childhood to young adulthood (NWO/ZonMW 91210020), Genetic and Family influences on Adolescent psychopathology and Wellness (NWO 463-06-001), A twin-sib study of adolescent wellness (NWO-VENI 451-04-034), The US National Institute of Mental Health as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Genomics of Developmental Trajectories in Twins (1RC2MH089995-01), Determinants of Adolescent Exercise Behavior (NIH-1R01DK092127-01), and part of the genotyping and analyses were funded by the Genetic Association Information Network (GAIN) of the Foundation for the US National Institutes of Health (NIMH, MH081802). M.B. is funded by an NWO VICI grant (VI.C.211.054). Geo-data were collected as part of the Geoscience and Health Cohort Consortium (GECCO), which was financially supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) and Amsterdam UMC. More information on GECCO can be found at www.gecco.nl. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. We thank all Netherlands Twin Register participants who provided data for this study. GECCO (Geoscience and Health Cohort Consortium) is acknowledged for gathering and combining existing data into the GECCO repository and maintaining the infrastructure necessary for these data. We thank A. Wagtendonk in particular for providing the data for the present study.
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D.H.M.P. designed the study, with input from P.C.H., C.H.V. and M.B. D.H.M.P. analyzed the data, with support from P.C.H. for the machine learning models. D.H.M.P. designed the figures and tables and drafted the paper. L.L. and C.E.M.v.B. were responsible for providing and support with the NTR data, R.P. was responsible for the polygenic scores. All authors contributed to and approved the final version of the paper.
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Nature Mental Health thanks Elham Assary, Jurriaan Hoekstra and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
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Extended data
Extended Data Fig. 1 Flow chart of full data preparation and machine learning pipeline – unimodal specific exposome.
Note. N,f = sample size, number of features, XGBoost = extreme gradient boost, SVM = support vector machine. Dotted lines represent transformations/selections in test set based on train set.
Extended Data Fig. 2 Flow chart of full data preparation and machine learning pipeline – unimodal genome.
Note. N,f = sample size, number of features, XGBoost = extreme gradient boost, SVM = support vector machine. Dotted lines represent transformations/selections in test set based on train set. * Participants either had all or no genomic data available, ** 13 polygenic scores, 10 principal components, 6 platform dummies.
Extended Data Fig. 3 Flow chart of full data preparation and machine learning pipeline – unimodal general exposome.
Note. N,f = sample size, number of features, XGBoost = extreme gradient boost, SVM = support vector machine. Dotted lines represent transformations/selections in test set based on train set.
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Supplementary Figs. 1–6 and Materials 1–3.
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Supplementary Tables 1–10.
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Pelt, D.H.M., Habets, P.C., Vinkers, C.H. et al. Building machine learning prediction models for well-being using predictors from the exposome and genome in a population cohort. Nat. Mental Health (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44220-024-00294-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s44220-024-00294-2