The prediction of suicidal thought and behavior has met with mixed results. This study of 3,476 de-identified participants (4,019 before data exclusion) quantified the prediction of four suicidal thought and behavior (STB) variables using a short reward/aversion judgment task and a limited set of demographic and mental health surveys. The focus was to produce a simple, quick and objective framework for assessing STB that might be automatable, without the use of big data. A balanced random forest classifier performed better than a Gaussian mixture model and four standard machine learning classifiers for predicting passive suicide ideation, active suicide ideation, suicide planning and planning for safety. Accuracies ranged from 78% to 92% (optimal area under the curve between 0.80 and 0.95) without overfitting, and peak performance was observed for predicting suicide planning. The relative importance of features for prediction showed distinct weighting across judgment variables, contributing between 40% and 64% to prediction per Gini scores. Mediation/moderation analyses showed that depression, anxiety, loneliness and age variables moderated the judgment variables, indicating that the interaction of judgment with mental health and demographic indices is fundamental for the high-accuracy prediction of STB. These findings suggest the feasibility of an efficient and highly scalable system for suicide assessment, without requiring psychiatric records or neural measures. The findings suggest that STB might be understood within a cognitive framework for judgment with quantitative variables whose unique constellation separates passive and active suicidal thought (ideation) from suicide planning and planning for safety.
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Suicide rates in the United States increased by over 30% between 2000 and 20201, and these rates were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic2,3. Efforts predicting the potential for suicidal action are mixed, with some researchers being critical of prediction accuracy4,5. Recent research suggests that machine learning (ML) algorithms outperform traditional statistical approaches for the prediction of suicidal thought and behavior (STB)6,7. Furthermore, meta-analysis suggests that theories of suicide (for example, biosocial, biological, ideation and hopelessness theories8) perform suboptimally when compared to ML algorithms in the prediction of suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt(s) and completed suicide8. Grounded by research suggesting that electronically delivered self-report questionnaires correlate significantly with clinical assessment for psychiatric conditions9, researchers have recently called for the development of a scalable detection platform for the prediction of STB10.Clinically related measures are predictive of STB, such as post traumatic stress disorder11 and measures of anger12. Additionally, recent research suggests that social and behavioral measures play a key role in the prediction of STB, sometimes surpassing clinical variables in terms of predictive accuracy, such as when used in the context of social media behavior derived from natural language processing (NLP) analysis10,13 and measures of social integration14. This is consistent with other literature suggesting that a clinically valid signal of psychiatric conditions may be available from social media behavior15. Although contextual risk factors are not typically studied in ML applications of STB7, predictive variables of STB are typically contextual7,16. For example, substance use and alcohol disorders play a greater risk in suicidal outcomes for veterans and service members than for the general population16.
Few ML studies have used emergency room (ER)-related questions to predict suicide risk, and no studies have applied small sets (for example, 20–30) of interpretable variables that can be easily acquired on digital devices to predict a set of suicidal thought and behavior variables with high accuracy (Supplementary Fig. 1). STB assessments in the ER generally ask about passive ideation as a framework for opening the topic to query, move to active ideation and planning for harm, and then assess the potential to plan for safety17. In the ML literature, passive and active suicidal ideation are often not segregated18,19,20, and intent for self-harm and past suicidal attempts tend to be targeted21,22,23 rather than plans for suicide. However, truthful responses may be difficult to acquire regarding suicidal ideation and past suicide attempts due to cultural norms or other personal reasons24,25. Furthermore, no studies have predicted planning for safety, which is key for framing suicide risk26, and although it does not reduce suicidal ideation27, meta-analysis suggests it may reduce relative suicide risk by up to 57% (ref. 27), as well as reduce symptoms of depression, feelings of hopelessness and the incidence of hospitalization28, although there is a large heterogeneity of suicide planning intervention and study design28. No studies have assessed all four STB variables together (that is, passive ideation, active ideation, suicide planning, planning for safety).
Individuals with STB show alterations in reward/aversion judgment or preference29, such as heightened aversion to risk and loss30, lower focus on the negative consequences of decisions31, discounting of delayed rewards32, and higher bias to escape aversive situations33. In economic settings, preferences can be measured from forced choice data (typically through axioms of revealed preference34). In the psychological literature, preferences can reflect ‘liking’ versus ‘wanting’35,36,37,38,39, where the assessment of reward or aversion (that is, judgment) precedes an actual choice. Abnormalities in reward/aversion judgment have been linked to dopamine dysfunction in major depressive disorder, addiction, anxiety, chronic stress40,41 and STB41. Reward/aversion judgment has been mathematically characterized by computational behavior variables reflecting biases42,43, like loss aversion44 and risk aversion45. Recently, a broader set of 15 variables were found to model unique features of judgment from a picture-rating task that can be implemented on any cellphone or digital device37,39 (Fig. 1, Supplementary Fig. 2 and Table 1), and these are considered to reflect psychological ‘liking’35,37,39,46,47. For the present study we hypothesized that this small set of judgment variables (as opposed to big data) would efficiently predict STB.
This study tested whether these four STB variables could be predicted with 15 reward/aversion judgment variables (henceforth ‘judgment variables’, Fig. 1) derived from a short behavior task (Methods). We combined the behavior task with five other survey variables that were hypothesized to contextually frame the judgment variables, but only added minutes to the survey time. This framework was found to make highly accurate prediction using a small, interpretable variable set in lieu of the hundreds to thousands of variables used in traditional big data approaches. Mediation/moderation analyses further revealed that interactions between judgment and survey variables underpinned these high accuracies.
Given the current rates of STB, this approach using limited judgment and survey measures suggests a low-cost approach to STB assessment that could be administered to 85% of the world’s population with a personal digital device48. Use of variables that do not directly reference STB might also aide identification of at-risk individuals who might be hesitant to disclose self-harm. Ultimately, the power of psychological constructs depends on their capacity to make meaningful predictions, and not just their associations to neural measures.
Adults (ages 18–70 years) across the United States were surveyed in December 2021. High-quality data from 3,476 participants was drawn from (1) Patient Health Questionnaire 8 (PHQ8; absent the question on suicidality49), (2) the State Trait Anxiety Inventory—State (STAI)50, (3) perceived loneliness (self-report), (4) prior attempts at self-harm in the past 1–12 months, (5) five demographic variables known to affect human neuroscience studies (age, ethnicity, education level, sex and handedness)51,52,53,54, (6) 15 judgment variables computationally derived from a simple picture-rating task37,39 (Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4 and Table 1) and (7) four questions about passive ideation (STB1), active ideation (STB2), suicide planning (STB3) and planning for safety (STB4) on a five-point Likert scale (collectively referred to as STB variables)17,55 (Methods). The predictive power of variables in (1) to (6) was tested using a balanced random forest (BRF)56 approach (Supplementary Fig. 5) and Gaussian mixture models (GMMs)57 (Supplementary Fig. 6) to discriminate between the low and high thresholds of the four STB variables. To provide a baseline against these analyses, we also performed the following four standard ML analyses: random forest (RF), logistic regression (LR), neural network (NN) and support vector machine (SVM)58. Given potential personal reluctance or cultural norms59,60 against reporting past self-harm, variables from (1) to (3) and (5) and (6) were initially tested, followed by a minimal predictor set of (4) to (6). The full set of (1) to (6) was further tested. The relative importance of features used in prediction was evaluated using mutual information (MI) scoring (where a higher MI for a feature and predictor suggests predictive power)61 and Gini score plots62. Mechanistic relationships between the top predictors were assessed using statistical mediation and moderation, where the four STB variables were dependent variables.
Prediction of STB variables
Given the higher sensitivity and specificity of BRF analyses, BRF outcomes are presented in the main text and the GMM results, along with the four standard ML results, are provided in Supplementary Tables 10–19. In the following sections, ML results for judgment variables, PHQ8 score, STAI score and loneliness are described in the first paragraph, and the results for judgment variables, prior attempts and loneliness are described in the second paragraph. Results with inclusion of all predictors (judgment variables, PHQ8 score, STAI score, loneliness and prior attempts) are described in the third paragraph.
Passive suicidal ideation (STB1)
BRF prediction of STB1 (rated on a Likert scale of 1–5, where 1 = no suicidal ideation and 2–5 = increasing degrees of suicidal ideation; that is, threshold = 1) using judgment variables yielded higher accuracies with PHQ8, STAI and loneliness variables included (59.0–78.8%) (Supplementary Table 1a). Sensitivities and specificities improved from 51.4% to 83.3% and from 61.0% to 77.7%, respectively. Adding demographics improved these metrics by less than 2%. Fusion of the PHQ8 score with judgment variables led to a consistent boost of ~18% for accuracy and 32% for sensitivity. Results with inclusion of judgment, PHQ8, STAI and loneliness features were similar (61.9–78.5%; Table 2a) when the threshold for passive suicidal ideation was set to 2.
When judgment variables were fused with reports of prior suicide attempts and loneliness, predictive accuracy of STB1 at threshold = 1 was 78.4% and 78.1%, respectively. Sensitivity improved from 52.0% to 74.2% when loneliness was fused with judgment variables and prior attempts, whereas specificity showed a decrease from 85.4% to 79.1%. Prediction of STB1 at threshold = 2 when judgment variables were fused with reports of prior suicide attempts and loneliness was 83.4% and 80.4%, respectively, with similar sensitivities and specificities to threshold = 1.
Analysis with all predictors achieved maximum AUC scores of 0.905 for STB1 threshold = 1, and 0.907 when threshold = 2, achieving sensitivities of 84.8% and 85.1%, respectively.
Active suicidal ideation (STB2)
BRF prediction of STB2 (threshold = 1) using judgment variables yielded higher accuracies as PHQ8, STAI and loneliness variables were successively included (63.8–78.7%; Supplementary Table 1b). Sensitivities and specificities improved from 56.0% to 86.1% and 65.1% to 77.5%, respectively. Further adding demographics improved these metrics by less than 1%. Fusion of the PHQ8 score with judgment variables boosted measures by 12% for accuracy and 28% for sensitivity. For threshold = 2, judgment variables yielded higher accuracies as PHQ8, STAI and loneliness features were successively included (62.7–78.0%; Table 2b), with similar outcomes for sensitivity and specificity.
Prediction accuracy of STB2 (threshold = 1) when judgment variables were fused with reports of prior suicide attempts and loneliness was 86.4% and 84.7%, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity percentages were in the high 60–70s and 80–90s, respectively. Prediction of active suicidal ideation (threshold = 2) when judgment variables were fused with reports of prior suicide attempts and loneliness was 88.0% and 86.4%, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity percentages were in the 70s and high 80s, respectively.
Analysis with all predictor variables achieved maximum AUC scores of 0.935 at threshold = 1 and 0.931 at threshold = 2, achieving sensitivities in each case of 87.2% and 86.6%, respectively.
Suicide planning (STB3)
BRF prediction of STB3 (threshold = 1) using judgment variables yielded higher accuracies as PHQ8, STAI and loneliness variables were successively fused with them (64.4–79.4%; Supplementary Table 1c). Sensitivities and specificities improved from 57.5% to 84.9% and 65.3% to 78.7%, respectively. Further adding demographics improved these metrics by less than 2%. Fusion of the PHQ8 score with judgment variables consistently boosted prediction by ~10% for accuracy and 20% for sensitivity. For threshold = 2, the judgment variables yielded higher accuracies as PHQ8, STAI and loneliness features were successively fused with them (66.8–79.7%; Table 2c).
Prediction accuracy of STB3 (threshold = 1) when judgment variables were fused with reports of prior suicide attempts and loneliness variables was 92.2% and 90.8%, respectively. Sensitivities and specificities were in the high 70s and low 90s. Prediction of STB3 (threshold = 2) when judgment variables were fused with reports of prior suicide attempts and loneliness was 91.4% and 90.5%, respectively. Sensitivities and specificities were in the low 80s and low 90s, respectively.
Analysis with all predictor variables achieved maximum AUC scores of 0.953 with threshold = 1 and 0.948 for threshold = 2, achieving sensitivities of 86.4% and 88.7%, respectively.
Planning for safety (STB4)
BRF prediction of STB4 (threshold = 1) using judgment variables yielded higher accuracies as PHQ8, STAI and loneliness features were successively fused with them (59.4–73.8%; Supplementary Table 1d). Further adding demographics improved these metrics by less than 2%. Sensitivities and specificities improved from 55.0% to 74.8% and 60.3% to 73.6%, respectively. Fusion of the PHQ8 score with judgment variables consistently boosted the prediction by ~14% for accuracy and 15% for sensitivity. For threshold = 2, the judgment variables also yielded higher accuracies as PHQ8, STAI and loneliness features were fused with them (71.7–79.9%; Table 2d), with similar outcomes for other metrics.
Prediction accuracy of STB4 (threshold = 1) using judgment variables fused with prior suicide attempts and loneliness variables was 81.0% and 79.2%, respectively (Table 2d). Sensitivity and specificity percentages were in the high 50s and mid 80s, respectively. Prediction of planning for safety (threshold = 2) when judgment features were fused with prior suicide attempts and loneliness was 77.7% and 61.9%, respectively (Table 2d). Sensitivities and specificities were in the 50–60% range and 60–80% range, respectively.
Analysis with all predictor variables achieved maximum AUC scores of 0.837 at threshold = 1 and 0.831 at threshold = 2, while maintaining sensitivities of 73.1% and 74.1%, respectively.
Variable contributions to STB prediction
Distinct sets of judgment variables contributed to prediction of the four STB measures, as measured through normalized MI scoring (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 6a). LA had zero MI for each STB measure. For passive suicidal ideation, no judgment variable predominated by MI value, and three had zero-value MIs. This profile was different for active suicidal ideation, where variables for aversion TP and tradeoff range had the highest MI. For suicide planning, the MI with the tradeoff range was far more than other judgment variables. For planning for safety, variables for aversion TP and reward TP were predominant. Despite the distinct patterns of MI for the 15 judgment variables among the four STB measures, regressions between these variables had consistent valences (except reward TP and total AR; Supplementary Table 6b). On the basis of the valence between each judgment variable and STB measure, passive suicidal ideation and suicide planning shared the same patterns, and both differed from active suicidal ideation and planning for safety.
Gini score plots revealed that some survey variables were consistently highest in importance, but the full set of judgment variables were consistently grouped together (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Figs. 7–29). In all analyses, the grouped judgment variables produced summed Gini scores of 0.404 to 0.638—the highest summed Gini scores in 14 of the 24 analyses (Table 3). The 15 judgment variables were consistently more important than education, race, gender and handedness variables.
The rank ordering of Gini scores for the survey variables was distinct for each STB measure, as it was for the 15 judgment variables. Despite this, STAI measures tended to have one of the top two Gini scores, and age was consistently one of the bottom of the five survey variables.
Mediation/moderation analysis
Mediation and moderation analyses followed published approaches54,63 and were driven by the Gini score analyses62. The majority of judgment variables were involved in mediation/moderation relationships (α = 0.05), excluding LA, total RR and reward TP for mediation, and excluding total RR and total AR for moderation (Supplementary Tables 2–4). Survey variables statistically mediated the relationship between 11 judgment variables and passive suicidal ideation, whereas they statistically moderated the relationship between eight judgment variables and passive suicidal ideation. For the other three STB measures, there was minimal mediation involving perceived loneliness, PHQ8 and STAI survey variables. Instead, there were salient moderation effects for these three survey measures with 12 of the 15 judgment variables (Supplementary Table 4).
Of the five survey variables, prior suicide attempts demonstrated mediation with four judgment variables to predict STB2–4 and moderated three judgment variables to predict STB1–2. Age showed mediation with six judgment variables, and moderation with one judgment variable (Supplementary Table 4).
This study sought a short, objective and automatable framework for predicting four STB measures using 15 variables for biases in reward/aversion judgment and a very limited set of demographic and mental health survey indices. Given that reward/aversion judgment is known to be affected by demographic and mental health indices, we fused demographics with the anxiety, depression and judgment variables for ML. This produced five primary results. (1) All four STB metrics were predicted with small sets of predictors within a range of 78–92% accuracy and 0.796–0.953 AUC; this compares favorably with the literature4,19,20,21,23,64,65,66,67,68,69,70. (2) Judgment variables and limited survey indices were most effective at predicting planning for suicide, producing accuracies in the upper range of what other studies have reported for suicide risk and suicide attempts (for example, AUC = 0.857 and 0.99, respectively, in the literature and 0.953 here) without using complex big data approaches (for example, 100+ variables or inclusion of neuroimaging) or retrospective data19,20,64,65,66,67,68,69,70. (3) Prediction of active suicidal ideation and planning for suicide was improved by the addition of one self-report measure of prior attempts of self-harm, similar to the addition of depression and other mental health indices. (4) Mediation/moderation analyses showed that depression, anxiety, loneliness and age variables had significant moderation effects on judgment variables, indicating that the interaction of mental health and contextual indices with judgment variables statistically predicted STB. (5) BRF prediction far outperformed GMM prediction and standard ML prediction (that is, RF, LR, NN and SVM prediction), particularly for the sensitivity index.
Collection of the limited set of variables used for prediction was more feasible and less time-consuming when compared to previous studies using larger datasets with hundreds to thousands of variables for prediction19,20,64,65,66,67,68,69,70, and this task can be easily implemented on any digital device37,38,39. When the other mental health indices and demographics are included, data acquisition takes ~5 min to complete but has comparable prediction results to big data approaches19,20,64,65,66,67,68,69,70. Inclusion of the prior self-harm variable greatly improved the prediction of active suicidal ideation and planning for suicide, but did not improve prediction of passive suicidal ideation or planning for safety. This suggests that prior history might impact intention for harm, but not its inverse—the planning for self-preservation. Of the other mental health indices, the neurovegetative symptoms of depression in the PHQ8 most improved the predictive accuracy of the four STB variables, although by themselves each mental health index and age had higher Gini scores compared to the judgment variables. Loneliness is commonly considered a risk factor for STB18, and it was found to moderate the largest number of judgment variables in the prediction of STB variables. The addition of demographic variables was also not consistently beneficial for the prediction of STB, and competition between variables, leading to poorer prediction, cannot be ruled out71.
The sensitivity metric is important for evaluating the prediction efficacy of STB variables, particularly if intervention might be considered4,19,20,21,23,64,65,66,67,68,69,70. According to a review of studies since 2017 that reported a sensitivity metric for predicting suicidal ideation (Supplementary Table 5)4,19,20,21,23,64,65,66,67,68,69,70, sensitivities ranged from 41% to 87%, with AUC scores ranging from 0.61 to 0.94, in line with our findings4,19,21,64,65. Higher AUC scores and sensitivities were typically provided for peer-reviewed work with large feature sets consisting of neuroimaging data, although none of these publications segregated passive and active ideation, as done commonly in clinical interviews19,64. Furthermore, a number of studies relied on anonymized electronic health records, and did not explicitly report the number of features used, which can vary per participant4,21,23,65,67. A similar range of sensitivities has been reported for the prediction of suicide attempt(s) (30.8–100%) with AUC scores ranging from 0.59 to 0.99 in cohorts of between 75 and 2,959,689 participants4,19,20,21,23,65,66. The prediction of suicidal attempt(s) appears to be more common in the literature than other STB outcomes, but has the caveat of being predominantly retrospective reporting4,19,20,21,23,65,66. In studies in the past five to six years providing sensitivity results, prediction of suicide risk provided similar sensitivities to suicidal ideation and suicidal attempt(s) (between 59% and 85.3%), and AUC scores of up to 0.857 (refs. 68,69). Finally, it must be noted that prediction of completed suicide reports showed much lower sensitivities (between 28% and 69%) and lower AUC scores (between 0.66 and 0.8)21,70. Relative to this literature, prior studies have not (1) segregated passive from active ideation in prediction of suicidal ideation4,19,21,64,65, (2) explicitly predicted planning for harm or (3) explicitly predicted planning for safety, all while achieving results in the upper range of what is reported for prediction of suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts and completed suicides (Supplementary Table 5)4,19,20,21,23,64,65,66,67,68,69,70.
The type of ML used for imbalanced data has become a topic of substantial research72,73,74,75. In this study, BRF prediction outperformed GMM prediction and four standard approaches to ML, consistent with the literature76. With BRF prediction, each STB variable further had a unique profile of judgment variables that contributed to their prediction, in that the MI metric of variable contribution was unique (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 6). The only exception was loss aversion (LA), which had no mutual information with any STB variable, and was not involved in any mediation/moderation relationship. The values for LA observed in this study were quite low, consistent with other work using picture ratings where there is no consequence for making a rating, unlike an operant keypress that changes view time37,39. Each of the four STB variables was best classified by a unique weighting of the 15 judgment variables, arguing that distinct aspects of reward/aversion judgment are important for each of the four STB metrics. This observation raises the hypothesis that unique constellations of judgment variables may underlie other forms of mental health conditions and behavior. Should further work show this for other mental health conditions (for example, depression, anxiety, substance use disorder), such findings would strongly support calls from the ML community to develop a standard model of mind77, albeit a model centered around processes for judgment and agency that focus on reward and aversion assessments by an organism.
Some limitations should be considered. First, the cohort was collected from the United States. As psychopathologies may differ across cultures24,25, cultural influences may result in different judgment variable groupings affecting prediction. Second, all variables were self-reported and not from clinical records, although it is not clear how a prospective study of STB with thousands of participants performing an experimental cognitive task could be run if there was a chance that breaking the blind would save lives. Third, the cohort was sampled during the COVID-19 pandemic, in which greater incidents of loneliness and suicidality were reported2,3, arguing for further work in the absence of a pandemic.
The current work found that 15 judgment variables and limited mental health and demographic information predicted four STB measures with sensitivities and specificities around 80% using a BRF approach that produced the highest sensitivities of the approaches used. There appear to be few studies that integrate quantitative judgment features, such as from a short behavioral task, to predict distinct STB measures. This work supports publications suggesting that social and behavioral measures play a key role in the prediction of STB, sometimes surpassing clinical variables in predictive accuracies10,13. Contextual risk factors are also not typically studied in ML applications of STB7, yet predictive variables of suicidality can be contextual7,16 and the reported mediation/moderation results strongly support these reports. The current results contrast tendencies in the literature to either (1) use large feature sets for prediction (for example, hundreds to thousands of variables)19,20,64,66,67,68,69,70 or (2) collect expensive clinical or biological measures for prediction20,21,22,23,64,65,67,68,69,70. The data needed for prediction in this study can readily be acquired by smart phones and other digital devices, which are currently available for 92% of the US population78 and 85% of the world population48. The analysis does not require a supercomputer and thus can be scaled to populations for which big data and expensive clinical or biological measures are not available, meeting frameworks proposed by others for the development of a scalable detection platform for prediction of suicidality10. By combining multiple variables around STB, including assessments of planning for safety, this framework suggests a digital approach for early assessment and triage, which is particularly needed now10.
Going forward, future work might assess a broader set of features that can be extracted from the preference curves (that is the value, tradeoff and limit functions) besides the 15 used herein. Additionally, the analysis could be expanded to more deeply assess age and other demographic variables, such as between groups of adolescents and elderly participants. These age groups have different contextual risk factors79,80,81,82, making relevant contextual variables (retirement versus work status, insurance coverage, other medical illnesses, illness in peer group, familial social network and social media usage) potentially relevant variables. The study might also be followed up post pandemic to see if other variables become important as predictors or mediators/moderators. Given the current results, and the fact that every step of data collection, analysis and prediction can be automated, research groups with the requisite expertise might move forward with testing of such a system for populations at high risk (for example, higher education and the military)83,84.
Cohort recruitment
A third-party vendor, Gold Research Inc., recruited a population sample of adults across the United States (ages 18–70 years), with a final sample of 4,019 participants (see refs. 85,86 for the recruitment framework and procedures). To ensure adequate samples of participants with mental health conditions, Gold Research oversampled 15% of the sample for mental health conditions. Participant demographics were matched to the US Census Bureau at the time of sampling in December 2021. A total of 4,019 adults participated (mean age ± s.d. = 51.4 ± 14.9 years) (full demographics are provided in Supplementary Table 7), and, after applying data exclusion criteria, the data of 3,476 participants were retained. Informed consent was obtained for all participants, which included their primary participation in the study as well as the secondary usage of their anonymized, de-identified (that is, all identifying information removed by Gold Research Inc. before retrieval by the research group) data in secondary analyses. Informed consent was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Northwestern University (STU00213665 (ref. 55)) and the University of Cincinnati (2023-0164), in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Reward/aversion judgment task
Participants completed a picture-rating task on their personal computers or cellphones. Each participant viewed a randomized sequence of 48 images, displayed one at a time. Images were from the International Affective Picture Set87, with eight images from each of the six picture categories sports, disasters, cute animals, aggressive animals, nature and adults in bathing suits. Participants were asked to rate each image on an integer scale from −3 (a strong disliking) to +3 (a strong liking), with zero being neutral (Supplementary Fig. 2). There was no time limit for making a picture rating, although participants were asked to rate the images as quickly as possible and to use their first impression. The next image was displayed once a rating was selected. The instructions shown to participants were as follows:
‘The next part of this survey involves looking at pictures and then responding how much you like or dislike the image. Please rate each image on a scale from −3 (Dislike Very Much) to +3 (Like Very Much). Zero (0) is neutral… meaning you have no feelings either way. The images are a set of photographs that have been used by scientists around the world for over 20 years.
It is important you rate each picture based on your initial emotional response. There are no right or wrong answers… just respond with your feelings and rate the pictures very quickly.
Please click ‘Next’ to begin.’
See refs. 37,39 for further details.
Mental health indices and demographics
Demographics were acquired for five variables that have established relationships with neuroimaging51,52,53,54. Two published surveys were used in this study: (1) the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (ref. 49), with the question about suicide removed and henceforth referred to as PHQ8, and (2) the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), where only state questions were used50. We further queried (1) perceived loneliness (self-report of a five-point Likert-like scale) and (2) the number of prior attempts at harming oneself in the past year. These variables (henceforth ‘survey variables’), along with the judgment variables (described below), were inputs for supervised ML prediction. We sought to predict four STB measures adopted from the Massachusetts General Hospital Subjective Question screener (MGH SQ) used in the Phenotype Genotype Project in Addiction and Mood Disorders55,85,88: (i) passive suicidal ideation, (ii) active suicidal ideation (STB1), (iii) planning for suicide and (iv) planning for safety. For the variables in (1), (2) and (i)–(iv), we used a five-point Likert scale: 1 being ‘Never’, 2 being ‘Rarely’, 3 being ‘Sometimes’, 4 being ‘Often’ and 5 being ‘Always’. Survey ratings for (i)–(iv) were answered by participants as relating to the past month. The MGH SQ has been used in multiple studies38,89,90,91,92,93,94 and the four STB questions had been adapted to the MGH SQ from a clinical textbook on emergency psychiatry17.
Measurement of passive suicidality (‘Wishing to go to sleep and not wake up’) corresponded directly to the criteria of passive suicidality in the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (CSSRS)95 and the Columbia Lighthouse Project for the Navy (CLPN)96, which measured passive suicidality as either wishing to be dead or wishing to go to sleep and not wake up. Active suicidality (‘Wanting to hurt yourself or take your own life’) also corresponded to measurements in the CSSRS and CLPN; however, it did not explicitly measure intent (for example, ‘Have you had any thoughts about how you might do this’). Planning for suicide (‘Having a plan to take your own life’) similarly corresponded to survey questions in the CSSRS (for example, ‘Have you thought about doing something to make yourself not alive anymore?’) and CLPN (for example, ‘Have you done anything, started to do anything, or prepared to do anything to end your own life?’). We note that planning for safety (‘Having a safety plan for not hurting yourself when these feelings arise’) is not specifically measured in the CSSRS or CLPN. However, it is a fundamental component of assessing suicide risk17,26.
Specific demographics collected were (1) age group, (2) gender at birth (that is, sex), (3) race/ethnicity, (4) highest education level completed and (5) handedness. Demographic categories and frequencies are listed in Supplementary Table 7.
General data exclusion
The following quality assurance procedures were implemented as employed in other publications37,39,55,85. Participants meeting at least one of the following six criteria were omitted from the cohort: (1) participants with ten or more clinician-diagnosed illnesses, (2) participants that selected the same response for at least one section of the survey, (3) participants that rated all images in the behavioral task the same or with a variance of 1 (meaning only two of seven Likert points were used), (4) participants whose relative preference analysis yielded extreme outliers >3 Interquartile Ranges (IQRS) or incomplete measurements, (5) participants that had mismatching responses to years of education and education level in the survey, (6) participants that completed the questionnaire in less than 800 s (refs. 55,85). Data exclusion reduced the sample from 4,019 participants to 3,476 participants for analysis.
Reward/aversion judgment analysis
Computational behavior analysis used code published in refs. 38,39. Ratings (Supplementary Fig. 2) were analyzed for each participant as schematized in Supplementary Fig. 3, to produce relative preference theory (RPT) graphs (Fig. 1), which share a striking similarity to prospect theory and portfolio theory graphs38,88,97, yet use distinct variables. Procedures were performed in MATLAB as detailed elsewhere38,88,97 (Supplementary Methods). Relative preference variables were extracted using MATLAB 7.1 with the following toolboxes: Curve Fitting Toolbox 1.1.4, Image Processing Toolbox 5.1, MATLAB Builder for Excel 1.2.5, Statistics Toolbox 5.1 and Symbolic Math Toolbox 3.1.3.
As described in Supplementary Fig. 3, picture ratings produced an average magnitude (K), variance (σ) and pattern or information (that is, Shannon entropy (H)) related to participants’ preference behavior. The variable K reflects the average (mean) of the positive ratings (K+) or negative ratings (K−) a participant made within each picture category. Similarly, the variance in positive ratings (σ+) or negative ratings (σ−), along with the Shannon entropy (that is, information98) of positive ratings (H+) or negative ratings (H−) were computed for stimuli within each category. The Shannon entropy characterizes the degree of uncertainty across a set of responses98 and is a core variable in information theory. Given it quantifies the pattern of judgments made to a set of stimuli, it could be considered a memory variable. These variables capture judgments about the magnitude (intensity of rating) and valence of judgment (positive versus negative or approach versus avoidance) to describe relative preferences (Fig. 1)37,38,39,97.
For the computation of H, data were screened for cases where K = 0 for a given category (that is, cases where the participant made all neutral ratings to neither approach nor to avoid any stimulus in the category). Computation of H for a given picture category requires that K > 0, because H computation results in an undefinable log10(0/0) when K = 0. In such cases, H was set to 0 for categories in which the participant rated ‘0’ for all the stimuli.
To fit the models to participants’ ratings, the data were further screened for inclusion/exclusion criteria as follows:
Valid entropy (H) calculations (as above)
Further exclusion of extreme outliers: loss aversion values > 200, resulting in N = 42 exclusions; positive quadratic area >100, resulting in N = 5 exclusions
Sufficient data points to fit the model with a computable R2 (for example, at least three points for a nonlinear fit)
Coherence of model fits between individual and group data. This last criterion required that the curve direction for individual participant fits be consistent with the curve direction of the group-level statistical fits (and boundary envelopes).
Criteria (3) and (4) are necessary operational definitions for quality assurance given the potential for convergence failures with curve fitting. Overall, 3,476 of 4,019 participants met all quality assurance criteria for picture-rating data and survey data.
According to published procedures, six types of model fitting were performed for the rating data: group and individual models for the (K, H) data, (K, σ) data and (H+, H−) data. For the group data, we generated group-level data fits along with boundary envelopes (power-law fits and logarithmic fits for group (K, H) data), and quadratic fits for group (K, σ) data to guide the focus of statistical testing based on the power-law fits (K, H) and quadratic fits (K, σ) for individual data. Individual data then followed these fits based on logarithmic and simple power-law fits for individual (K, H) value functions, quadratic fits for individual (K, σ) limit functions, and radial fits for individual (H+, H−) tradeoff distributions38,97. For this study sample, participants’ (K, H) value functions were fit by concave-logarithmic or power-law functions (Supplementary Table 8 and Supplementary Fig. 4) with all R2 values >0.80 and ranging from 0.84 to 0.96. For the limit functions, concave quadratic fits across participants’ (K, σ) data had goodness of fit assessed using the same metrics as for the (K, H) data (Supplementary Table 8), and the R2 values varied from 0.85 to 0.94. Finally, radial functions were fit to test for tradeoff plots in the distribution of H− and H+ values across categories within each participant, as shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. Value (Supplementary Fig. 4a), limit (Supplementary Fig. 4b) and tradeoff (Supplementary Fig. 4c) functions were plotted for 500 randomly sampled participants out of 3,476 whose data met all quality assurance criteria. The location and dispersion estimates of the R2, adjusted R2 (accounting for degrees of freedom) and associated F-statistics for each participant’s model fit are provided in Supplementary Table 8.
From these graphs, judgment variables (Supplementary Table 9) were derived for ML. At least 15 features can be mathematically derived from this framework that are psychologically interpretable and have been validated37,39 as being discrete, recurrent and scalable by engineering criteria38,97. These 15 features are loss aversion, risk aversion, loss resilience, ante, insurance, peak positive risk, peak negative risk, reward tipping point, aversion tipping point, total reward risk, total aversion risk, reward–aversion tradeoff, tradeoff range, reward–aversion consistency and consistency range, as schematized in Fig. 1 and described in Table 1. Loss aversion, risk aversion, loss resilience, ante and insurance are derived from the logarithmic or power-law fit of mean key presses (K) versus the entropy of key presses (H); this is referred to as the value function (Fig. 1a). Peak positive risk, peak negative risk, reward tipping point, aversion tipping point, total reward risk and total aversion risk are derived from the quadratic fit of K versus the standard deviation of key presses (σ); this is referred to as the limit function (Fig. 1b). Reward aversion tradeoff, tradeoff range, reward–aversion consistency, and consistency range are derived from the radial fit of the pattern of avoidance judgments (H−) versus the pattern of approach judgments (H+); this is referred to as the tradeoff function (Fig. 1c). Each feature describes a quantitative component of a participant’s approach/avoidance or judgment/behavior (see Supplementary Methods for complete descriptions). Collectively, the 15 RPT features are referred to as ‘judgment variables’ herein.
Feature importance
Feature importance was assessed in two frameworks, one via an MI61 assessment and the other via a Gini importance score62 assessment. For this study, MI was computed between each of the 15 judgment variables and the four prediction outcomes of interest (passive suicidal ideation (STB1), active suicidal ideation (STB2), planning for suicide (STB3) and planning for safety (STB4)). The MI was used as a proxy for the dependence between the two random variables, with a larger mutual information between judgment variables and STB metrics suggesting higher importance of the feature in predicting STB. MI scores for the 15 judgment variables are expected to add to 1 for each of the STB measures tested. Note that the STB1–4 nomenclature is used only for figures and tables. Analyses were conducted using the package sklearn99 to calculate the mutual information scores in Python.
Gini importance scores reflected the feature importance (that is, rank) as determined using the function model.feature_importances_ in Python, and the results were reported and plotted using matplotlib.
Machine learning
The sensitivity of a binary classifier measures its ability to accurately label a symptom-positive class75. Sensitivity plays an important role in STB prediction due to the relevance of correctly identifying STB-positive individuals for potential intervention. However, imbalanced datasets typically result in poor sensitivities when the positive class is substantially less in size compared to the negative class75. To enable prediction with high sensitivity, two classifiers with the reported ability to handle data imbalance56,75,100 were compared to a set of standard classifiers. The BRF56 and GMM57 classifiers were thus chosen to predict the four STB measures, and compared to four standard classifiers (that is, random forest (RF), logistic regression (LR), neural network (NN) and support vector machine (SVM))58. The ML analyses used the parameters detailed in the following (and referenced in ref. 39). Across the analyses, the code was implemented in Python 3.9 using the packages imblearn 0.0, sklearn 1.2.2, pandas 2.0.2 and pandas 2.0.2. Feature importance (Gini scores and MI scores) were obtained with sklearn 1.2.2. Figures related to variable importance were plotted with seaborn 0.12.2.
The classifiers used the following features: (1) PHQ8 (absent the question on suicidality), (2) STAI, (3) perceived loneliness (self-report), (4) prior attempts at self-harm in the past 1–12 months, (5) five demographic variables (age, ethnicity, education level, sex and handedness) and (6) 15 judgment variables computationally extracted from a simple picture-rating task. The predictive power of variables in (1)–(6) was tested using BRF, GMM and the four standard classifiers to discriminate between the low and high measures of the four STB variables. Each STB measure was partitioned as binary data in two different ways for its 1–5 Likert ratings: 1 versus 2–5 (threshold = 1), and 1,2 versus 3–5 (threshold = 2). In each case, the binary data were analyzed with BRF, GMM and the four standard classifiers. Given potential cultural norms against reporting past self-harm59,60, variables from (1)–(3), (5) and (6) were initially tested, followed by a minimal predictor set of (4)–(6). As a third framework, the full set of (1)–(6) was also tested. In the analysis of variables from (1)–(3), (5) and (6), judgment variables from (6) were first tested, then the other variables were added incrementally. The same was done with the other two analysis frameworks (that is, using just a minimal predictor set for (4)–(6), and using all variables).
BRF analysis
BRF (Supplementary Fig. 5) was implemented in Python with the package imblearn100 with tenfold cross-validation. RF classifiers contain an ensemble of decision trees from which majority voting is performed to output a class label, and are typically trained by optimizing a Gini or information score56,99. In the BRF approach, an ensemble of 200 trees was constructed, where each bootstrap sample was randomly under-sampled to create a balanced dataset of both classes (that is, 50% of STB-positive and 50% of STB-negative data). Balancing was used for training only, and not for testing within cross-validation. No hyperparameter tuning was performed. Subsequent analysis was performed internally using the sklearn RF package through imblearn. Soft labels were used for majority voting, so that the majority vote was weighted on the probability of the sample belonging to the STB-positive class56,99,100. The BRF was trained using the Gini criterion, and no maximum tree depth was used, so nodes expanded until leaves were pure or contained at most one sample. The mean accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and AUC were reported.
GMM and standard classifiers
Analyses for GMM, RF, LR, NN and SVM classification were conducted with sklearn99 in Python (Supplementary Methods and Supplementary Fig. 6).
Mediation/moderation analysis
Unlike standard assessment of linear associations101,102, mediation assesses the causal pathway between variables and moderation assesses the interaction between such variables to predict a third variable54,63,103. Given the number of associations tested prior to mediation/moderation, and the potential for skewed distributions and outliers in human samples, we integrated Cook’s distance outlier analysis with mediation54,63,103 to protect against false positives and increase the analytic power. Mediation/moderation analyses were conducted in R 4.2.0 with the libraries readxl 1.4.0, MASS 7.3-56 and stats 4.2.0. Mediation/moderation analyses used the code sequences detailed in refs. 54,63.
Mediation analysis
Mediation models suggest that, instead of a direct causal relationship between the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y), there is an intermediary variable (M) so that X influences M, which in turn influences Y. Mediation analyses were conducted for all combinations of STB variables as dependent variables, RPT features as independent variables, and prior attempts, age, loneliness, PHQ8 score and STAI score as mediators. The STB variables involved no thresholding. Beta coefficients and their standard error(s) terms from the following linear regression equations, followed the four-step process of ref. 104, and were used from a regression to calculate Sobel P values and mediation effect percentages (Teff):
Step 1: Y = γ1 + c(X) + ϵ1
Step 2: M = γ2 + a(X) + ϵ2
Step 3: Y = γ3 + c′(X) + b(M) + ϵ3
Step 4: Sobel’s test was then used to test if c′ was significantly lower than c using the following equation:
Using a standard two-tail z-score table, the Sobel P value was determined from the Sobel z-score, and the mediation effect percentage (Teff) was calculated using
For mediation to be considered significant, we required that all three regressions between X predicting Y (that is, Pc), X predicting M (that is, Pa), and M predicting Y (that is, Pb') in Supplementary Table 3 show nominal significance with P < 0.05. Significant mediation further required the following: PSobel < 0.05 and Teff > 50%, following previous publications54,63,103. Secondary mediation analysis was run by switching variables assigned to X and M to see if the mediation effects were directed. For secondary analysis if PSobel > 0.05 and Teff < 50%, this added to the evidence of M lying in the causal pathway between X and Y.
Moderation analysis
Moderation models suggest that a moderator variable (Mo) controls the magnitude of the relationship between the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y). Moderation analyses were conducted for all combinations of STB variables as dependent variables, RPT features as independent variables, and prior attempts, age, loneliness, PHQ8 score and STAI score as moderators. No thresholds were considered for the STB variables. The original data for STB variables, involving five categories of severity, were used. The moderation analyses involved fitting a logistic regression to the data, described by
The standard approach was used, where the moderation was deemed significant if the P value of the interaction term (\({P}_{\rm{\beta }_{3}}\)) and the P value of the overall model (Poverall) were both less than or equal to 0.05 through likelihood ratio tests. The likelihood ratio test for the full model was implemented with the following null and alternative hypotheses:
The likelihood ratio test for the β3 coefficient was implemented with the following null and alternative hypothesis, respectively:
where the restricted model is
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this Article.
Data availability
Data were de-identified before being provided to the investigators. Data are available in Microsoft Excel format and include relative preference variables, demographic metrics and survey variables inclusive of suicidal thought and behavior (STB) variables. The data may be accessed at https://osf.io/6e2d4/. For questions concerning data availability, please contact the corresponding author.
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Funding for this work was provided in part to H.C.B. by the Office of Naval Research (ONR award no. N00014-21-1-2216) and to H.C.B. (contact primary investigator) and A.K.K. (subcontract primary investigator) (ONR award no. N00014-23-1-2396) and to H.C.B. from a Jim Goetz donation to the University of Cincinnati (UC), College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS). We also thank C. Ross, A. Braggs-Brown, T. Talavage, E. Nauman and M. Cahay at UC CEAS, who greatly impacted the transfer of research funding to UC, allowing this work to be completed. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily representative of those from their respective institutions.
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The study was conceived and designed by H.C.B., A.K.K. and S.L. Acquisition of the original data was performed by H.C.B., B.-W.K., N.L.V., S.B., S.L., L.S., M.B. and A.K.K. Coding of statistical tools was carried out by S.L., S.B. and B.-W.K. (with guidance from H.C.B. and A.K.K.). Data were analyzed by S.L., S.B. and B.-W.K. (with guidance from H.C.B. and A.K.K.). Data interpretation was carried out by S.L., H.C.B. and A.K.K. (with input from B.-W.K., N.L.V., S.B., L.S., M.B. and N.M.). Statistical assessments were performed by S.L., S.B. and B.-W.K. (with guidance from H.C.B. and A.K.K.). The original draft was written by S.L. and H.C.B. Figures were generated by S.L., L.S., B.-W.K. and H.C.B. Revision of the manuscript for content was performed by all authors. All authors approved the final version of the paper for submission.
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S.L., S.B., M.B., H.C.B., A.K., B.-W.K., L.S. and N.V. submitted a provisional patent “Systems and Methods Integrating Cognitive Science with Machine Learning for High Accuracy Prediction of Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors”. The provisional application is led by University of Cincinnati (Office of Innovation) in conjunction with Northwestern University, Application # 63/551,326. The other authors declare no competing interests.
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De-identified data were collected by a third-party vendor (Gold Research) to reflect the general population demographics in the United States at the time of collection (December 2021) and with oversampling by 15% for mental health conditions. All participants provided informed consent, which included their primary participation in the study as well as the secondary use of their anonymized, de-identified data (that is, all identifying information removed by Gold Research Inc. before retrieval by the research group) in secondary analyses. Informed consent was obtained for all participants, as approved by the Institutional Review Board of Northwestern University (NU; approval no. STU00213665) for initial project start and later also approved by the University of Cincinnati (UC) Institutional Review Board (approval no. 2023-0164) as some NU investigators moved to UC. All work was done in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
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Nature Mental Health thanks Katherine Schafer and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
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Lalvani, S., Bari, S., Vike, N.L. et al. Predicting suicidality with small sets of interpretable reward behavior and survey variables. Nat. Mental Health 2, 773–786 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44220-024-00229-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s44220-024-00229-x