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  • Perspective
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Investigating the connection between ageism and elder mistreatment


Elder mistreatment is recognized as a pervasive public health problem with detrimental consequences for older adults and society. Although considerable research has examined elder mistreatment risk factors at the individual level, there is a growing call for the field to move beyond proximal causes and consider underlying structural factors that influence elder mistreatment. Illustrating this shift, organizations, advocacy groups and researchers have proposed a connection between ageism and elder mistreatment. However, despite the assertion that ageism is a causal factor for elder mistreatment, there is a scarcity of research to demonstrate this relationship. In this Perspective, we examine the proposed conceptual pathways and limited empirical research connecting ageism and elder mistreatment. After identifying critical gaps in current knowledge, we propose a model that links ageism and elder mistreatment and a research agenda to bring conceptual clarity and empirical evidence to the study of this topic.

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Fig. 1: Elder mistreatment subtypes.
Fig. 2: Conceptual model illustrating pathways through which ageism leads to elder mistreatment.

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We thank D. Hancock for helpful comments on this article. K.P. acknowledges support from an Edward R. Roybal Center Grant from the National Institute on Aging (P30AG022845). D.B. acknowledges support from the National Institute on Aging (R01AG060080-0).

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K.P. led manuscript writing and collaborated on manuscript conceptualization, editing and revisions; D.B. collaborated on manuscript conceptualization, writing, editing and revisions; and A.M. collaborated on manuscript conceptualization, writing, editing and revisions.

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Correspondence to Karl Pillemer.

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Pillemer, K., Burnes, D. & MacNeil, A. Investigating the connection between ageism and elder mistreatment. Nat Aging 1, 159–164 (2021).

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