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  • Primer
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Piecewise linear neural networks and deep learning


As a powerful modelling method, piecewise linear neural networks (PWLNNs) have proven successful in various fields, most recently in deep learning. To apply PWLNN methods, both the representation and the learning have long been studied. In 1977, the canonical representation pioneered the works of shallow PWLNNs learned by incremental designs, but the applications to large-scale data were prohibited. In 2010, rectified linear units (ReLU) advocated the prevalence of PWLNNs in deep learning. Ever since, PWLNNs have been successfully applied to many tasks and achieved excellent performance. In this Primer, we systematically introduce the methodology of PWLNNs by grouping the works into shallow and deep networks. First, different PWLNN representation models are constructed with elaborated examples. With PWLNNs, the evolution of learning algorithms for data is presented and fundamental theoretical analysis follows up for in-depth understandings. Then, representative applications are introduced together with discussions and outlooks.

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Fig. 1: General workflow of applying the PWLNN method.
Fig. 2: Illustration of the topology of PWLNN representations, where the outputs of squared nodes denote the PWL mappings.
Fig. 3: Simple illustrations to visualize the resulting PWLNNs in Eqs (9) and (12).
Fig. 4: Illustration of the hinge function and its hinging hyperplanes.
Fig. 5: Simple illustration of the geometrical description and tree searching of learning an AHH.
Fig. 6: Illustration of the basis functions of SBF representation.

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This work is jointly supported by European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant E-DUALITY (787960), KU Leuven Grant CoE PFV/10/002, Grant FWO GOA4917N, EU H2020 ICT-48 Network TAILOR (Foundations of Trustworthy AI — Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization), Leuven.AI Institute, National Key Research and Development Program under Grant 2021YFB2501200 and Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project (2021SHZDZX0102).

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Introduction (Q.T., L.L., X.H., X.X., S.W. and J.A.K.S.); Experimentation (Q.T., L.L., X.H., X.X., S.W. and J.A.K.S.); Results (Q.T., L.L., X.H., X.X., S.W. and J.A.K.S.); Applications (Q.T., L.L. and J.A.K.S.); Reproducibility and data deposition (Q.T. and X.X.); Limitations and optimizations (Q.T., X.H. and J.A.K.S.); Outlook (Q.T., L.L., X.H. and J.A.K.S.).

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Correspondence to Qinghua Tao, Li Li or Xiaolin Huang.

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Induced conclusion by the Stone–Weierstrass approximation theorem

Any continuous function can be approximated by a piecewise linear (PWL) function to arbitrary accuracy.

PWL functions

(Piecewise linear functions). Functions that appear to be linear in subregions of the domain but are, in essence, non-linear in the whole domain.

Canonical piecewise linear representation

(CPLR). The pioneering compact expression by which a piecewise linear (PWL) function is constructed through a linear combination of multiple absolute-value basis functions.

Rectified linear units

(ReLU). Some of the most popular activation functions in neural networks, defined as the positive part of the arguments by max{0, x}.

Hinging hyperplanes

Two hyperplanes that constitute a hinge function, continuously joining at the so-called hinge; the hinging hyperplanes model has greatly contributed to construct flexible representation models for continuous piecewise linear (PWL) functions.

Backpropagation strategy

A strategy widely used to train feedforward neural networks and works by computing the gradients of weights of each layer in the network and iterating backward layer-wise for efficient calculation.

Stochastic gradient descent

(SGD). An iterative optimization algorithm, where the actual gradient is approximated or estimated commonly by a randomly selected subset of data.

PWL memristors

Considered the fourth (other than the resistor, the inductor and the capacitor) fundamental two-terminal circuit elements including a memory of past voltages or currents, those memristors pertaining to piecewise linear (PWL)-characterized dynamics.

Gradient vanishing problem

In the iterative updates of training deep neural networks (DNNs) with gradient-based algorithms, multiplying small values of gradients by backpropagation can lead to a very small value (approaching zero) in computing the gradients of early layers, which makes the network hard to proceed with in the training.

Least squares method

An approach to approximate the solutions of an unknown system given with a set of input–output data points by minimizing the sum of the squares of the residuals between the observed output data and the network’s output.

Gauss–Newton algorithm

A modified Newton method, which computes the second-order derivatives, to minimize a sum of squared loss in solving non-linear least squares problems.

Multivariate adaptive regression splines

A flexible regression model consisting of weighted basis functions, which are expressed in terms of the product of truncated power splines \({[\pm ({x}_{i}-\beta )]}_{+}^{q}\), and its training procedures can be interpreted as generalized tree searching based on recursive domain partitions.

Consistent variation property

Given a continuous piecewise linear (PWL) function, the necessary and sufficient condition on whether such a function can be expressed by a canonical piecewise linear representation (CPLR) model, where the properties of domain partitions and intersections between partitioned subregions are discussed; its detailed descriptions are given in the subsequent context.

Zaslavsky’s theorem of hyperplane arrangement

The maximal number of regions in \({{\mathbb{R}}}^{d}\) with an arrangement of m hyperplanes is estimated by \({\sum }_{j=0}^{n}\left(\begin{array}{l}m\\ j\end{array}\right)\).

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Tao, Q., Li, L., Huang, X. et al. Piecewise linear neural networks and deep learning. Nat Rev Methods Primers 2, 42 (2022).

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