Widespread drought driven by global warming is predicted across the 21st century, just as CO2 level is projected to as much as double over the same time period. However, the potential interplay between increasing CO2 and decreasing soil moisture on plant function is uncertain, as previous works have not successfully separated and quantified these two competing effects. Here we evaluated the interaction between soil moisture and CO2 using stable carbon isotope measurements of Arabidopsis grown under the simultaneous modulation of an exhaustive range of both variables. Results showed that both increasing soil water content and increasing CO2 increased isotopic discrimination, and that the soil moisture effect was not influenced by the CO2 level and vice versa. Our data confirm that changes in the carbon isotope record of terrestrial organic matter preserved within the geologic record are best interpreted as deriving from changes in atmospheric CO2.
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Because stomatal conductance at the leaf surface is responsive to soil moisture1,2, workers have long used measurements of plant carbon isotope value to interpret plant performance (i.e., carbon assimilation) under drought in agricultural3,4, ecological5,6, and climate change studies7,8,9. More recently, rapid rates of CO2 rise due to the burning of fossils fuels have led researchers to examine the effect of increased CO2 input on the net carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) imparted during photosynthesis, and have identified a significant change in fractionation across the levels of CO2 rise expected during the next century (e.g. refs. 10,11,12,13).
While multiple studies have evaluated the effect of soil moisture on Δ13C value under constant CO2 (e.g. refs. 14,15), and other studies have measured the effect of CO2 on Δ13C value under constant soil moisture10,12,16,17, experiments able to quantify the relative influence of both variables have remained elusive. Such experiments are critical for accurate interpretation of plant carbon assimilation from Δ13C value, particularly across changing time periods of rapidly changing CO2. Here we report results from Arabidopsis plants grown in controlled experiments that varied both soil moisture and CO2 systematically across a wide range, in order to quantify the influence of both variables on Δ13C value, and test for any interaction between the two.
Modeling approaches to evaluating the effect of water availability on plant response have focused on the examination of vapor pressure deficit (VPD) as the primary environmental driver (e.g. refs. 18,19). For our experiments, we chose to hold relative humidity constant throughout our experiments, in order to isolate the effects of soil moisture, rather than VPD. We chose this focus because although VPD and soil moisture do interact and are coupled20, soil water content has been shown to be the dominant driver of moisture stress within most ecosystems21,22,23. In addition, numerical approaches have confirmed the importance of soil moisture on stomatal function and called for models to include better characterizations of soil hydrology24.
We have chosen to analyze the response of biomass and Δ13C to CO2 in terms of a non-linear function as the hyperbolic pattern is a fundamental feature of biological systems25. Hyperbolic analysis is an established method for the analysis of CO2 fertilization of plant biomass (e.g. refs. 26,27). For the same reason, we also modeled the Δ13C response using a two-parameter rectangular hyperbola as within our previous work10.
where A is the asymptote, or maximum fractionation for a given water treatment at infinite CO2 (similar to 106 ppm); B is a measure of responsiveness, where higher values for B indicate the effect of CO2 on Δ13C saturates at lower CO2 (i.e., the function reaches the asymptote quickly); and C is an offset such that Δ13C = 4.4‰ at CO2 = 0 ppm (after28). Fitted estimates of A and B were obtained by iterative optimization to minimize the sum of the residuals squared.
Figure 1 presents the CO2 level provided for growth versus the above-ground biomass of harvested plants, separated by degree of water-stress as reflected by the gravimetric water content of the soil (i.e., θm = 27, 30, 45, 60%). Because biomass is not normally distributed across individual plants, we reported the data in terms of ln-transformed milligrams according to convention (after29). Our measurements showed that biomass increased with increasing CO2 at each level of θm (Fig. 1). Responsiveness to CO2 level, as quantified by the slope parameter (B*) was remarkably similar across all levels of θm (i.e., within 0.04 units) (Table 1). Biomass increased with increasing θm value in a strongly non-linear fashion: between the θm values of 30% and 45%, biomass (mg) increased ~160% on average; between the θm values of 45% and 60%, biomass (mg) increased by ~40% (Fig. 2, Table 2).
Some variation in biomass between individual plants grown under identical conditions is to be expected, as quantified by ref. 29. who reported biomass variability from a wide range of growth experiments (n = 569). They found a median σlnw (standard deviation of ln-transformed biomass) value of 0.3; the average σlnw in our experiments ≤0.3 for all soil moisture treatments, indicating a typical level of variation between the individuals of our study.
Carbon isotopes
Stable carbon isotope measurements of plant tissues showed an increase in Δ13C with increasing CO2 at each level of θm (Fig. 3). While the hyperbolic pattern of the Δ13C response to CO2 fit very well (mean absolute error ≤0.4‰) for each value of θm (Fig. 3), we observed a marked difference in the absolute Δ13C value across θm treatments less than 45%. Specifically, we observed a consistent offset in Δ13C of 2.7 ± 0.3‰ between θm treatments of 30% and 45% and an additional 3.1 ± 0.3‰ offset between θm treatments of 27% and 30%, reflecting the known effect of water-stress on δ13Cp value (e.g. ref. 30). However, when comparing the θm treatments ≥45%, the measured Δ13C value was nearly the same for both θm = 45% and 60% at all levels of CO2 tested (i.e., the average difference was only 0.2‰).
Because both biomass and Δ13C value increased with increasing CO2 and Δ13C value is a measure of plant carbon assimilation, we considered the effect of biomass on Δ13C value by examining if larger plants had higher Δ13C values within a given experiment. Despite the broader trend between biomass and Δ13C value across CO2 levels, we found no effect of biomass on Δ13C value within experiments [median slope = −0.1‰ per ln(mg), p = 0.28, n = 18)], with a majority (n = 11) yielding a negative slope (i.e., lower Δ13C with increasing biomass). A lack of effect of biomass on Δ13C value within a treatment is consistent with previous results31, which also saw no correlation between Δ13C and below- or above-ground biomass (R2 < 0.1), suggesting small intra-experiment variations in Δ13C value are inherent variability not attributable to the small variations in biomass.
Photorespiration, the loss of fixed carbon due to successful competition of O2 for sites on the Rubisco enzyme, is extremely responsive to CO2 (ref. 32). Independent observations of the glycolate pathway have confirmed that photorespiration decreases with increasing CO2 (ref. 33), leading to enhanced biomass34 and higher Δ13C value35.
Soil moisture constitutes an obvious control on the amount of biomass produced during growth (e.g. ref. 36), thus the increase in biomass with increasing θm that we observed followed expected patterns, given the documented effect of soil-water deficit on the physiological processes that govern cell growth37. Decades of previous work have documented an increase in biomass with increasing CO2 level, mainly from studies examining elevated CO2 up to only 475–750 ppm (e.g. refs. 38,39,40,41,42), but also in studies that include super-elevated CO2 levels, i.e., up to 900–1200 ppm (e.g. refs. 31,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50) and higher (i.e., >10,000 ppm) (e.g. refs. 51,52,53). This “fertilization-effect” of elevated CO2 on biomass was also apparent in our experiments, across all levels of soil moisture. Thus, the results of our experiments showed the clear effect of both variables on Arabidopsis biomass, in keeping with both sets of literature.
Our biomass results suggest two things: first, that the plant’s physiological experience of water-stress did indeed increase with the amount of water-stress applied in the form of gravitational water content (θm). Second, because we investigated plant response across multiple levels of soil moisture (θm = 27, 30, 45, and 60%), we were able to observe that the physiological experience of water-stress was not linearly related to θm value; for example, plants experienced much more physiological distress from a decrease in θm value from 45% to 30%, than from 60% to 45%. Both implications hold true across the wide range of CO2 levels used in our experiments (i.e., 389–2175 ppm). The observed biomass response is a testament to the severe water stress achieved within these experiments, including lack of seedling viability at ambient CO2 and minimum soil water content (θm ≤ 30%).
The observation that increasing water-stress results in decreased Δ13C values under a given CO2 level has been known for nearly half a century (e.g. ref. 30). We previously showed that increasing CO2 results in increased Δ13C values under constant soil moisture in multiple plant-growth experiments including super-ambient CO2 levels up to 4200 ppm (ref. 10), and sub-ambient CO2 levels down to 97 ppm (ref. 16). It is notable that the Δ13C values gained from the experiments presented here, which were designed to evaluate both variables simultaneously across a wide range of water-stress, showed the same hyperbolic response as our previous studies growing plants under constant soil moisture and across a range of CO2 (ref. 10).
Studies that report Δ13C values for multiple levels of CO2 can be quantitatively compared via the slope (S) of the response. We proposed a unifying relationship between CO2 and S-values using data from 23 published plant growth studies encompassing sub-ambient, ambient, and elevated CO2 levels10,54,55 (Supplementary Table 1):
We calculated the S-values for each of the θm-treatments using fitted regression data, and found them in agreement with the relationship above (Fig. 4). This means that the same increase in Δ13C value with increasing CO2 occurred at all levels of soil water content, including both PWP and FC, as well as at the midpoint, θm = 45% (e.g. compare S-values in Table 3). Thus we expect that the change in Δ13C value with increasing CO2 is the same across all conditions of soil moisture that support plant growth.
This study shows that the predictive, non-linear response between CO2 and Δ13C value observed previously within only well-watered experiments persists across a wide range of soil water content. Furthermore, our results provide the experimental data to quantify the relative contribution of soil moisture and CO2 on carbon isotope discrimination of plant tissue, and point towards two separate, but related, conclusions. First, the data show that the effect of CO2 on Δ13C value is quantitatively the same across all levels of θm, from maximum soil hydration to the minimum soil hydration required to prevent plant death. Specifically, Δ13C value increased non-linearly with increasing CO2, consistent with the effect of diminished photorespiration under increasing CO2.
Second, the data show that the effect of soil moisture on Δ13C value is non-linear across all levels of CO2. Consistent with ref. 56. no meaningful change in Δ13C value was observed at FC or at intermediate levels of soil water content (i.e., θm = 60 and 45%); significant change in Δ13C was observed only when soil water content was decreased to near the permanent wilting point, suggesting that stomatal conductance (ci/ca) was only affected when soil moisture was severely limited.
Decrease in soil moisture is one of the many consequences of drought that affect plant carbon assimilation57. The results presented here confirm soil moisture as a dominant control on photosynthesis, including within ecosystems subject to increasing CO2. However, anthropogenically increasing CO2 is actively imparting an additional, non-linear, and significant isotopic discrimination. From this we suggest that workers seeking to evaluate plant carbon assimilation under increasing dryness using stable carbon isotopes must first account for concurrently rising CO2 within the earth’s atmosphere.
Our findings also have implications for the reconstruction of past CO2, given that the photorespiration mechanism is a conserved trait through the billion-plus year history of photosynthesis. We have argued that if the carbon isotopic composition of the ancient atmosphere is known or assumed, Δ13C can be calculated from the δ13C records of terrestrial organic matter (TOM) and used to estimate the CO2 of the past54. We have used this method to reconstruct CO2 across the last 23 Ma (ref. 58), as well as across multiple intervals of the Paleogene55,59,60,61. Others have also applied our work to calculate CO2 during the middle Miocene62, Eocene63, late Paleocene64, Aptian (early Cretaceous)65, early Bajocian (Middle Jurassic)66, early Toarcian (Early Jurassic)67, Pliensbachian–Toarcian transition (Early Jurassic)68, Sinemurian (Early Jurassic)69, Permian-Triassic70, and Paleozoic71.
Despite the classically-established wetland megabias72,73,74,75, which affirms that long-term preservation of terrestrial organic material is overwhelmingly relegated to wet-environments, a recurring critique of our model is that it does not incorporate the potential effect of water stress on Δ13C (refs. 76,77), an effect that, if present, would lead to a systematic underestimate of CO2 (ref. 78). This study presents evidence that variations in θm between 45 and 60% (i.e., the soil moisture levels germane to the floodplain, wetland, and forest ecosystems) are negligible compared to the effect of CO2 on Δ13C on where TOM is preserved. This implies that, short of the appearance of independent evidence for soil moisture levels decreasing to near wilting-point, changes in Δ13C inferred from fossilized TOM are best interpreted as a record of change in CO2.
Materials and method
Experimental design
Several methods have been employed for the experimental application of a quantified and consistent level of soil moisture across a period of plant growth. For example, plant irrigation (e.g. ref. 79) allows for a quantification of gross water supply (e.g., ml/day/pot), but results in heterogeneous water stress among individual plants as they deplete the soil water at different rates during growth. More intensive methods such as directly manipulating soil water potential via the addition of an osmoticum such as mannitol (e.g. ref. 80) are not suitable for long-term growth experiments due to phytotoxicity under prolonged exposure.
For the work reported here, we built upon the gravimetric method described by ref. 81 for the maintenance of soil water content for plant growth quantified in terms of g of water per g of soil (θm), for use within the Plexiglas chambers that we designed to supply known and consistent levels of elevated CO2 for up to several months of plant growth82. Briefly, the method from ref. 81 involves the determination of θm at retention capacity, followed by daily pre-dawn gravimetric augmentation to maintain a chosen level of θm for individual plants across several weeks of growth. An automated version of the original method (“PHENOPSIS”) was used to successfully maintain Arabidopsis growth under stabilized drought conditions until the end of rosette development (i.e., germination through the growth of 10–15 leaves)83, significantly advancing the utility of the Arabidopsis genome for the study of plant water stress.
Because our goal was to measure the effects of the full range of soil moisture under which plants are viable, we performed trial experiments designed to quantify θm across the full range of soil water content that a plant may experience, i.e., between mortality due to excess water and mortality due to insufficient water. Our first task was to calibrate the θm of our experimental soil in terms of field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP) under ambient CO2. PWP, the minimum hydration within a soil to prevent mature plant death is classically defined as −1.5 MPa of hydraulic head. FC, the maximum hydration that an aerated soil may hold, is defined as −0.33 MPa. Because hydraulic head is strongly affected by soil porosity, values of θm (i.e., the variable modulated by the gravimetric method above) are specific to soil type.
To perform this calibration, we first irrigated our experimental soil (a peat-moss based potting soil containing 0.21% total nitrogen, 0.11% available phosphate and 0.16% soluble potash) to just above FC, as signified by the first appearance of standing soil water. At this level of soil moisture, trial Arabidopsis plants experienced wilting and then mortality due to root hypoxia, as expected. We determined the θm of this condition to be 1.63 g g−1 (62%). Similarly, we observed that trial Arabidopsis plants experienced desiccation and mortality when θm fell below 0.44 g g−1 (30%). We confirmed our experimental results against the work of ref. 84 who measured the gravimetric water content of peat-based soils at both FC and PWP in order to characterize hydrophobicity during soil wetting and drying cycles; they determined FC = 1.50 g g−1 (60%) and PWP = 0.44 g g−1 (30%).
Based on the congruence of our empirical data with the published standard above, we chose θm = 1.50 g g−1 (60%) as the high-end value for our CO2 experiments as a representation of luxury conditions, i.e., growth unlimited by water availability. We chose θm = 0.40 g g−1 (27%) as the low-end value even as we fully expected plant mortality under ambient CO2. We anticipated some growth at the 27 and 30% level under elevated CO2 as high levels of carbon dioxide have long been known to alleviate water stress via high concentration of carbon in the atmosphere offsetting reduced diffusion due to stomatal closure (e.g. ref. 85). In addition, we included θm = 0.83 g g−1 (45%; i.e., the midpoint between 30% and 60%) in order to gain comparative insight into relative functioning under substantial, but not terminal, water stress.
Because our ultimate aim was to produce experimental results with the potential to scale up to real-world scenarios, we followed the guidance offered by ref. 86 which stressed the need for plant experiments to account for non-linearity in system responsiveness. By designing our experiments to include five different levels of CO2 and four different levels of θm, we allowed for a higher-order analysis that lends itself to upscaling. Table 4 lists the values of θm, CO2, and the number of plants analyzed (n) for each of the experiments performed.
Plant growth
We germinated a total of 164 Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0, Carolina Biological, USA) seeds within individual pots inside five controlled growth chambers, each maintained at one of the following CO2 levels: 389, 685, 1076, 1583, and 2175 ppm. These levels span 200+ years of recent and projected CO2 (years: ~2010–2250) (refs. 87,88). CO2 levels were maintained at their target concentrations by bleeding pure cylinder CO2 into an intake pipe where it mixed with ambient air10, all major atmospheric gases (N2, O2, Ar) were not modulated from ambient conditions within our experiments, but their high concentrations (percent scale) and long mean residence times in ambient atmosphere preclude significant variation between CO2 treatments89, particularly given the high flow-through rate of our chambers (complete atmospheric turnover occurred once every ~10.4 min). Moreover, N2 and Ar are highly unreactive, and previous work showed that the effect of O2 on Δ13C is minor compared with changes in CO2, even when O2 is intentionally varied by several percent12. We chose to test our hypotheses using common Arabidopsis because it is the most widely studied plant in modern biology and serves as the model multicellular photoautotroph for study of molecular, cellular, and developmental processes90. This includes the first elucidation of the photorespiratory mechanism in plants91, which is subject of our experiments and the fundamental carbon isotope theory tested here.
For the period encompassing germination and early emplacement, each plant was subject to identical environmental conditions designed to support growth without limitation, in keeping with those used in our previous experiments10,16,31,82,92,93. In keeping with published standards for Arabidopsis growth94, all plants were grown in the peat-based soil described above; no additional fertilizer was applied for the duration of the experiment. Similarly, light levels (i.e., photosynthetic photon flux) were maintained at 280 µmol m−2 s−1 (400–700 nm) for 14 continuous hours each day. Because we wanted to isolate the effects of CO2 and soil moisture only on Δ13C value, other variables, including average air temperature and average relative humidity were maintained constant across all treatments (average air temperature = 21.9–22.2 °C; average relative humidity = 64.0–66.1%). This was achieved using dedicated air conditioning units (Everstar model MPN1-095CR-BB6) and computer-controlled custom humidifiers93.
In order to support the first eleven days of seedling growth, we manipulated the water available within each pot so that θm = 1.50 g g−1 (60%); after this θm adjustment period, we either maintained this value or allowed the plant to dry to experimental conditions. Within one week, we had stabilized at least ten of the original twelve seedlings at each level of θm (i.e., 60%, 45%, 30%, and 27%) within the elevated CO2 chambers, as well as in the pots with θm = 60% or 45% within the ambient CO2 chamber. We allowed plants to grow until floral initiation (27–30 days after seed sowing) while individually maintaining each pot at its stabilized level of θm using the augmentation method described earlier. As expected from our trial results, no plants could live or grow at θm ≤ 30% under ambient CO2 indicating that we have included conditions of maximum water stress in our experimental range.
Just prior to flowering, the above-ground tissues from each plant were harvested and dried at 60 °C, then weighed to assess the biomass of each plant (±0.1 mg). In order to evaluate biomass addition during the θm adjustment period, we grew an additional 87 plants for the specific purpose of harvesting these plants on day 17 (12 days after germination). The median biomass of these seedlings = 0.9 ± 0.4 mg, meaning that the vast majority (96–99%) of the plants’ final biomass was added after manipulation of water stress to experimental conditions.
Isotope analysis
After dried tissue was assessed for biomass, it was homogenized using a mortar and pestle in preparation for stable isotope analysis. The δ13C value of the above-ground tissues from each plant (δ13Cp) was analyzed using a Delta V Advantage Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Thermo Fisher, Bremen, Germany) coupled to a Costech ECS 4010 Elemental Analyzer with a zero-blank autosampler (Costech Analytical, Valencia, CA, USA). Data were normalized to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) scale using internal lab reference materials (JGLUT: δ13C = −13.43‰; JGLY: δ13C = −43.51‰). In order to assess the accuracy and precision of the analyses, six capsules of quality-assurance standards (JRICE) were analyzed as unknowns with each batch run. Across all analyses, the JRICE quality assurance sample averaged δ13C = −27.37 ± 0.05‰ (n = 60), which is in agreement with the calibrated value of −27.37‰. Each homogenized plant sample was also analyzed in triplicate; the average standard deviation of the three replicates was 0.07‰. This level of precision (1σ better than ±0.1‰) is expected for stable isotope mass spectrometry work, and commonly reported for well homogenized, easy to combust organic material (e.g., plant materials)95,96,97.
In order to precisely calculate Δ13C [Δ13C = (δ13Ca − δ13Cp)/(1 + δ13Cp)], samples of air were collected from within each chamber and analyzed for the δ13C value of CO2 (δ13Ca) using the direct injection method described previously10,82, with calibrated reference gas δ13C values = −25.3‰ and −10.3‰. Precision for each reference gas across the duration of the experiment was 0.1‰ (1σ, n = 22 and 21 respectively). The standard deviation of the δ13Ca value within each chamber over the course of the 8 sample days did not exceed ±0.1‰ for any chamber, and thus reflected the δ13Ca value within each chamber throughout the course of the plant growth experiments (Fig. 5).
The reason we reported our data in terms of the carbon isotope discrimination by the plant [i.e., Δ13C, after ref. 98], rather than δ13Cp, is that Δ13C value is independent of the source air CO2 composition (i.e., δ13Ca). This is particularly important for chamber experiments in which the δ13Ca value differs with CO2 treatments (lower δ13Ca with increasing CO2, Fig. 5) or any environment in which δ13Ca is changing99. This is the same reason that changes in plant carbon isotope value measured across recent industrialization (e.g. ref. 100) are best interpreted in terms of isotopic discrimination, which removes the influence of δ13Ca on δ13Cp (ref. 99). We note that Δ13C is a measure of the intrinsic isotopic discrimination by the plant, and is by definition independent of the source air composition (i.e., δ13Ca).
The standard deviation of our Δ13C data (σΔ) was at least half that of efforts by other researchers (i.e., ref. 77) for both our two highest θm treatments (σΔ = 0.2‰ for θm = 45 and 60%) and two lowest θm treatments (σΔ = 0.8‰ and 0.7‰ for θm = 27% and 30%, respectively), which allowed for clear observation of the CO2 versus Δ13C response across multiple levels of soil moisture. The full complement of biomass and stable carbon isotope data is included in Supplementary Table 2 and summarized in Table 2.
Data availability
Supplementary Table 2 contains all stable isotope and biomass measurements for each plant grown in this study. Supplementary Table 1 contains all calculated changes in Δ13C value per ppm CO2 (i.e., S) compiled from literature data and reported in Fig. 4. Data generated in this project are available in the Dryad data repository, https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.xgxd254qv.
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We thank W.M. Hagopian, J.N. Bostic, R.A. Graper, and S. Palafox for laboratory assistance. This paper was improved using feedback from V.J. Hare and two anonymous reviewers. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under awards DE-FG02-13ER16412 and DE-FG02-09ER16002, and the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence scheme, project number 332523 (PHAB).
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A.H.J. designed the experiments with input from B.A.S., A.H.J. and B.A.S. analyzed the data, A.H.J. and B.A.S. wrote the manuscript.
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Jahren, A.H., Schubert, B.A. Plant response to decreasing soil moisture under rising atmospheric CO2 levels. Commun Earth Environ 5, 412 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01576-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01576-4
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