Correction to: Communications Earth & Environment, published online 15 September 2021.

The original version of this Article contained an error in Fig. 2, in which an additional panel was included at the top of the figure and labelled ‘a)’ with the following panels labelled ‘b)’ to ‘i)’. In the correct version of Fig. 2 this panel has been removed and the remaining panels re-labelled ‘a)’ to ‘h)’. The correct version of Fig. 2 is

which replaces the previous incorrect version

This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.

The original version of this Article contained two errors in Fig. 3, in which the number ‘8’ on the vertical axis on the left hand side of panel ‘b)’ was incorrectly coloured red and the number ‘3’ at the top of the vertical axis on the right hand side of panel ‘c)’ was incorrectly coloured black. In the correct version of Fig. 3 the number ‘8’ on the vertical axis on the left hand side of panel ‘b)’ is coloured black and the number ‘3’ at the top of the vertical axis on the right hand side of panel ‘c)’ is coloured blue. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.