Correction to: Communications Earth & Environment, published online 18 December 2020.

The original version of this Article contained errors in the author affiliations. Emmanuel Boss was incorrectly associated with “Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), Paris, France.” and the affiliation “School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04401, USA.” was inadvertently omitted.

In addition, the original version of this Article contained errors in the author contributions statement, which incorrectly read “M.T. and J.M.F. conceived, designed and set up the experiment”. The correct version replaces this sentence with “J.M.F. and M.T. designed and installed the atmospheric measurements suite onboard the Tara”.

Further, the author contribution statement incorrectly read “M.L.P. and F.L. sampled the seawater. G.G. was chief scientist onboard the Tara. G.G., E.B., and Y.R. contributed to data interpretation and writing”. The correct version replaces this sentence with “M.L.P. and F.L. performed seawater analyses. J.M.F., G.G., E.B., and Y.R. contributed to data interpretation and writing”.

The errors have been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.