Correction to: Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, published online 23 May 2024

In the version of the article initially published, the first affiliation originally included the wrong city which has now been amended to “Enschede”. In the “Satellite” column of Table 1, “JILIN-1” originally read “JINLIN-1”. In the “Landsat” row, “Spatial resolution (m)” column, “PAN 15; multi 30” originally read “8”, and in the “Spectral response (nm)” column, “PAN 520–900; RGB–NIR” originally read “PAN 500–900”. In the “Data availability” column, “2014–” was originally missing. The legend to Fig. 4 now begins “Selected examples of direct impacts…” rather than “Direct impacts…”. These changes have been made to the HTML and PDF versions of the article.