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Agricultural diversification promotes sustainable and resilient global rice production


Rice is a staple food for half of the human population, but the effects of diversification on yields, economy, biodiversity and ecosystem services have not been synthesized. Here we quantify diversification effects on environmental and socio-economic aspects of global rice production. We performed a second-order meta-analysis based on 25 first-order meta-analyses covering four decades of research, showing that diversification can maintain soil fertility, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration and yield. We used three individual first-order meta-analyses based on 39 articles to close major research gaps on the effects of diversification on economy, biodiversity and pest control, showing that agricultural diversification can increase biodiversity by 40%, improve economy by 26% and reduce crop damage by 31%. Trade-off analysis showed that agricultural diversification in rice production promotes win–win scenarios between yield and other ecosystem services in 81% of all cases. Knowledge gaps remain in understanding the spatial and temporal effects of specific diversification practices and trade-offs.

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Fig. 1: Vote counting shows that agricultural diversification practices generally have a positive effect on ecosystem services and yields.
Fig. 2: Effects of agricultural diversification on socio-economic and environmental variables in global rice production.
Fig. 3: Agricultural diversification effects on crop yield and at least one other ecosystem service.
Fig. 4: Effects of agricultural diversification on economy, biodiversity and pest control.

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Data availability

All data used in this study are publicly available at the Web of Science ( and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure database ( The dataset54 for this article is available at Source data are provided with this paper.

Code availability

All analyses were done in R (v.4.2.0) with the package metafor (v.3.4-0) for the meta-analyses. The R code is available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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We thank collaborators from China Rice Network for discussions on the study conceptualization, data collection and analysis. We thank P. Zhao (Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China) for helping with the figure visualization. We thank F. Guo (PhD student, Westlake University) for helping with ASReview during the paper selection process. T.C.W. was funded by a Westlake University start-up fund. P.B. was supported by the Hungarian National Research and Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH KKP 133839).

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X.H. and T.C.W. conceptualized and designed the study and wrote the original draft. X.H., T.C.W. and S.G. collected the data. X.H., P.B. and T.C.W. developed the methodology and performed the analyses and the visualization. T.C.W. secured the funding and supervised the project. X.H., T.C.W., P.B., Y.Z., W.Z., G.W., Z.L., Y.B., Z. Zhu, J.S., Z. Zhang, Z.Q., Z.P., M.M., J.L. and H.C. reviewed and edited the paper.

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Correspondence to Xueqing He or Thomas Cherico Wanger.

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He, X., Batáry, P., Zou, Y. et al. Agricultural diversification promotes sustainable and resilient global rice production. Nat Food 4, 788–796 (2023).

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