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Integrating crop redistribution and improved management towards meeting China’s food demand with lower environmental costs


China feeds 19.1% of the world’s population with 8.6% of the arable land. Here we propose an integrated approach combining crop redistribution and improved management to meet China’s food demand in 2030. We simulated the food demand, estimated the national crop production through the productivity of the top 10% of producers in each county, and optimized the spatial distribution of 11 groups of crop types among counties using the data of the top producers. Integrating crop redistribution and improved management increased crop production and can meet the food demand in 2030, while the agricultural inputs (N and P fertilizers and irrigation water) and environmental impacts (reactive N loss and greenhouse gas emissions) were reduced. Although there are significant socio-economic and cultural barriers to implementing such redistribution, these results suggest that integrated measures can achieve food security and decrease negative environmental impacts. County-specific policies and advisory support will be needed to achieve the promises of combining optimization strategies.

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Fig. 1: Schematic flow of the China’s crop production strategy in the future.
Fig. 2: The estimated total crop and protein production for the reference years 2012 and 2018 and the demand and production (only protein, for two scenarios) for the target year 2030.
Fig. 3: The outcomes of the five optimizations and the average of the five outcomes relative to 2012.
Fig. 4: Crop configuration and effective crop diversity of each province between 2012 and optimization.
Fig. 5: Spatial variations of changes due to optimized crop distribution (the average of five optimization strategies) relative to 2012.

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Data availability

The national farmer survey and Nr loss observation dataset compiled for this study are available in the Data Repository on Zenodo ( Source data are provided with this paper. All other data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Code availability

All computer codes generated during this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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We acknowledge all those who provided local assistance and technical services involving the farmer survey. This work was financially supported by the Science and Technology Plan Project of Qinghai Province (2019-NK-A11-02), the Taishan Scholarship Project of Shandong Province (no. TS201712082) and Chinese Universities Scientific Fund (no. 2022TC036).

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Z.C., Y.Y. and Z.W. designed the study. Z.C. led the study. Z.W. and Y.Y. contributed to the method construction, data analysis and writing. Y.W., X.T., H.Y., Q.Z. and S.L. provided the emission data. Y.X., O.O., F.Z., M.D., L.M., W.D.B. and F.Z. have revised the study.

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Correspondence to Zhenling Cui.

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Wang, Z., Yin, Y., Wang, Y. et al. Integrating crop redistribution and improved management towards meeting China’s food demand with lower environmental costs. Nat Food 3, 1031–1039 (2022).

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