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Conservation policies informed by food system feedbacks can avoid unintended consequences


Understanding the feedbacks between food systems and conservation policies can help avoid unintended environmental consequences. Using a survey-based choice experiment and economic modelling, we quantify the potential impact of tourists’ responses to a shift in offshore fish supply after the designation of a large-scale marine protected area in Palau. We find that this conservation policy may increase offshore fish prices and tourists’ consumption of reef fish, thereby further endangering local reef ecosystems. However, if tourists are offered a sustainable offshore choice, their demand for fish could be kept at current levels, and environmental impacts from increased reef fish consumption would be avoided.

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Fig. 1: Demand functions of reef fish and offshore fish for different levels of offshore fish price.
Fig. 2: WTP estimates and scenarios.

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The authors declare that all of the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Information and Supplementary Data files.

Code availability

The custom code generated for this study is available in the Supplementary Data file.


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We thank National Geographic Pristine Seas for funding this project; the Palau International Coral Reef Center for coordinating and supporting the data collection; the survey enumerators, including A. Uchel and T. Holm; and T. Oliver for providing advice on our statistical analysis.

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S.A.L., K.L.L.O. and R.D. planned the project. S.A.L., K.L.L.O., R.D., C.F., S.F and P.A.S.J. designed the study. S.A.L. K.L.L.O., R.D. and L.M. collected the surveys. C.F., S.A.L., K.L.L.O., R.D. and S.F. conducted the analysis. C.F. and S.F. designed and estimated the choice experiment analysis. S.A.L., C.F. and K.L.L.O. wrote the paper. R.D., S.F., P.A.S.J., L.M. and Y.G. contributed to the writing.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Staci A. Lewis.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Peer review information Nature Food thanks Mark Zimring and Hollie Booth for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Supplementary Information

Survey instrument, Supplementary Figs. 1–5 and Supplementary Tables 1–12.

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Data and code for the choice experiment calculations, WTP modelling, demographics analysis and consumption calculations.

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Lewis, S.A., Fezzi, C., Dacks, R. et al. Conservation policies informed by food system feedbacks can avoid unintended consequences. Nat Food 1, 783–786 (2020).

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