Artificial intelligence (AI) models are vulnerable to information leakage of their training data, which can be highly sensitive, for example, in medical imaging. Privacy-enhancing technologies, such as differential privacy (DP), aim to circumvent these susceptibilities. DP is the strongest possible protection for training models while bounding the risks of inferring the inclusion of training samples or reconstructing the original data. DP achieves this by setting a quantifiable privacy budget. Although a lower budget decreases the risk of information leakage, it typically also reduces the performance of such models. This imposes a trade-off between robust performance and stringent privacy. Additionally, the interpretation of a privacy budget remains abstract and challenging to contextualize. Here we contrast the performance of artificial intelligence models at various privacy budgets against both theoretical risk bounds and empirical success of reconstruction attacks. We show that using very large privacy budgets can render reconstruction attacks impossible, while drops in performance are negligible. We thus conclude that not using DP at all is negligent when applying artificial intelligence models to sensitive data. We deem our results to lay a foundation for further debates on striking a balance between privacy risks and model performance.
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The rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in medicine promises to transform healthcare, offering improvements ranging from specific applications, such as more precise pathology detection or outcome prediction, to the promise of general medical AI1,2,3,4,5. However, recent results highlight a substantial vulnerability: AI models may disclose details of their training data. This can happen either inadvertently or be forced through attacks by malicious third parties, also called adversaries. Among the most critical attacks are data reconstruction attacks, where the adversary attempts to extract training data from the model or its gradients6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17. Such attacks harbour distinct risks. On one hand, a successful data reconstruction attack severely undermines the trust of patients whose data are exposed. This not only jeopardises the relationship between medical practitioners and patients, but probably also diminishes the willingness of patients to make their health data for the training of AI models or for other research purposes available. This is problematic since the success of AI models in medicine is dependent on the availability of large and diverse real-world patient datasets. On the other hand, a successful attack can also constitute a breach of patient data privacy regulations.
While privacy laws vary globally, the protection of health data is generally considered of high importance. For example, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation declares the protection of personal data as a fundamental right. Notably, some of these laws deem the removal of personal identifiers (for example, name or date of birth)—de-identification—sufficient protection. However, it has been demonstrated on several occasions that commonly used de-identification techniques such as anonymization, pseudonymization or k-anonymity are vulnerable to re-identification attacks18,19,20. This also holds true in the case of medical imaging data. For example, the facial contours of a patient can be obtained from a reconstructed magnetic resonance imaging scan even if their name has been removed from the record, thus enabling their re-identification from publicly available photographs21. Figuratively, this is analogous to considering passport photos without additional information not as personal data. Arguably, this highlights the tension between what is considered ‘private’ in a legal sense and what individuals consider acceptable in terms of informational self-determination. We thus contend that AI systems that process sensitive data should not only rely on de-identification techniques but also implement privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), that is, technologies that furnish an objective or formal guarantee of privacy protection.
DP as the optimal privacy preservation
Among PETs, differential privacy (DP)22 is considered the optimal protection for training AI models while moderating the privacy risk faced by participating patients due to its appealing properties: it provides a formal upper bound on the success of reconstructing data23,24 and satisfies requirements imposed by regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation concerning re-identification19,25. Moreover, the privacy guarantees of DP cannot be degraded through the use of side information or through post-processing (two notable vulnerabilities of traditional de-identification schemes). Last but not least, DP satisfies composability, that is, its guarantee degrades predictably when multiple DP algorithms are executed on the same dataset. This enables the concept of a ‘privacy budget’, which makes the cumulative re-identification risk quantifiable and can be set depending on policy or preference. We note that this ability to moderate risks stemming from AI applications is particularly beneficial, as it is also mandated by recent legal frameworks such as the European AI act26. These properties are leading to DP’s increasing adoption in industry and government applications27,28.
We remark that for a holistic workflow, additional PETs are advisable. Cryptographic techniques such as homomorphic encryption or secure multi-party computation can allow performing computations on data while ascertaining that only authorized instances can read the private information. However, these techniques are ‘binary’, that is, information is perfectly private (encrypted) or non-private (decrypted). In particular, at the latest at inference time, the information must be decrypted to be useful. In contrast, DP limits the probability that the output (gradient) can be correctly assigned to the input (data), which allows useful outputs at a guaranteed (but not perfect) level of privacy. Arguably, the most famous PET is federated learning, which provides a means to preserve data governance. However, without further protective measures, in particular DP, data can be reconstructed, and thus data governance is again not maintained. An overview can be found in ref. 29.
Despite these benefits, the effective and efficient implementation of DP in large-scale AI systems also presents a series of challenges. DP has been criticized for the fact that the choice of an appropriate privacy budget is delicate. Higher budgets correspond to less privacy protection and thus an increased risk of successful attacks, while lower budgets limit the information available for training. This introduces new challenges, namely a trade-off between privacy and model performance, that is diagnostic accuracy for a given use case. Furthermore, this trade-off also depends on the specific input data and learning task, which can vary drastically between scenarios. Arguably, concerns about reduced model performance are a probable reason why, despite its benefits, DP is not yet widely implemented in medical AI. After all, finding a trade-off between diagnostic accuracy and privacy represents a complex technical and ethical dilemma. This dilemma is best understood as DP is underlain by a worst-case set of assumptions. These assumptions, also called a threat model, include an adversary who is able to deeply manipulate and interfere with the dataset, the training process, model architecture and (hyper-)parameters, and has access to all parameters of the DP algorithm (mechanism). Moreover, the canonical DP adversary is not assumed to execute a data reconstruction attack but a much simpler type of attack, namely a membership inference attack, which attempts to determine whether a specific individual’s data (which is available to the adversary) was included in the training dataset or not. Since there are only two possible outcomes of such an attack (member/non-member), membership inference must only reveal a single bit of information compared with a data reconstruction attack, which must successfully reveal a much larger record (for example, an image). Although worst-case assumptions are prudent for the theoretical modelling of adversaries, the DP threat model is unlikely to ever be encountered in practice. Moreover, the aforementioned membership inference attack in which the adversary has access to a target record and tries to determine whether it was used for training a specific model is arguably of very low practical relevance. Instead, data reconstruction attacks are probably perceived as a substantially more relevant privacy threat by patients. Moreover, realistic adversaries in the medical setting (where data is strongly guarded) can probably be assumed to not have access to the training data (as they would have little incentive to attack a model otherwise).
In this Article, we investigate whether the aforementioned typical DP threat model might be too pessimistic for practical use cases and thus impose unnecessary privacy/performance trade-offs. To investigate this hypothesis, we study the privacy/performance characteristics of AI models trained on large-scale medical imaging datasets under more realistic threat models that still allow for strong privacy protection but represent a ‘step down’ from the worst-case assumptions of DP. Our main finding is that, even in complex medical imaging tasks, it is possible to train AI models with excellent diagnostic performance while still defending against data reconstruction attacks and thus a likely patient re-identification. We achieve this by training models under privacy budgets that would be considered too large to offer any protection against the threats considered under the worst-case DP threat model. This supports a recommendation for training AI models with DP protection by default. Therefore, although more restrictive privacy budgets than the ones used in our study remain relevant for use cases in which protection against membership inference is explicitly required, there exists an additional option: when high model performance is required but cannot be achieved without relinquishing membership inference protection, our findings offer a compromise whereby an important and relevant class of attacks can be defended against while fulfilling the requirement for high diagnostic accuracy.
As stated above, DP allows for a quantifiable reduction in the risk of privacy attacks associated with the training of AI models. In this work, we differentiate between three threat models, which we term worst case, relaxed, and realistic. DP, reconstruction risks and all threat models are described in detail in Supplementary Material A. An overview can be found in Table 1.
The key contribution of our work is to investigate the realistic risks posed by a type of adversary who is still very powerful but can be reasonably assumed to exist in real-world medical AI model training use cases. An overview is displayed in Fig. 1. In the next section, we will show that perfectly defending against such adversaries is possible while maintaining a diagnostic model performance competitive with that of a model trained without any privacy protection.
Our evaluation focuses on how various privacy risks on multiple real-world characteristic datasets (compare Table 2) correlate with the algorithm’s performance. We provide details on the datasets and our rationale for choosing these in Supplementary Material B1 and on the evaluation metrics in B2. First, we show the correlation of the AI performance on our datasets with privacy budgets. Second, we illustrate the implications of a certain privacy budget in a risk profile, summarizing the reconstruction risk under different threat models. We recall that a threat model corresponds to the set of assumptions over the attacker, where we give the theoretical bounds for a worst-case and a slightly relaxed adversary. Both are more pessimistic than any real-world scenario. Thus, we add a third threat model representing the worst ‘realistic’ case.
In Table 3, we list the best possible AI model performance and corresponding reconstruction risk for all datasets and privacy budgets. The risk is three-tiered: (1) The upper bound of a worst-case adversary. This is the maximum risk under this setting and cannot be increased by post-processing or side information. (2) The upper bound of a minimally relaxed adversary as introduced in ref. 24. (3) The reconstruction success of the real-world adversary. We argue that—for practical use cases—protection against such a real-world attacker suffices. By listing all three, we provide an overview of how the risk varies by changing assumptions about the adversary.
Performance trade-offs under varying privacy levels
Impacts on performance is substantial for small datasets
At first, we analyse the impact of a very restrictive (small) privacy budget of ε = 1 on the predictive AI performance on our datasets (Table 3). Across the board, we see that at these budgets, the impacts on the model performance are strong. Concretely, we find that on RadImageNet, a standard non-private AI model reaches 71.83% on average, while trained at such restrictive privacy guarantee we find an average Matthews’ correlation coefficient (MCC) of 64.95%, which is still 90% of the non-private MCC score. The gap becomes much larger on the HAM10000 dataset, where the model performance, when trained with a very low privacy budget of ε = 1 is closely above the chance level at an MCC of 15.60%. Similarly, on the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD) Liver dataset at restrictive privacy budgets, the average Dice score for the liver drops to 42.84% (non-private: 91.58%) and completely fails for the tumour with a Dice of 0.96%. This exemplifies the challenges of furnishing strong privacy protection when training AI models on small or difficult datasets.
Prediction quality under medium budgets depends on dataset
Next, we consider medium privacy budgets ranging from ε = 8 to ε = 32, which are typical choices in literature30,31. As ε is an exponential parameter (eε), larger values correspond to exponentially decreased privacy guarantees. For this reason, some argue that the guarantees provided by such medium budgets are meaningless22,32.
At these privacy budgets, although the performance substantially increases compared with the extremely restrictive privacy budget, the private AI models never exactly match the non-private performance. On RadImageNet, the achieved result closely approaches the non-private baseline: at a privacy budget of ε = 32, the MCC is 69.99% versus 71.83% in the non-private case. Also, for HAM10000, performance is strongly improved at 42.83% MCC, yet still decreased by 9% compared with the non-private result. Lastly, in MSD Liver, the liver as a larger organ can now be learned up to a reasonable Dice score of 79.06% at ε = 20. However, it remains far from the non-private performance. The prediction quality of the tumour, which is a much smaller and more complex structure, is especially concerning. This leads to a poor segmentation quality and only achieves an average Dice score of 5.55%, which is unsuitable for real-world applications. Again, we note that performance trade-offs especially impact smaller and imbalanced datasets.
Performance trade-offs vanish under large privacy budgets
For very large privacy budgets, we observe that the gap between private and non-private performance disappears. We recall that HAM10000 and MSD Liver as small datasets are extremely challenging under restrictive DP conditions. When increasing the privacy budget to ε = 109, no statistically significant difference to the non-private model can be detected (P values: HAM10000: 0.36; and MSD Liver dataset liver: 0.10 and tumour: 0.29, Student’s t-test). Only on RadImageNet, although the non-private model is still statistically significantly superior (P value: 0.001), the private model at an ε = 1012 achieves 99% of the non-private baseline performance.
It is unsurprising that increasing the privacy budget mitigates the negative implications on the model performance. Hence, the question that must be asked is what level of privacy is necessary for a specific setting. This cannot be answered generally and must be carefully considered for each use case. Important for these considerations is which risks are associated with a certain privacy budget, which we analyse next.
Worst-case bounds require small privacy budgets
Although too pessimistic for most use cases, worst-case analyses have the advantage of a formal guarantee, that is, an absolute upper bound on the risk in this scenario. When analysing the theoretical worst-case (highest) success of reconstruction attackers, we find that for the large RadImageNet dataset for budgets ε ≤ 8, the risk is <0.05%. However, already at ε = 32, the theoretical probability of the original data being reconstructed is 15%. Here, the smaller datasets are again at higher risk. While at ε = 1 the risk remains low, it strongly increases at ε = 8 for HAM10000 (0.03% to 1.22%) and MSD Liver (1.66% to 17.96%). At ε = 20 theoretically, up to 74.24% of all data samples of the MSD Liver dataset can be reconstructed.
However, even minimally relaxing the threat model assumptions decreases the risk associated with these privacy budgets drastically. We recall that under this relaxed threat model, the only change compared with the worst case is that the attacker does not know the sample that is reconstructed beforehand. Yet, for theoretical analysis, there is still the assumption that the reconstruction algorithm is either perfect or fails and the risk which is then calculated is the maximum rate where the attacker correctly decides if the reconstruction they obtained was indeed the dataset sample in question. This threat model is still too pessimistic for any real-world use case and the analysis is mostly for theoretical purposes. Still, such a minimal relaxation already gives a much more favourable risk profile, especially for medium privacy budgets. Exemplarily, the risk associated with ε = 20 diminishes from over 20% to less than 1% for the HAM10000 dataset. Similarly, the risk for the MSD dataset at ε = 8 decreases from 18% to 4%. A visualization of the risk difference in worst-case and relaxed threat models can be found in Fig. 2.
Empirical protection even at large privacy budgets
The previously discussed theoretical analyses show rapidly growing risks associated with small and medium privacy budgets. However, as discussed before, we argue that these analyses are too strict for any ‘realistic’ use case. Hence, we ask what the worst case of any practical scenario is and determine it to be a federated learning set-up, where a central server coordinates the learning on the data of distributed clients, which follow each training command sent by the server. This implies that the server can freely choose any network architecture and hyper-parameters. Note that any client who performs a simple check would notice such a malicious server. For such cases, attacks have been shown in literature, which analytically can recover the model input perfectly8,9. Moreover, it has been shown that these attacks can be transferred to corrupted pre-trained models17. We employ these attacks as empirical risk assessments. To measure the reconstruction success, we use the structural similarity (SSIM) score, which is a standard metric for image similarity33.
In contrast to the aforementioned theoretical risk bounds, we find that, for practical attacks, even privacy budgets considered meaningless (ε > 109) can provide effective protection against reconstruction. In Fig. 3, left, we plot how many dataset images are below an increasing SSIM error per privacy budget. It can be thought of as the cumulative distribution function of reconstruction errors. We observe that, for all datasets without the addition of DP constraints, nearly all images can be reconstructed perfectly. As soon as some privacy guarantee is introduced, even very generous budgets at an ε ≈ 109 provide empirical protection against the reconstruction of data samples. Furthermore, confirming previous works8,34, our threat model is still extremely powerful. A server without the control of hyper-parameters but still over the model architecture already imposes a substantially lower reconstruction risk. If the server does not set the batch size to one but is set to the real training batch size, for example, on the RadImagenet dataset even in the non-private case we could only reconstruct less than 5% of all images at a batch size of 3,328. We note that such large privacy budgets, which are near-universally shunned as being meaningless, still offer empirical protection. In other words, even a ‘pinch of privacy’ has drastic effects in practical scenarios. Complemented by the finding that performance trade-offs nearly disappear in these settings, this signifies a potential compromise between protection and usability.
In this study, we explore the relationship between privacy risks and AI performance in sensitive applications such as medical imaging. Currently, practitioners are confronted with trade-offs between AI performance, privacy protection and computational efficiency, where no solution has so far been able to accomplish all of these goals. Previous work showed that DP training profits much more than standard AI training from a higher number of training steps30. By increasing privacy budgets, practitioners can reach similar trade-offs with fewer training steps, which further allows a broader use for practitioners without substantial compute resources. Moreover, prior work also showed that pre-training on a 4 billion image dataset allows models to transfer to private datasets35. However, in practice this is typically infeasible due to limited access to such large datasets or the computational resources to train such a model. Furthermore, such data scales only exist for natural two-dimensional images but not yet for three-dimensional images, which are typical in medical imaging. Therefore, often the choice remains for practitioners to prioritise privacy and sacrifice performance or to put sensitive data at risk of being leaked. Currently, there is no clear method to balance these two objectives, leaving practitioners without guidance. To make informed decisions on these trade-offs, broad discourse involving ethicists, lawmakers and the general population is crucial. A prerequisite of this dialogue is understanding the risks associated with specific privacy budgets and the potential trade-offs in AI performance. Our study across three representative medical imaging datasets lays the foundation for this conversation. We find that real-world data reconstruction risks can be averted without performance trade-offs. In fact, privacy–performance trade-offs have so far always been based on worst-case assumptions, which do not overlap with realistic training settings. We postulate that it is more critical to prevent data reconstruction in real-world settings, and show that for workflow de-risking, large privacy budgets suffice. Even more, we find that the trade-off between privacy risks and model performance vanishes when using such large but protective privacy budgets.
It is known from previous works23,36,37,38 that PETs formally protect AI models in sensitive contexts from reconstruction attacks. While we note that our results are empirical, it is apparent that DP training with minimal guarantees still provides better protection than non-private training. Considering this finding, it seems negligent to train AI models without any form of formal privacy guarantee. We note that the threat model we consider is probably still stronger than attackers encountered in practical attack scenarios. In a slightly different threat model, where an adversary only has black-box access to the final trained weights of a model but has an image prior containing the true target point, ref. 23 found that large privacy budgets in the order of the dimensionality of the data suffice to prevent reconstruction attacks. Similarly, ref. 32 found that against reconstruction attacks, noise multipliers which otherwise would be seen as vacuous, suffice. Furthermore, ref. 39 studied the reconstruction of discrete data and found that privacy budgets can be much larger than previously thought to effectively defend against reconstruction attacks. However, for our threat model, we find even much larger privacy budgets than the aforementioned to suffice and, without a theoretical lower bound, the possibility exists that future attacks could achieve success closer to the upper bound. Owing to this, we explicitly warn readers to take our results as a carte blanche to use arbitrarily high privacy budgets. The truth lies in the middle: if the alternative is to not use any privacy at all, rather use DP with a very high budget.
We remark that the effectiveness of the DP protection against attacks at a fixed clipping norm, batch size, training duration and training set size depends only on the noise multiplier. This is a consequence of how DP budgets are accounted. For example, in the Rényi-DP (RDP) accountant40 used in our work, one step is \((\alpha ,{q}^{2}\frac{2\alpha {C}^{2}}{{\sigma }^{2}})\) -RDP for appropriate values of the parameters α the order of the Rényi divergence, q, the subsampling rate (that is, batch size divided by training set size), C, the clip gradient norm and σ, the noise multiplier. However, our empirical results suggest that for all other factors being constant, even small noise multipliers, which imply very large privacy budgets, are sufficient to protect against reconstruction attacks and facilitate high-performing AI models. We also observed that the AI performance loss introduced by DP tends to be smaller on larger datasets due to less injected noise per sample and more information to achieve a certain privacy budget at consistent hyper-parameters. Yet, many medical datasets are inherently small. This can have negative consequences for the applicability of such networks in clinical practice. For models to be effectively trained on such challenging datasets, when pre-training is not possible for reasons of data availability or computational resources, our techniques reach a limit indicating a potential need to either accept elevated privacy risks or obtain access to more data. The solution to both problems might go hand in hand with more robust mathematical guarantees safeguarding data privacy. In such a scenario, we anticipate that patients may be more inclined to share their data, thereby allowing large-scale medical AI training. In such a scenario, the privacy–performance trade-offs presented might even be more favourable than our findings indicate. This would be complemented by a workflow where multiple PETs are employed to enable various aspects to privacy. For example, a system using federated learning to assert the data governance remains at the original hospital, secure aggregation to conceal contributions from different sites and DP to limit the private information of single patients demonstrated in previous works36 would provide a holistic workflow.
We note that our choice of datasets and architectures is motivated by medical imaging settings. In those settings, typically computational resources are limited and data are scarce. In fact, we are convinced that the widespread use of such methods will only ensue once they can be used by the majority of practitioners who typically lack access to large computing clusters. Hence, we carefully designed our study to cover typical and representative medical problems to provide a holistic analysis with trade-offs in computational resources. Under these considerations, we limited ourselves to a few model architectures that are known to be trained efficiently (ResNet, DenseNet and U-Net) and datasets that represent a broad range of typical problems.
An additional technical limitation stems from the fact that the authors of the RadImagenet dataset41 mention that some patients contributed multiple images. However, we have no information about image-to-patient correspondence. As we calculate the privacy guarantees over the dataset per image, the per-patient privacy guarantee depends on the number of images one patient contributed and might be lower.
In conclusion, we show that even the use of nominally loose privacy guarantees still provides substantially better protection than standard AI training, while achieving comparable performance. This can facilitate a compromise between provable risk management and performance trade-offs, which previously prevented the breakthrough of DP. Further research should be directed towards analysing various threat models beyond the worst case. Only by illuminating the risks of multiple scenarios, the basis for a broad discussion among ethicists, policymakers, patients and other stakeholders is provided regarding how to trade-off privacy and performance as fundamental goals of AI in sensitive applications.
In this section, we report all the details necessary for our experiments on training models in a differentially private way on our datasets as well as the procedures to analyse risk profiles. Furthermore, we describe the rationale for several choices in our study design and describe hyper-parameters necessary for reproducibility.
In Supplementary Material A, we describe characteristics of typical medical datasets. We note, that these characteristics partially amplify the negative performance impact by the constraints introduced by DP. Broadly speaking, at a constant clipping norm the amount of introduced noise during the DP process determines the negative impact on the AI performance. At any privacy budget, the injected noise increases if more training steps are performed or if a higher sampling rate, that is, the ratio between batch size and dataset size, is used. However, the batch size is typically irrespective of the dataset size, which implies that smaller datasets typically have higher sampling rates. Furthermore, they often require more training epochs, that is, the amount of times the entire dataset was (on average) presented to the network. As a consequence, the amount of noise that is injected when training on small datasets compared with larger ones is increased and higher performance penalties are expected. Furthermore, DP bounds the magnitude any single sample on the training. This is important for training with imbalanced datasets with underrepresented classes, which often suffer an additional performance loss42.
For detailed descriptions of the datasets we refer to the original publications41,43,44,45. In the following, we describe modifications we performed and the effects on the data distribution.
For the HAM10000 dataset43, we merged classes into whether there is indication for immediate treatment, which is still a medically important distinction. By this we convert the multi-class classification problem into a highly imbalanced binary classification problem. We categorized them here as follows:
Treatment indication | |
Immediate | Not immediate |
Actinic keratoses and intra-epithelial carcinomas | Melanocytic nevi |
Basal cell carcinomas | Benign keratinocytic lesions |
Melanomas | Dermatofibromas |
Vascular lesions |
In total, this dataset has 10,015 images, of which 1,954 are labelled for immediate treatment and 8,061 are not.
Model training
All of our experiments were performed using an NAdam optimizer, which is extremely robust to learning rate changes allowing us to keep a consistent learning rate of 2e−3. Input data were always normalized with the mean and standard deviation of all images in the training set. For each dataset, we perform a hyper-parameter search, where we evaluate for one privacy level (ε = 8) and the non-private training the optimal setting for architecture, batch size, loss weighting and augmentation. In the non-private case, we perform an early stopping strategy to determine the number of epochs. In the private case, this is not possible as the number of epochs directly influences the amount of added noise. However, previous works showed that longer training almost always yields better results30. Yet, to limit training time, we also search for the point of saturation. Also for reasons of computational complexity, we assume that the optimal settings for these parameters transfer to all other privacy regimes. Furthermore, we limit the choice of architectures to a ResNet-9 with ScaleNorm and a WideResNet40-4, which have in previous literature been proven to be especially suited for differentially private training30,46. In the segmentation case, we limit ourselves to a standard U-Net47,48, where we optimize the number of channels on the bottleneck. We then evaluate for each privacy setting separately the optimal clipping norm. Again for reasons of computational complexity, we evaluate this after one epoch and assume it transfers to longer trainings. Finally, we train for each setting five models with different random seeds and report the mean and standard deviation of the respective performance metric.
All our models are trained from ‘scratch’, that is, we have not pre-trained on any other dataset. This is because there is no ‘good choice’ of a dataset for pre-training. ImageNet, which for most computer vision tasks is the standard, is not very effective for medical imaging tasks41. Large public databases for pre-training are scarce and only available for a few tasks. Furthermore, pre-training on non-public medical databases is unacceptable, as it risks leaking the information from the pre-training data, which could be just as private49,50.
We used the Opacus51 library for accounting the privacy loss. In particular, we used an RDP accountant, as it provides numerically the most stable implementation. We used an extension of the objax library52 as implementation for the DP-Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm.
We open source the program code used for this paper at https://github.com/a1302z/RePrAAIMI.
As described in the 'Model training' section, we analysed the architecture, number of epochs, batch size, loss and multiplicity for the non-private and one private setting (ε = 8). For the non-private case, we found a WideResNet40-4 using an unweighted loss function, a batch size of 16 and random vertical (probability of augmentation (Paug) = 0.2) and horizontal flips (Paug = 0.1) as augmentation to yield the best results. To determine the number of epochs, we used an early stopping strategy with a patience of five epochs and 0.1% improvement threshold. For the private case, a ResNet-9 trained for 50 epochs, using an unweighted loss function, using an augmentation multiplicity of four again with random vertical (Paug = 0.2) and horizontal (Paug = 0.2) flips with a batch size of 3,328 yielded best results. The clipping norm was tuned for each budget separately and was set as follows:
ε | 1 | 8 | 32 | 1e12 |
Clip norm | 6.46 | 5.66 | 5 | 3.75 |
For the modified HAM10000 dataset, we found the ResNet-9 to perform best in private and non-private settings. In the non-private case, we trained with a weighted loss function at a batch size of 32 using random vertical flips (Paug = 0.5) as augmentation. We trained using an early stopping strategy using a patience of 50 epochs at a minimal improvement threshold of 0.1%. For the private case, we used an unweighted loss function at a batch size of 2,048 and trained for 100 epochs. We used the same augmentations as in the non-private case for a privacy level of ε = 109, for all others, we did not use augmentations. Clipping norms are as follows:
ε | 1 | 8 | 20 | 1e9 |
Clip norm | 18 | 8.5 | 9.5 | 9 |
MSD Liver
For the MSD Liver dataset, we found for both private and non-private cases a U-Net with 16 channels and no augmentations to perform best. In the non-private case we used a weighted loss function (background: 0.1; liver: 0.4; tumour: 0.5) and trained at a batch size of two. Again, we employed an early stopping strategy with a patience of 50 epochs and a minimal improvement threshold of 0.1%. In the private case, we trained at a batch size of one for 500 epochs. For privacy budgets ε ≤ 20 we used an unweighted loss function, for higher privacy budgets we used the same weighting as in the non-private case.
ε | 1 | 8 | 20 | 1e9 |
Clip norm | 0.0004 | 0.046 | 0.0015 | 0.33 |
Reconstruction risk analysis
In our empirical reconstruction attacks, there is no clear way to evaluate whether a specific sample was reconstructed. For each input batch consisting of N samples, we receive M reconstructions. We evaluate this by calculating the pairwise distance between all data samples and reconstructions and assigning each input the reconstruction with the lowest distance. However, this approach loses meaning in the case of images, which have no structure but are entirely dark. This is the case for the RadImagenet dataset, where we put a constraint that only data samples are considered that contain more than 10% non-zero pixels.
We evaluate the practical reconstruction success by using a principle demonstrated in previous literature8,9 adapted to our use case. The network architecture is slightly modified by prepending two linear layers in front of the actual network architecture. The first takes all input image pixels as input and projects them to an intermediate representation of N bins. In our experiments, we set N = 10. This intermediate representation is afterwards projected again to the number of all pixels and re-sized to the original image shape. To each of the outputs, the mean of the intermediate representations is added. Afterwards, it can be processed as usual by the remaining neural network. As our adversary is assumed to have control over all hyper-parameters, they can set the batch size to one and by that enforce that no reconstruction of two images overlap. If now a gradient is calculated over the network, which is non-zero for the weights Wi and biases b of the first linear layer, the input x can be analytically recovered by \(x={\nabla }_{{W}_{i}}{{{\mathcal{L}}}}\oslash \frac{\partial {{{\mathcal{L}}}}}{\partial b}\), where ⊘ is the element-wise division. We note that, for this attack, it is irrelevant what network architecture comes after this imprint block. We used implementations provided by ref. 53.
The reconstruction error, which we use as basis for the risk analysis in this paper, is the minimum reconstruction error between a data sample to any reconstruction that was derived from a gradient containing the data sample.
Choice of privacy budgets
For our experiments on the utility trade-off, we chose several privacy budgets. We note that this choice was arbitrary. For all experiments, we used a δ = 8 × 10−7. For all settings, we evaluated ε = 1 and ε = 8, which are standard values in the literature30,31,46. Furthermore, we calculate the theoretical reconstruction bound of the worst case and relaxed threat models. As the already included privacy budgets at ε = 1 and ε = 8 already showcase very low reconstruction bounds, we add one more privacy level for all datasets, where a large amount of samples is already at risk of being reconstructed. In addition, we report a privacy budget \(\varepsilon =1{0}^{3N},N\in {\mathbb{N}}\), where the characteristic reconstruction robustness curve is still similar to random noise.
Environmental impact
Lastly, we would like to give a rough estimate of the climate impact of this study. We assume the average German power mix that as of 2021 according to the German Federal Environment Agency corresponds to 475 g CO2e kWh−1 (ref. 54) Only the final RadImagenet trainings (no hyper-parameter optimization) ran on eight NVIDIA A40s, where we assume a power consumption of 250 W on average, each for almost 4 days, five privacy levels and five repetitions. Hence, this amounts to around 960 kWh and thus more than 450 kg of CO2e. This almost equals a return flight from Munich to London. Hence, we tried to limit our hyper-parameter searches to the necessary. In total, we assume that this study produced at least 2 tons of CO2e.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
All datasets used in this study are published and publicly available. Access to RadImageNet41 must be requested at https://www.radimagenet.com/. The HAM10000 dataset43 is available at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/DBW86T. The MSD Liver dataset44,45 is available at http://medicaldecathlon.com/ and https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30695-9.
Code availability
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The authors acknowledge the following sources of funding for this work: A.Z. and G.K. are supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant number 01ZZ2316C (PrivateAIM). T.T.M. and D.R. are supported supported by the ERC Grant Deep4MI (no. 884622). L.F.F. and R.B. are supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Project ‘NUM 2.0’ (grant no. 01KX2121). R.B. is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant no. 01ZZ2315B), Bavarian Cancer Research Center (BZKF, Lighthouse AI and Bioinformatics), German Cancer Consortium (DKTK, Joint Imaging Platform). G.K. and D.R. are funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts through the Munich Centre for Machine Learning. G.K. is supported by the Bavarian Collaborative Research Project PRIPREKI of the Free State of Bavaria Funding Programme ‘Artificial Intelligence–Data Science’ and from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the Kondrad Zuse School of Excellence for Reliable AI (RelAI). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.
Furthermore, the authors thank J. Hayes for providing an implementation of the prior aware attack presented in ref. 38.
Open access funding provided by Technische Universität München.
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Authors and Affiliations
A.Z. conceptualized this study, wrote the program code, performed all experiments and prepared the paper. T.T.M. assisted in the preparation of the paper. S.S. assisted in the design of the program code. L.F.F. wrote program code for an efficient reconstruction matching and segmentation loss. J.B. helped to prepare the HAM10000 dataset for our purposes. R.B. and D.R. provided oversight. G.K. helped conceptualize this study and in the preparation of the paper, wrote code for the theoretical risk bounds and provided oversight. All authors revised the paper.
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Ziller, A., Mueller, T.T., Stieger, S. et al. Reconciling privacy and accuracy in AI for medical imaging. Nat Mach Intell 6, 764–774 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-024-00858-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-024-00858-y
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