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Large pre-trained language models contain human-like biases of what is right and wrong to do

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Artificial writing is permeating our lives due to recent advances in large-scale, transformer-based language models (LMs) such as BERT, GPT-2 and GPT-3. Using them as pre-trained models and fine-tuning them for specific tasks, researchers have extended the state of the art for many natural language processing tasks and shown that they capture not only linguistic knowledge but also retain general knowledge implicitly present in the data. Unfortunately, LMs trained on unfiltered text corpora suffer from degenerated and biased behaviour. While this is well established, we show here that recent LMs also contain human-like biases of what is right and wrong to do, reflecting existing ethical and moral norms of society. We show that these norms can be captured geometrically by a ‘moral direction’ which can be computed, for example, by a PCA, in the embedding space. The computed ‘moral direction’ can rate the normativity (or non-normativity) of arbitrary phrases without explicitly training the LM for this task, reflecting social norms well. We demonstrate that computing the ’moral direction’ can provide a path for attenuating or even preventing toxic degeneration in LMs, showcasing this capability on the RealToxicityPrompts testbed.

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Fig. 1: BERT has a moral direction.
Fig. 2: The MoralDirection approach rating the normativity of phrases.
Fig. 3: The MD-based detoxification approach is reducing the generated toxicity of neural language models.

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The user study data are available at the code repository The generated text using the presented approach is available at The RealToxicityPrompts data are available at

Code availability

The code to reproduce the figures and results of this article, including pre-trained models, can be found at (archived at


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The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable feedback. Further, the authors are thankful to Aleph Alpha for very useful feedback and access to the GPT-3 API. This work benefited from the ICT-48 Network of AI Research Excellence Center ‘TAILOR’ (EU Horizon 2020, grant agreement no. 952215) (K.K.), the Hessian research priority programme LOEWE within the project WhiteBox (K.K. and C.R.), and the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts (HMWK) cluster projects ‘The Adaptive Mind’ (K.K. and C.R.) and ‘The Third Wave of AI’ (K.K., C.R. and P.S.).

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P.S. and C.T. contributed equally to the work. P.S., C.T. and K.K. designed the study. P.S., C.T., C.R. and K.K. interpreted the data and drafted the manuscript. C.T. and N.A. designed the conducted user study. C.T. performed and analysed the user study. P.S. performed and analysed the text generation study. C.R. and K.K. directed the research and gave initial input. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Patrick Schramowski or Cigdem Turan.

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Nature Machine Intelligence thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 BERT has a moral direction.

The direction is defined by a PCA computed on BERT-based sentence embeddings. The top PC, the moral direction m, is dividing the x axis into Dos and Don’ts. The displayed verbs were used to compute the PCA.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Overview of methods applied to investigate LMs mirrored moral values and norm.

(a) The LAMA framework with a prompt designed to analyse the moral values mirrored by the LM. (b) The question-answering approach and (c) our proposed MD approach. The BERT module is a placeholder for the LM.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Overview of participants of AMT user study.

(a) The participant’s location grouped by country and continent. (b) The age distribution and (c) the gender distribution. In total 234 volunteers participated in the study.

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Schramowski, P., Turan, C., Andersen, N. et al. Large pre-trained language models contain human-like biases of what is right and wrong to do. Nat Mach Intell 4, 258–268 (2022).

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