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Autoencoders on field-programmable gate arrays for real-time, unsupervised new physics detection at 40 MHz at the Large Hadron Collider

An Author Correction to this article was published on 12 April 2022

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To study the physics of fundamental particles and their interactions, the Large Hadron Collider was constructed at CERN, where protons collide to create new particles measured by detectors. Collisions occur at a frequency of 40 MHz, and with an event size of roughly 1 MB it is impossible to read out and store the generated amount of data from the detector and therefore a multi-tiered, real-time filtering system is required. In this paper, we show how to adapt and deploy deep-learning-based autoencoders for the unsupervised detection of new physics signatures in the challenging environment of a real-time event selection system at the Large Hadron Collider. The first-stage filter, implemented on custom electronics, decides within a few microseconds whether an event should be kept or discarded. At this stage, the rate is reduced from 40 MHz to about 100 kHz. We demonstrate the deployment of an unsupervised selection algorithm on this custom electronics, running in as little as 80 ns and enhancing the signal-over-background ratio by three orders of magnitude. This work enables the practical deployment of these networks during the next data-taking campaign of the Large Hadron Collider.

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Fig. 1: Model performance at floating-point precision.
Fig. 2: Model performance at floating-point precision.
Fig. 3: Compressed model performance.

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Data availability

The data used in this study are openly available at Zenodo57,58,59,60,62.

Code availability

The QKeras library is available at, where the work presented here is using QKeras version 0.9.0. The hls4ml library with custom layers used in the paper are under AE_L1_paper branch and available at

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This work is supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 772369) and the ERC-POC programme (grant no. 996696).

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V.L., M.P., A.A.P., N.G., M.G., S.S., J.D. and Z.W. conceived and designed the hls4ml software library. M.P., T.Q.N. and Z.W. designed and prepared the dataset format. E.G., E.P., T.A., T.J., V.L., M.P., J.N., T.Q.N. and Z.W. designed and implemented autoencoders in hls4ml. E.G., E.P., T.A., T.J., M.P. and J.D. wrote the paper.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Ekaterina Govorkova.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Network architectures.

Network architecture for the DNN AE (top) and CNN AE (bottom) models. The corresponding VAE models are derived introducing the Gaussian sampling in the latent space, for the same encoder and decoder architectures (see text).

Extended Data Fig. 2 TPR ratios for different bit width.

TPR ratios versus model bit width for the VAE CNN (left) and DNN (right) models tested on four new physics benchmark models, using DKL as figure of merit for PTQ (top) and QAT (bottom) strategies.

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Govorkova, E., Puljak, E., Aarrestad, T. et al. Autoencoders on field-programmable gate arrays for real-time, unsupervised new physics detection at 40 MHz at the Large Hadron Collider. Nat Mach Intell 4, 154–161 (2022).

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