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Improving performance of deep learning models with axiomatic attribution priors and expected gradients

A preprint version of the article is available at arXiv.


Recent research has demonstrated that feature attribution methods for deep networks can themselves be incorporated into training; these attribution priors optimize for a model whose attributions have certain desirable properties—most frequently, that particular features are important or unimportant. These attribution priors are often based on attribution methods that are not guaranteed to satisfy desirable interpretability axioms, such as completeness and implementation invariance. Here we introduce attribution priors to optimize for higher-level properties of explanations, such as smoothness and sparsity, enabled by a fast new attribution method formulation called expected gradients that satisfies many important interpretability axioms. This improves model performance on many real-world tasks where previous attribution priors fail. Our experiments show that the gains from combining higher-level attribution priors with expected gradients attributions are consistent across image, gene expression and healthcare datasets. We believe that this work motivates and provides the necessary tools to support the widespread adoption of axiomatic attribution priors in many areas of applied machine learning. The implementations and our results have been made freely available to academic communities.

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Fig. 1: EG is a feature attribution method designed to be regularized during training.
Fig. 2: Pixel attribution prior improves saliency map smoothness and increases robustness of MNIST classifier to noise.
Fig. 3: Pixel attribution prior improves saliency map smoothness and increases robustness of CIFAR-10 classifier to noise.
Fig. 4: Graph attribution prior improves test accuracy and biological relevance of anticancer drug response prediction model.
Fig. 5: Sparse attribution prior builds sparser and more accurate healthcare mortality models.

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Data availability

The data for all experiments and figures in the paper are publicly available. A downloadable version of the dataset used for the sparsity experiment, as well as links to download the datasets used in the image and graph prior experiments, is available at Data for the benchmarks were published as part of ref. 57 and can be accessed at

Code availability

Implementations of attribution priors for Tensorflow and PyTorch are available at This repository also contains code reproducing main results from the paper. The specific version of code used in this paper is archived at ref. 58.


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The results published here are partially based on data generated by the Cancer Target Discovery and Development (CTD2) Network ( established by the National Cancer Institute’s Office of Cancer Genomics. The authors received funding from the National Science Foundation (DBI-1759487 (S.-I.L.), DBI-1552309 (J.D.J., G.E., S.-I.L.), DGE-1256082 (S.M.L.)); American Cancer Society (RSG-14-257-01-TBG (J.D.J., P.S., S.-I.L)); and National Institutes of Health (R01AG061132 (J.D.J, P.S., S.-I.L), R35GM128638 (G.E., S.-I.L), F30HL151074-01 (G.E., S.-I.L), 5T32GM007266-46 (J.D.J, G.E.)).

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G.E., J.D.J., P.S. and S.M.L. conceived the study. G.E., J.D.J. and P.S. designed algorithms and experiments. P.S. and J.D.J. implemented core libraries for the research. G.E., J.D.J. and P.S. wrote code for and ran the experiments, plotted figures and contributed to the writing. S.M.L. contributed to the writing. S.-I.L. supervised research and method development, and contributed to the writing.

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Correspondence to Su-In Lee.

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Erion, G., Janizek, J.D., Sturmfels, P. et al. Improving performance of deep learning models with axiomatic attribution priors and expected gradients. Nat Mach Intell 3, 620–631 (2021).

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