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Remodelling machine learning: An AI that thinks like a scientist

Modern machine learning is great for helping scientists sort through huge, complex datasets. But it’s less useful for explanation and understanding cause and effect. This video illustrates a new approach to find the underlying algorithmic models that interact and generate data, to help scientists uncover the dynamics of cause and effect. This could aid researchers across a huge range of scientific fields, such as cell biology and genetics, answering the kind of questions that typical machine learning is not designed for.

Modern machine learning is great for helping scientists sort through huge, complex datasets. But it’s less useful for explanation and understanding cause and effect. This video illustrates a new approach to find the underlying algorithmic models that interact and generate data, to help scientists uncover the dynamics of cause and effect. This could aid researchers across a huge range of scientific fields, such as cell biology and genetics, answering the kind of questions that typical machine learning is not designed for.

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Remodelling machine learning: An AI that thinks like a scientist. Nat Mach Intell (2019).

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