Kristin Wustholz obtained a B.A.S. in Chemistry and Philosophy from Muhlenberg College (USA) in 2002. She obtained her M.S. (2005) and Ph.D. (2007) from the University of Washington in Seattle, funded in part by an NSF IGERT fellowship. Her research with Bart Kahr and Phil Reid involved single-molecule spectroscopy of dyed salt crystals. As a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University, she studied plasmonics, localized surface plasmon resonance microscopy, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and single-molecule SERS with Richard Van Duyne.

Credit: William & Mary

Kristin began her independent career at William & Mary (USA) in 2010, where she is currently the Mansfield Associate Professor of Chemistry. Her group uses single-molecule and surface-enhanced spectroscopies to probe the optical and structural properties of chromophores in environments that are inherently complex for applications to solar energy conversion and art conservation. Recently, her group discovered blinking-based multiplexing (BBM), a simple, versatile approach to multicolor super-resolved imaging without using spectrally distinct probes.

This interview was conducted by the editors of Communications Chemistry.