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  • Comment
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Radical coupling from alkyl amines

Radical intermediates are key species in many chemical transformations. Recent advances have provided a new suite of selective radical alkylation reactions. This Comment highlights pioneering studies using alkyl amines that act as radical precursors in a number of catalytic processes by their conversion to alkylpyridinium salts.

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Fig. 1: Precursors for radical intermediates.
Fig. 2: Ni-catalysed cross-coupling of amine-derived electrophiles.
Fig. 3: Ni-catalysed cross-coupling couplings of alkyl pyridinium salts.
Fig. 4: Photoredox catalysed deaminative radical alkylations.
Fig. 5: Mechanistic aspects of photoredox-catalysed activation of N-alkyl pyridiniums salts.
Fig. 6


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Kong, D., Moon, P.J. & Lundgren, R.J. Radical coupling from alkyl amines. Nat Catal 2, 473–476 (2019).

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