Correction to: npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, published online 22 June 2021

The original version of this Article contained an error in Fig. 1c, in which the sea ice concentration anomaly map was shown for August–September instead of June–July–August.

The correct version of Fig. 1c is:

which replaces the previous incorrect version:

In association to this error, the legend to Fig. 1c inadvertently missed ‘JJA’ after ‘anomalous’ and incorrectly read as ‘Averaged difference in anomalous sea ice concentration (%) between years with the increased (P1: 1992–1997 and P2: 2004–2010) and reduced (N1: 1986–1991 and N2: 1998–2003) extreme rainfall years in September’. The correct version reads as ‘Averaged difference in anomalous JJA sea ice concentration (%) between years with the increased (P1: 1992–1997 and P2: 2004–2010) and reduced (N1: 1986–1991 and N2: 1998–2003) extreme rainfall years in September’.

This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.