Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 09 March 2022

The original version of this Article contained errors.

In Figure 2, the symbol for 100/100 branch support was omitted from the key. The original version of Figure 2 and its legend is included below.

Figure 2
figure 2

Relationships of parasitiform and acariform mites. Phylogenomic inference was undertaken using a Maximum likelihood framework in IQ-TREE based on 90 orthologous proteins.

In addition, the Acknowledgments,

“We thank Dr. Jeff Chang and Dr. Alexandra Weisberg (Oregon State University) for providing all databases used in the Vir-Search web service [], Sergey Diachkov (Tyumen State University, Russia) for help with the Gall-ID analysis and several GenBank submissions, and D. Hans Klompen (Ohio State University) who provided sequences of the two endeostigmatid mites.”

now reads:

“We thank Dr. Jeff Chang and Dr. Alexandra Weisberg (Oregon State University) for providing all databases used in the Vir-Search web service [], Sergey Diachkov (Tyumen State University, Russia) for help with the Gall-ID analysis and several GenBank submissions, and Dr. Hans Klompen (Ohio State University) who provided sequences of the two endeostigmatid mites.”

The original Article has been corrected.