
From a biological perspective, the metabolic process is an important bridge between biological function and structure1. In the human digestive process, food or water enters the oral cavity first; after a series of chewing cycles, the content flows through the esophagus into the stomach. Gastric acid and enzymes digest the contents under gastric motility2. Several hours later, the contents are delivered through the duodenum to the small intestine and large intestine3. Therefore, fecal matter clearly contains abundant biological information4, and images of fecal samples may help identify early abnormal matter at the early stage.

The total worldwide population is close to 7.8 billion, and the male to female ratio is approximately 1.025. According to the WHO disease report, the incidence of digestive disease is 20–40%, and the incidence of gynecological disease is 24.94%6,7. Clearly, there is abundant demand for routine clinical examination of feces. Furthermore, these kinds of biological samples are widely accepted in diagnosis due to characteristics such as noninvasiveness8,9 and representativeness10 and their ability to provide disease-related information11. However, another challenge is becoming clear: how to overcome the limitations of manual operation, such as bad odor and aseptic, inefficient and tedious operation12. Solutions to these problems have become increasingly urgent for routine clinical examination.

At present, the automatic recognition of tangible components such as cells under the microscope applies mainly to machine vision. However, the traditional machine vision method requires the design of complex feature extractors (such as morphological features and texture features), and many images must be preprocessed before training13,14. In addition, the training process is inadequate and complex.

The lack of an automatic recognition algorithm for organic components under the microscope seriously restricts the automation of routine stool analysis. Recently, deep learning technology has been successfully used in image classification, object detection and other computer vision tasks15,16. Compared with traditional machine learning methods, convolutional neural networks automatically extract image features, simplify and avoid unnecessary image preprocessing, and improve the validity and accuracy of detection17,18,19. Therefore, we introduce an automated cell-detection approach based on a faster region-based convolutional neural network (Faster R-CNN)20, which we term principal component analysis (PCA)-based21 Faster R-CNN (PCA-Faster R-CNN).


Ethics approval and consent to participate

The Institutional Review Board and Ethics Committee of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University approved this study (SFYLL-PJ-2015-001). Written informed consent was provided by all participants. All biological samples were anonymized. All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.

Fecal sample collection

In total, 676 positive samples were collected from the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University. These samples were diluted, stirred, allowed to stand and finally sent to a flow cell. To observe a clear sample image, an OLYMPUS CX31 was used in the optical system as the basic optical structure with a 40 × objective lens [numerical aperture (NA): 0.65, material distance: 0.6 mm]. An EXCCD01400KMA CCD camera was used to capture images with 6.45 µm resolution, and a standard halogen lamp was chosen for illumination. Ten to 15 images were collected from each subject in different visual fields.

The size of the collected images was 1600 × 1200. Annotation of each image was conducted manually as the ground truth. The location and size of (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), pyocytes (PYOs), and mildews (Mids) were recorded according to the image analysis. Only the standard cell structure was annotated from the images, and the defocused image was not marked to reduce false detection of impurities. A total of 8785 images with stylized components were collected. Training a on a small number of images can affect the test performance of a model. Therefore, to reduce the effect of overfitting, data augmentation was performed using random vertical and horizontal flipping and random contrast and saturation adjustments.


Four main elements must be identified during routine fecal examination: RBCs, WBCs, PYOs, and Mids. Other components, such as calcium oxalate crystals, starch granules, pollen, plant cells, plant fibers and food residues, are classified as impurities with less clinical significance. For details, please see Fig. 1a–h.

Figure 1
figure 1

Cells and impurities in fecal samples. (a) RBC, first layer with a black outer cycle, second layer with a highlighted irregular cycle, inner with brown cycle; (b) WBC, generally round, with noise like the texture inside; (c) Mid, budding mold is generally composed of multiple spherical joints; (d) PYO, usually formed by adhesion of multiple leukocytes; (e,f) are different impurities; (h) impurity.

Faster R-CNN20 consists of three main parts: (1) a feature extraction layer, (2) a region proposal network (RPN), and (3) a classification and regression network; see Fig. 2 for a detailed model schematic diagram. Among them, the RPN and classification and regression network share the previous feature extraction layer, as shown in Fig. 2a. The feature extraction layer is composed of a series of convolutional neural networks composed of a convolutional layer, pooling layer, and activation layer. According to the feature map generated by the feature extraction layer, the RPN can generate anchors of different sizes and aspects, which are then used to generate the region proposal. The proposed region generated by RPN is input into the classification and regression network for the type recognition and box accurate regression. Because the scale of the feature map layer corresponding to different foreground regions is inconsistent, Fast R-CNN adopts a region of interest (ROI) pooling strategy to unify the dimensions. Although the calculation is simplified, some features are lost; therefore, we propose PCA dimension reduction to normalize the dimensions of the features.

Figure 2
figure 2

Overall workflow of the proposed approach and sharable 143 CNN layers of ResNet-152. (a) Image acquisition system. (b) Output feature map. Drawn by DXH.

The feature extraction layers use Resnet20, a 152-layer network composed of four residual network blocks: the first three residual network blocks are selected as feature extractors (see Fig. 2b).

The RPN was used to generate a batch of proposals, similar to the selective search used in R-CNN22 and Fast R-CNN23. The network structure is consistent with the RPN used in Faster R-CNN: a 256-channel output is generated by a 3 × 3 convolutional layer after the feature map layer (conv4b_35), which is used to fuse the information around the features and to fuse information across channels. Meanwhile, the fused layer is connected by two branches, termed the SoftMax classification head and box location regression head; for details, see Fig. 3a. In contrast to the RPN in Faster R-CNN, whose box dimensions are hand selected, the generated anchors are based on the average size of the foreground target, which allows the regression network to run smoothly to learn and predict good locations; for details, see Fig. 3b.

Figure 3
figure 3

(a) Architecture of RPN; (b) Generation of anchors. Drawn by DXH.

In the training process, the RPN module is trained jointly, rather than alternately, with the object recognition network. Since the structure of the Faster R-CNN is end to end, both the RPN and the object recognition network can provide feedback on the feature extraction layer. During backpropagation, the loss functions from both the RPN and the Fast R-CNN are combined and calculated together. Moreover, we introduce the PCA strategy in the classification and regression component of Faster R-CNN that should be trained separately. The original Faster R-CNN model, denoted by M0, can improve the RPN network (3.1.2) and the ROI pooling strategy. PCA-based Faster R-CNN is denoted by M1. The training process is shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 4
figure 4

Training process of the PCA-based Faster R-CNN. Drawn by DXH.

Experimental setup

All experiments were conducted using models developed based on TensorFlow24, which provides libraries to build the main structure of deep learning models. The experiments were executed on a Windows system with an Intel Core i7-5960X CPU @ 3.0 GHz × 8, an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU and 32 GB of RAM. The microscopy process involved taking five images with different focal lengths and recording 12 fields of view by means of a movable platform.


In total, 676 biological samples were obtained from the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University. Therefore, 40,560 fecal images were used to develop the detection algorithm based on Faster R-CNN. All images were collected independently from the microscopic imaging system. The best resolutions of the 12 images were collected for each sample. To further validate the algorithm, experienced laboratory experts annotated the cells of all images in the development dataset with different colors of rectangular boxes as the ground truth. For more details, please see Supplementary Information S1. Detailed fecal sample information and the dataset split are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Overview of the dataset.

After training, the network was tested. The WBCs are marked with blue squares and percentages (Fig. 5a–c), while the RBCs are marked with green squares and percentages (Fig. 5a). PYOs are marked with light blue squares and percentages (Fig. 5a). Furthermore, the remaining components, Mids, are marked with gray squares and percentages (Fig. 5b,d); for details, please see Fig. 5.

Figure 5
figure 5

Curated examples of this model on our dataset. A score threshold of 0.6 is used for display. (a) PYO, WBC and RBC; (b) WBC, Mid, (c) WBC, (d) Mid.

Average precision (AP) and mean average precision (mAP) were used to detect the cells and identify their location from the microscopic images. Due to the insufficient sample size during training, the detection recognition rate was low. For example, for RBCs, WBCs and Mids, the detection results reflected the performance of the model, and the mAP value was 84%. Two established classes of methods are used for object detection in images: one based on morphology segmentation or selective search, which is used in R-CNN and Fast R-CNN, and the other based on region proposal classification. We compared the proposed model of PCA-based Faster R-CNN with R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN and R-FCN25. The mAP of our method was the highest (0.84). Moreover, the time consumed per image (723 ms) was significantly shorter than that of R-CNN and Fast R-CNN, whereas no significant difference was observed with respect to Faster R-CNN and R-FCN. Specifically, the AP values for RBCs, WBCs, PYOs and Mids were 0.92, 0.85, 0.81, and 0.75, respectively. The AP was 0.84; moreover, the AP values for the four types of cells obtained with our proposed method were higher than those of the other four methods (see Table 2).

Table 2 Comparison of 5 cell-detection algorithms.

Clearly, the selective search segmentation method used by R-CNN and Fast R-CNN consumed substantial time. With the introduction of PCA into the feature extraction layer, the features were assigned the main component during the classification and regression process, and the features of Faster R-CNN and R-FCN were filtered out through the pooling strategy. These results also indicate that the Faster R-CNN method based on PCA had the highest overall recognition rate.

The large number of impurities in the fecal samples made the background of the images complex. Inevitably, the pattern components in the images were difficult to address. However, our algorithm can effectively distinguish the adhesive type components. Unfortunately, the morphological or selective search method cannot accomplish this task. For instance, when an RBC and Mid in the image were stuck together, our algorithm could distinguish the two components (see Fig. 6).

Figure 6
figure 6

Detection result for adhesion example.


In summary, 676 fecal samples and 40,560 microscopic images were prepared for algorithm development. Our algorithm presented good performance in identifying four kinds of cells and their locations in microscopic images. The algorithm has two major advantages, the average time required to analyze a sample and accuracy.

Clearly, our algorithm consumes significantly less time than R-CNN and Fast R-CNN, which may be due to the introduction of RPN. The R-CNN and Fast R-CNN models use selective search in the segmentation of foreground objects, which requires considerable running time. Each foreground target unit propagates forward to extract features in R-CNN post segmentation22, while Fast R-CNN shares the convolutional layer, which can extract features by propagating forward once23. However, no significant exhaustion time difference was found between Faster R-CNN and R-FCN. R-FCN uses the position-sensitive map method to avoid the fully connected layer and simplify the training parameters; consequently, the time consumption is slightly lower than that of Faster R-CNN. The time consumption of PCA-Faster-R-CNN is slightly higher, mainly because of the introduction of the PCA strategy after feature extraction.

With respect to the AP performance for four kinds of cells from a single image, the AP of RBCs was the best (0.92), which we believe to be a result of the obvious characteristics of RBCs and the fact that there are no significant morphological changes for different RBCs. The number of RBCs in the collected dataset is large, and data enhancement is adopted to improve the training of RBCs.

The AP values of WBCs and Mildew were 0.85 and 0.81, respectively. This reduced performance may be caused by the specific characteristics of cells in different views. In different samples, leukocytes may be round and influenced by osmotic pressure or be shaped as irregular ellipses. Similarly, different Mids have different spore numbers, sizes and shapes after budding, so the recognition rate is lower than that of RBCs. Meanwhile, due to the sample size, the accuracy of Mids is slightly better than that of WBCs. Furthermore, the AP of PYOs was 0.78, likely a result of the small sample size and insufficient training. PYOs are usually composed of many WBCs with large irregular shapes. Due to the small sample size, the training model suffered from a certain degree of overfitting.

Notable, our algorithm presented better mAP (0.84) than the other methods. The results indicate that PCA plays an important role in feature selection. After introducing PCA into our algorithm model, we proposed a model training method that did not follow the end-to-end architecture of the original Faster R-CNN. The disadvantage is that the model did not represent imbalanced samples well. For example, the number of PYOs was small, and the AP was relatively low compared with that of other types of cells. The PCA-Faster-R-CNN model can be used in other fields of recognition of components in microscopic images, such as target detection in leucorrhea, type component detection in urine, and cell counting in blood.


A deep learning model for cell detection is proposed for locating and identifying objects from microscopy images. The algorithm achieves the highest mAP and has the ability to detect and locate RBCs, WBCs, Mids, and PYOs rapidly. The mAP is approximately 84%, and the detection time is 723 ms per image (1600 × 1200 resolution).


Due to the small sample size in the collected dataset, fat globules were not considered in this analysis. When the number of samples belonging to a certain category is small—for example, PYOs—as training proceeds, the model can easily suffer from overfitting. Artificial adhesion of leukocytes can be used to expand the number of samples via data enhancement.