Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 04 March 2021

The original version of this Article contained errors in the Reference list. The authors omitted the below paper, which is listed as Reference 22.

Sarikaya, D., Corso, J. J. & Guru, K. A. Detection and localization of robotic tools in robot-assisted surgery videos using deep neural networks for region proposal and detection. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 36, 1542–1549 (2017).

As a result, in the Introduction,

“Methodologies have ranged from hidden markov chains20 and traditional machine learning classifiers14, over time series feature extraction17,18 to CNNs15,16,21.

now reads:

“Methodologies have ranged from hidden markov chains20 and traditional machine learning classifiers14, over time series feature extraction17,18 to CNNs15,16,21,22.”

Consequently, References 23–33 were incorrectly listed as References 22–32.

The original Article has been corrected.