Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 12 March 2020

The Article contains errors.

In the Results section under the subheading “Identifying differentially expressed language features prior to a hospital visit”

“Dictionary-based: Prior to ED visits, patients less more likely to post about leisure (d =  − 0.225), associated words such as ‘family’, ‘fun’, ‘play’, ‘nap’, internet slang (netspeak) (d =  − 0.374) words such as ‘:)’, ‘fb’, ‘ya’, ‘ur’, and informal language (d =  − 0.345) with words such as ‘u’, ‘lol’, ‘smh’, ‘da’. Patients also use personal pronouns less (d =  − 0.345) prior to ED visits compared to random time windows.”

should read:

“Dictionary-based: Prior to ED visits, patients were less likely to post about leisure (d =  − 0.225) with words such as ‘fun’, ‘play’, ‘nap’, internet slang (netspeak) (d =  − 0.374) such as ‘u’, ‘da’, ‘smh’, and informal language (d =  − 0.345) with words such as ‘lol’, ‘:)’, ‘b’.”

In Table 2 under “Categories that decrease in usage before emergency visit”, the row “1st person singular” is a duplication of row “informal speech”.

In Table 2 under “Change in linguistic topics”, the row “even, still, tho, though, yet, blah” is a duplication of the row “kids, child, their, children, mother, father”.

The correct Table 2 appears below as Table 1

Table 1 Statistical insights on differential language expression prior to an emergency visit*.

In Table 3 under “Categories that decrease in usage before inpatient visit”, the row “1st person singular (‘lol’, ‘:)’, ‘b’)” is a duplication of the row “Informal Speech (‘lol’, ‘:)’, ‘b’)”.

In Table 3 under “Change in Linguistic Topics”, the row “even, still, tho, yet, blah, mad” is a duplication of the row “kids, child, their, children, mother, father”.

In Table 3 under “Topics that decrease in usage before inpatient visit”, the row “better, feeling, little, hope, bit, type” is a duplication of the row “lol, ha, ctfu, lmao, funny, haha” and the row “no, what, matter, how, always, end” is a duplication of the row “:), show, crew, awesome, fashion, guys”.

The correct Table 3 appears below as Table 2

Table 2 Statistical insights on differential language expression prior to an inpatient visit*.

These corrections do not affect the conclusions of the Article.