Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 06 May 2020

The original version of this Article contained typographical errors in the Abstract.

“Compared to those who smoked tobacco and used spliffs, the following spliff use behaviour groups were less likely to have their first joint within 60 minutes after waking: those who smoked tobacco and used spliffs (95%CI: 0.605–0.988); those who never smoked tobacco and did not use spliffs (95%CI: 0.489–0.892); those who never smoked tobacco and used spliffs (95%CI:0.022–0.915).”

now reads:

“Compared to those who smoked tobacco and did not use spliffs, the following spliff use behaviour groups were less likely to have their first joint within 60 minutes after waking: those who smoked tobacco and used spliffs (95%CI: 0.605–0.988); those who never smoked tobacco and did not use spliffs (95%CI: 0.489–0.892); those who never smoked tobacco and used spliffs (95%CI:0.022–0.915).”

This has now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.