Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 23 October 2019

The original version of this Article contained typographical errors.

In the Abstract

“In Warnow estuarine sediments (Germany) we found significant correlations between high-density polymer size fractions (≥500 mm) and sediment grain size.”

now reads:

“In Warnow estuarine sediments (Germany) we found significant correlations between high-density polymer size fractions (≥500 µm) and sediment grain size.”

In the Results and Discussion section under the sub-heading “MP abundance and composition in the Warnow estuary”:

“The Baltic Sea opening had comparatively low abundances of 2[2-2] kg−1 DW (S8, S9), whereas the Alter Strom (adjacent side arm of the Warnow estuary) revealed highest levels of 379 ± 28 g−1 DW (n = 3, S10) (Fig. 1A) of the area studied.”

now reads:

“The Baltic Sea opening had comparatively low abundances of 2[2-2] kg−1 DW (S8, S9), whereas the Alter Strom (adjacent side arm of the Warnow estuary) revealed highest levels of 379 ± 28 kg−1 DW (n = 3, S10) (Fig. 1A) of the area studied.”

In the Results and Discussion section under the sub-heading “Fractionation of MP species based on physical properties”:

“In the Alter Strom, fibres reached abundances of 84 ± 45 g−1 DW, roughly equalling particulate ordinary polymers.”

now reads:

“In the Alter Strom, fibres reached abundances of 84 ± 45 kg−1 DW, roughly equalling particulate ordinary polymers.”

In the legend for Figure 1

“Representative replicates (n = 3) were available for station S2 and S10 amounting to 78 ± 10 g−1 DW and 379 ± 28 g−1 DW, respectively.”

now reads

“Representative replicates (n = 3) were available for station S2 and S10 amounting to 78 ± 10 kg−1 DW and 379 ± 28 kg−1 DW, respectively.”

In the legend for Figure 2

“The black line indicates the transition from LD to HD polymers determined by the density of water (~1 g m−3).”

now reads

“The black line indicates the transition from LD to HD polymers determined by the density of water (~1 g cm−3).”

These errors have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.