Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 01 August 2019

In the original version of this Article, Jun Young Jang and Hyunsoo Kim were omitted as equally contributing authors.

In addition, this Article contained a typographical error in the Results section, under subheading ‘Covalent binding mode in the SB1495- and SB1494-bound PPARγ structures’.

“In order to compare the covalent binding modes of SB1495 and SB1494 with other covalent PPARγγ ligands, we superimposed SB1495- and SB1494-bound structures with a total of 22 covalent ligands for PPARγ LBD deposited in Protein Data Bank (PDB) so far8,17,24–29.”

now reads:

“In order to compare the covalent binding modes of SB1495 and SB1494 with other covalent PPARγ ligands, we superimposed SB1495- and SB1494-bound structures with a total of 22 covalent ligands for PPARγ LBD deposited in Protein Data Bank (PDB) so far8,17,24–29.”

These errors have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the paper.