Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 13 October 2017

This Article contains errors.

In Figure 1 the two fitted curves should be shown as dashed lines. The correct Figure 1 appears below.

Figure 1
figure 1

Number of flowering individuals, fruit set (proportion of flowers forming a fruit), and pre-dispersal seed herbivory (proportion of damaged flowers and fruits) with date in one P. alpicola population at Lulang, China in 2016. -■- Number of individuals, ▲ Pre-dispersal seed herbivory Fruit set, ---- Fitted curve.

In addition, in the Results section, under the subheading ‘Evidence for pollinator mediated natural selection’,

“Pollinators selected for more flowers and shorter scape plants (Δβ poll  = −0.177, P < 0.05), accounting for all of the observed net selection (β ij  = −0.088) (Table 3).”

should read:

“Pollinators selected for more flowers and shorter scape plants (Δγpoll = −0.177, P < 0.05), accounting for all of the observed net selection (γij = −0.088) (Table 3).”

Furthermore, the title of Table 3,

“Correlational selection gradients (μ  ± SE) among open-pollinated and hand-pollinated plants and pollinator-mediated selection gradients, with proportion of damaged flowers and fruits as covariate, in one P. alpicola population at Lulang, China in 2016.”

should read:

“Correlational selection gradients (γij ± SE) among open-pollinated and hand-pollinated plants and pollinator-mediated selection gradients, with proportion of damaged flowers and fruits as covariate, in one P. alpicola population at Lulang, China in 2016.”

The legend of Table 3,

“Pollinator-mediated selection Δμ poll  = γ OPγ HP and P-values associated with differences in selection gradients between pollination treatments (the trait × pollination treatment interaction) in ANCOVA. Significant selection gradient estimates and their P-values are indicated in bold (P < 0.05).”

should read:

“Pollinator-mediated selection Δγpoll  = γ OPγ HP and P-values associated with differences in selection gradients between pollination treatments (the trait × pollination treatment interaction) in ANCOVA. Significant selection gradient estimates and their P-values are indicated in bold (P < 0.05).”

Finally, in Table 3, in the ‘Pollinator-mediated’ column,

Δμ poll

should read:
