Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 03 March 2017

This Article contains an error in Figure 3b, where the y-axis label ‘Hb (mg/ml)’ is incorrectly given as ‘Hb (mg/dl)’. The correct Figure 3 appears below as Figure 1.

Figure 1
figure 1

Reduction in Mycobacterial growth and Hb concentration following BCG vaccination and successive bleeds in Rhesus macaques. (a) The MGIT assay was performed using BCG Pasteur and (b) Hb measured pre- and post-BCG vaccination using whole blood from 7 Rhesus macaques. Points represent the mean of duplicates from individual animals and bars represent the mean values with SEM. Shapes represent different time-points. Having passed a normality test, a repeated measures ANOVA was performed followed by a Bonferroni post-test where *represents a p-value of <0.05, **represents a p value of <0.005, and ****represents a p-value of <0.0001. Δ log10 CFU = (log10 CFU of sample − log10 CFU of control).