
Efforts have been made to produce soft magnetic materials with high saturation magnetization, high Curie temperature, low magnetic coercivity, high permeability and low magnetostriction. These aims are mostly achieved by Co-based amorphous alloys. These physical properties combined with outstanding soft magnetic properties and high crystallization temperature is of central importance for the application in many technical devices1. Currently, it has been reported that a-Co90Sc10 has a high Curie temperature (Tc > 860 K) and good soft magnetic properties2.

This investigation is based on objectives aimed at producing amorphous alloys with high transition temperature and simultaneous reduction of variations of magnetization curve as a function of temperature to approximately zero in the range T = 300 ± 100 K. Additional major goal of this investigation is to study under which conditions the fluctuation of exchange integral becomes extinct. The amorphous transition metal-rich Fe90−xCoxSc10 system is one of the means to achieve the above mentioned objective. In addition, the amorphous transition metal-rich Fe90−xCoxSc10 system, which exhibits high values of the Curie temperature and the magnetization is of interest in order to study the fundamentals of the dependence of the magnetization on the Co concentration.

In contrast to a-Co90Sc10 alloys2, a-Fe90Sc10 alloys are magnetically harder with a coercivity of about Hc ≈ 0.18 T, Fig. 1. The magnetization of a-Fe90Sc10 at a temperature of 5 K cannot be saturated even at applied external fields Bex ≥ 8 T, Fig. 1. On the other hand, the magnetic transition temperature (TC = 120 K) is extremely reduced in comparison to the amorphous Co based alloys. The physical reason for this abnormal magnetic behaviour of based on frustration of exchange coupling and has been reported in ref.3.

Figure 1
figure 1

Magnetization of a- Fe90−Sc10 as a function of Bex at T = 4.2 K. The a- Fe90−Sc10 is magnetically disordered. The saturation magnetization cannot be achieved even at Bex = 9 T (see text). The magnetic transition is T = 120 K.

Combining the different magnetic behaviour of the two amorphous systems CoSc and FeSc was the initial idea behind synthesizing amorphous ternary alloys in the CoFeSc system.


Master alloys with the nominal composition of Fe90−xCoxSc10 (0 ≤ < x < ≤ 90) were synthesized by arc melting in an argon atmosphere. Amorphous Fe90−xCoxSc10 ribbons were prepared using melt spinning with a wheel speed of 45 m/s in an argon atmosphere. The amorphous ribbons had a thickness of approx. 30 μm and a width of approx. 2 mm. Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy EDX (Oxford Instruments) was used to analyze the composition of the ribbons in comparison to the starting material. X-ray diffraction measurements of a-Fe90−xCoxSc10 allow to determine the amorphous structure and under certain conditions to determine the atomic structure and the inter-atomic distances, leading to radial distribution functions. A high-flux rotating anode X-ray diffractometer with high-resolution parallel beam optics was employed to confirm the amorphous structure of the ribbon samples. The selected photon wavelength of Mo-radiation was λMo-Kα1 = 0.7107 Å. The conversion of the X-ray diffraction data of a- Fe90−xCoxSc10 to atomic Pair Distribution Function, PDF, was made using the PDFgetX3 software4. To proof the reliability of this method, the PDF of two representative samples (a-Fe90Sc10 and a-Co90Sc10) measured and evaluated2,5 at a synchrotron source (Spring-8) with a substantially smaller photon wavelength of 0.2 Å was compared with those obtained by the method described above. It could be confirmed that the data measured using the laboratory instrument coincide well with those measured at the synchrotron, enabling the use of Mo-source instrument with better accessibility. The PDF of a representative sample, a- Fe45Co45Sc10, is shown in Fig. 2. It is evident that the atomic structure of the ternary amorphous alloy is similar to that of a-Fe90Sc10 or a-Co90Sc10 both reported earlier to exhibit a distorted bcc structure6. It was shown that the distorted bcc structure describes also the atomic structure of other compositions x over the entire compositional range6. In contrast to the crystalline Fe100−xCoX alloys7, a-Fe90−xCoxSc10 alloys show no structural changes as a function of composition of Co. It is important to note that the partial distribution functions allow to access information such as the distribution and positions of nearest neighbours and thus provide a base for the discussion of magnetic behaviour of a-Fe90−xCoxSc10 alloys.

Figure 2
figure 2

A representative Pair Distribution Functions, G(r), of a-Fe90−xCoxSc10 at room temperature.

The magnetic studies were performed using SQUID- Quantum Design as well as a Physical Property measurement System (PPMS®)- Quantum Design in temperature range 4.2 K ≤ T ≤ 1000 K with external magnetic fields 0 < Bex ≤ 9 T.

For discussion regarding the magnetic behaviour as a function of temperature, it is important that magnetic saturation is achieved. In the case of a-Fe90Sc10, it is, however, difficult to align the spin in external fields directions. The detail information for this behaviour is given in ref.3. The internal magnetic hyperfine field splitting, Bhf, is in the most transition metal based alloys proportional to the magnetic moment of Fe8. Fortunately, the Bhf is unrestricted to the orientation of spins and it is assessable by nuclear methods such as Mössbauer spectroscopy. As with most transition metals8, assuming that the following equation, M(T)/M(0) = Bhf(T)/Bhf(0), is authentic between the magnetization and average magnetic hyperfine field, the magnetic behaviour as a function of temperature of a- Fe90Sc10 will be discussed in this report. The details of the evaluation of Bhf(T) have been discussed in ref.9.

For x > 0, the Curie temperatures of a- Fe90−xCoxSc10 were verified through two different methods: (1) for x ≤ 35, TC was deduced by mean of Landau theory10. (2) For x > 35, the mean field theory were applied to calculated the TC. The reason for the choice of two different methods is the crystallization of samples. At x > 35, the TC is higher than the crystallization temperature and the Landau theory cannot be applied10.

In general, TC is a second order phase transition from magnetically random disordered state to a magnetically well-ordered state. According to Landau10 the fourth-order expansion of free minimum energy in an external field or in zero external field at TC delivers a point of inflection for the slope of M(T)/M(0) at t = (T − TC)/TC = 0.

A representative figure of the slope, ∂M(T)/∂M(0), as a function of t = (T − TC)/TC is presented in Fig. 3.

Figure 3
figure 3

A representative plot of the slope of M(T)/M(0) as a function of normalized temperature t = (T − TC)/TC is presented. According to Landau theory is the Curie temperature at the point of inflection, t = 0 (See text).

At x > 35, TC is above crystallization temperature TX. For determination of TC, the measured magnetization in the range, 90 > x > 35, and at T < Tc were satisfactorily matched to the mean field theory equation:

$$\frac{{\rm{M}}({\rm{T}})}{{\rm{M}}(0)}=\,\tanh [\frac{{\rm{M}}({\rm{T}})/{\rm{M}}({\rm{0}})}{{\rm{T}}/{{\rm{T}}}_{{\rm{C}}}}]$$

The results will be discussed in the next section.

The determination of the crystallization temperature, TX of a- Fe90−xCoxSc10 were performed with a Differential Scanning Calorimetry, NETZSCH STA 449F3 at a heating rate of 20 K/min, Fig. 4.

Figure 4
figure 4

Crystallization temperature as a function of Co.

Results and Discussions

Curie temperature

FeCo-based amorphous alloys have among all transition metals based ferromagnetic amorphous alloys the highest Curie temperature2.

The highest Curie temperature is, however, low in comparison to the pure crystalline transition metals. The reasons for this behaviour are: (a) Different arrangements of short-range order in comparison to the crystalline counter part. (2) Alloying effect (3) Distribution of the interatomic distances (4) Different electron structure11. Recently, it has been reported that a- Co90Sc102 has the highest TC ≈ 1000 K among the amorphous transition metals. One reason for this high TC is the structure of this alloy6. Amorphous Transition-metal rich Sc alloys have a distorted bcc structure6. According to the experimental Slater- Pauling curve12,13, the ratio of ra/r3d determine the exchange integral and with that the TC. ra and r3d are denoted as atom diameters and 3d shell radii, respectively. Hence, it should be possible to increase the Tc toward higher values by altering the ratio ra/r3d. For this purpose, Fe replaced the Co atoms in the amorphous Co90Sc10 alloy. The resulting increase of Tc is shown in Fig. 5. The atomic diameter, ra, is selected from the first maximum of PDF curve. The resulting curve follows the experimental Slater-Pauling curve. Contrary to the crystalline Fe100−xCox, there are no structural transitions in a- Fe90−xCoxSc10. The shape of the resulting PDF is similar for all a- Fe90−xCoxSc10. The main variation is the atomic distances. Using the experimental idea of Slater-Pauling12,13, it was possible to reach a TC at 1150 K. This finding is of special interest for the use of soft magnetic properties.

Figure 5
figure 5

Curie temperature as a function of the ratio of ra/r3d. ra and r3d are denoted as the first maximum at PDF-curve and 3d radii respectively.


Amorphous samples, a-Fe5Co85Sc10, are magnetically soft with a corresponding magnetic moment of the transition metals (Fe and Co) of about 1.4 μB at a temperature of 300 K, as seen in Fig. 6. Replacing just 5% of the Co-atoms by Fe results in an increase of the Curie temperature to 1150 K for a- Fe5Co85Sc10, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest TC ever obtained for any amorphous alloys. Furthermore, the magnetic moment of a- Fe5Co85Sc10 is higher than a-Co90Sc10.

Figure 6
figure 6

Magnetization as a function of external fields of a- Fe85Co5Sc10 at T = 300 K.

Magnetization curve

As mentioned, a- Fe90−xCoxSc10 has a distorted bcc structure. The experimental observed magnetic moment as a function of the Co content at 4.2 K is presented in Fig. 7. A maximum of magnetic moment is indicated at about x = 25. The behaviour of M(T) as a function of Co contents is similar to one reported for the crystalline bcc Fe-Co alloys. Using self- consistent local spin-density functional calculation, Schwarz et al.14 have shown that in the case of bcc FeCo alloys are the itinerant 3d-electrons band with 3d spin up as well as 3d spin down intensely concentrated close to Co and Fe atoms. There is, however, a minor negative contribution of about −0.02 µB between atoms. This contribution is due to the p-electrons. The resulting of Magnetic Compton X-ray Scattering2,15 shows, however, a negative value of about −0.23 µB and −0.49 µB for a-Co90Sc10 and bcc-Fe, respectively. Similar to crystalline Fe1−xCoX alloys, the shape of magnetization curve of a- Fe90−xCoxSc10 consists of two physical different appearances14: (1) At 100 < x < 25, the spin up electrons are filled. An increase of Fe causes a decrease of spin down and with that an increase of the magnetic moment as appeared in Fig. 514,16. Using the equation suggested by Schwarz et al.11,16,17: M = 2 N − Z with N = 5.22 was an agreement reached. The values, M, N and Z are defined as magnetic moment, average number of spins and number of valence electrons per atom, respectively. The value of N is slightly smaller than that chosen for bcc Fe14, Fig. 7. For x < 25, an agreement cannot be achieved satisfactorily between theory and experiment, because the Fe atoms are in a-Fe90Sc10 magnetically disordered. They experience positive, ferromagnetic, as well, negative antiferromagnetic interactions3.

Figure 7
figure 7

Magnetic moment as a function of Cobalt measured at 4.2 K. The straight dashed lines present calculated values (See text).

(2) At x > 25, the spin downs are pinned14 and a decrease of Fe leads to an increase of magnetic moment according to the equation: M = Z-2N. Choosing a value: N = 3.125 lead to good agreement between experimental data and the suggested equation as presented in Fig. 7. The selected N is in comparison to bcc-Fe higher. This could be originated in additional filling of spin down band structure by Sc atoms.

Reduced Magnetization: M(T)/M(0)

The reduced saturation magnetization, M(T)/M(0), of a-Co85Fe5Sc10 as a function of reduced temperature, T/Tc, measured from 4.2 K up to the crystallization temperature, TX = 777 K, agrees with the prediction of the mean field theory, Fig. 8. This behavior is comparable to crystalline materials. In contrast to other distorted systems such as amorphous alloys no modification of the Brillouin function was necessary to calculate the experimental data. The best agreement of the theoretical description with the experimental data is achieved by using an extrapolated Curie temperature, TC = 1150 K. As crystallization of the amorphous structure sets in prior to reaching the Curie temperature, the transition temperature cannot be determined experimentally. The same calculation of the Curie temperature has been employed to determine TC for crystalline Fe, Co and Ni18.

Figure 8
figure 8

Reduced magnetization M(T)/M(0) as a function of reduced temperature T/TC for two representative samples. The curves are fitted with asymmetric exchange integral fluctuation according to ref.22.

According to Handrich and Kobe, the mean field theory predicts successfully the temperature dependence of the reduced saturation magnetization, M(T)/M(0), if the Brillouin function is modified19,20,21. The modified Brillouin function takes into account the effect of the distorted structure and the variation of interatomic spacing between nearest neighbors on exchange integral. In Handrich and Kobe theory19,20,21, the reduced saturation magnetization is given by:

$$\frac{{\rm{M}}({\rm{T}})}{{\rm{M}}(0)}=\frac{{\rm{1}}}{{\rm{2}}}\{{{\rm{B}}}_{{\rm{s}}}[(1+{\rm{\delta }}){\rm{x}}]+{{\rm{B}}}_{{\rm{s}}}[({\rm{1}}-{\rm{\delta }}){\rm{x}}]\}$$

x and δ are defined as:

$${\rm{x}}=\frac{3{\rm{S}}}{{\rm{S}}+1}\,\frac{{\rm{M}}({\rm{T}})}{{\rm{M}}(0)}\,\frac{{{\rm{T}}}_{{\rm{C}}}}{{\rm{T}}},\,{\rm{\delta }}=\sqrt{\langle {{\rm{\Delta }}J}^{2}\rangle /{\langle {\rm{J}}\rangle }^{2}}$$

The parameters Bs, J and ΔJ are defined as the Brillouin function, exchange integral and exchange fluctuation, respectively.

According to Gallagher et al.22, the Handrich- Kobe model would be improved, if the asymmetric exchange fluctuations were included. The asymmetrical distribution of the exchange integral is the result of the form of the empirical Bethe-Slater curve, which permits the replacement of δ parameters in equation (2) by two different parameters, δ+ and δ. The alternative equation is expressed as:

$$\frac{{\rm{M}}({\rm{T}})}{{\rm{M}}(0)}=\frac{1}{2}\{{{\rm{B}}}_{{\rm{s}}}[({1+{\rm{\delta }}}_{+}){\rm{x}}]+{{\rm{B}}}_{{\rm{s}}}[({\rm{1}}-{{\rm{\delta }}}_{-}){\rm{x}}]\}$$

Using the method of Gallagher et al.22 a zero exchange fluctuation parameter, δ = √(ΔJ2)/(J)2 = 0, was deduced for a-Fe5Co85Sc10. The best agreement between the theory, equation 3, and measurements of a-Fe90Sc10 was reached by an asymmetric exchange fluctuation parameters, δ+ = 0.64 and δ- = 0.5, Fig. 8. In the case of a-Fe90Sc10 the saturation magnetization cannot be reached in external fields. Therefore for the determination of M(T)/M(0), we must move away from the standard ways such as SQUID- or PPMS measurements. Mössbauer effect is an alternative method for the determination of M(T)/M(0). As discussed in section 2, the measured average magnetic hyperfine field, Bhf(T), at zero external magnetic field is in transition metals proportional to the M(T). Therefore for the calculation of M(T)/M(0), the equation: Bhf(T)/Bhf(0) = M(T)/M(0) has been used. It is worth remembering that the a-Fe90Sc10 consists of magnetic clusters with an average sizes of about 100 atoms. The measured Bhf(T)/Bhf(0) = M(T)/M(0) is within clusters.

In the next section, it will be shown that for a-Fe90Sc10, the exchange fluctuation parameter in an applied magnetic field of 9 T can be depressed to zero. In this case the magnetic movement of whole single cluster and their interaction with other clusters are decisive for the behavior of M(T). The individual spins in the cluster do not play an essential role. This uncommon effect is of special interest and will be discussed  in details.

The M(T)/M(0) curve of ferromagnetic amorphous alloys as a function of T/TC are in contrast to the comparable crystalline alloys flatter. The mean field theory seems unable to explain the behaviour of magnetization as a function of temperature. However, by considering the distorted short-range order of atoms, Handrich and Kobe19,20 were able to explain the magnetization behaviour as function of temperature in the context of a modified mean field theory. A meaningful improvement on the theory of Handrich and Kobe were reached by considering the asymmetric exchange fluctuation of exchange integral according to Bethe-Slater curves. Using equation 4 in ref.22, the measured M(T)/M(0),or average magnetic hyperfine field Bhf(T)/Bhf(0), were matched to the theory. The results for two representative samples are presented in Fig. 8.

The two asymmetric parameters, .δ+ of a- Fe90−xCoxSc10 are presented in Fig. 9. The two asymmetric parameters are in a comparative agreement to the Bethe-Slater curve. Above x > 25, a variation of exchange integral is rather small; therefore the δ+ and δ tend to be low as presented in Fig. 9.

Figure 9
figure 9

(a,b) Asymmetric exchange integral fluctuations, δ+ and δ, as a function of Cobalt. δ+ and δ were determined from the best agreement between theory and experiment (see text).

M(T)/M(0) of a-Fe90Sc10

a-Fe90Sc10 is an exception: This amorphous alloy consists of ferro- and antiferromagnetic couplings. In addition, this alloy is made up of separated magnetic clusters with an average size of about 10 to 12 Å3 with a transition temperature at 120 K in zero field3. At T < 120 K, the spins have inside the clusters a mixed coupling (ferro- and antiferromagnetic). The resulting reduced magnetization M(T)/M(0) as a function of T/TC inside the clusters can be described with the modified Brillouin function according to Handrich and Kobe theory. The outcome of the calculation and the measurements inside the clusters are presented in Fig. 8.

A totally different outcome was registered in the temperature dependence of M(T)/M(0) at external magnetic field, Bex = 9 T.

In a-Fe90Sc10, the magnetic clusters are relative to each other randomly distributed and there is no magnetic interaction between them. In other words, the clusters behaviour to each other likes individual atoms in paramagnetic state. Using an average magnetic moment of 100 µB for every cluster, a good agreement between experiment and mean field theory of paramagnet can be achieved. In this case the exchange fluctuations have no influence on M(T)/M(0) of clusters. The results are presented in Fig. 10.

Figure 10
figure 10

Measured and calculated magnetization as a function temperature of a-Fe90Sc10 measured at Bex = 9 T (see text).


Amorphous Fe90−xCoxSc10 alloys have been prepared by rapidly quenching the melt. The short range order, the magnetic moment, the Curie temperature and the temperature dependence of magnetization have been investigated in detail. The results obtained for amorphous transition rich-Sc alloys agree with the prediction of modified mean field theory. The amorphous Fe5Co85Sc10 alloys follow up to crystallization theory the exact mean field theory without any modification. Above x > 35 K, the magnetic moment can be explained satisfactorily with the theoretical band model of bcc structure. The calculated TC of 1150 K of a- Fe5Co85Sc10 is the highest TC reported so far for amorphous alloys. The exceptional magnetic character of an amorphous Fe90Sc10 alloy is discussed in the framework of magnetic clusters with distorted bcc structure.

Hence we are led to conclude that the high Curie temperature is related to the bcc ordering in these alloys.