Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 18 May 2017

This Article contains a typographical error in the Results section under subheading ‘Enclosure’.

“A negative effect on livestock depredation, was found for keeping sheep in night barns in Slovenia32 (RR bear depredation = 0.04, RR wolf depredation = 0.25) and also for using night corrals to protect livestock from pumas (Puma concolor) in southern Brazil33 (RRpuma depredation = 0.25, Fig. 1).”

should read:

“A negative effect on livestock depredation, was found for keeping sheep in night barns in Slovakia32 (RR bear depredation = 0.04, RR wolf depredation = 0.25) and also for using night corrals to protect livestock from pumas (Puma concolor) in southern Brazil33 (RRpuma depredation = 0.25, Fig. 1).”