Scientific Reports 7:2659; doi:10.1038/s41598-017-03014-2; Article published online 01 June 2017

The original version of this Article contained errors in the spelling of the authors Maude Gerbaix, Vasily Gnyubkin, Delphine Farlay, Cécile Olivier, Patrick Ammann, Guillaume Courbon, Norbert Laroche, Rachel Genthial, Héléne Follet, Françoise Peyrin, Boris Shenkman, Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch, and Laurence Vico, which were incorrectly given as Gerbaix Maude, Gnyubkin Vasily, Farlay Delphine, Olivier Cecile, Ammann Patrick, Courbon Guillaume, Laroche Norbert, Gential Rachel, Follet Héléne, Peyrin Françoise, Shenkman Boris, Gauquelin-Koch Guillemette, and Vico Laurence.

These errors have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.