Scientific Reports 7:1700; doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01509-6; Article published online 10 May 2017

The original version of this Article contained errors in the Reference list. Reference 36 was incorrectly given as:

“Juska, G., Dimastrodonato, V., Mereni, L. O., Gocalinska, A. & Pelucchi, E. Tuning the optical properties of dilute nitride site controlled quantum dots. AIP Conference Proceedings 1566, 447–448 (2013).”

and now reads:

“Juska, G., Dimastrodonato, V., Mereni, L. O., Gocalinska, A. & Pelucchi, E. Towards quantum-dot arrays of entangled photon emitters. Nat Photon 7, 527–531 (2013).”

In addition, Reference 20 was incomplete:

“Zadeh, I. E. et al. Deterministic integration of single photon sources in silicon based photonic circuits. Nano Letters 0, null (2016).”

now reads:

“Zadeh, I. E. et al. Deterministic integration of single photon sources in silicon based photonic circuits. Nano Letters 16, 2289–2294 (2016).”

Additionally, Tables 1 and 2 contained errors in the “Time window (ns)” column, where the values “4.48” and “1.41” were incorrectly given as “0.48” and “0.41”, respectively.

These errors have now been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of this Article.