Sustainable weed management strategies are critical to feeding the world’s population while preserving ecosystems and biodiversity. Therefore, site-specific weed control strategies based on automation are needed to reduce the additional time and effort required for weeding. Machine vision-based methods appear to be a promising approach for weed detection, but require high quality data on the species in a specific agricultural area. Here we present a dataset, the Moving Fields Weed Dataset (MFWD), which captures the growth of 28 weed species commonly found in sorghum and maize fields in Germany. A total of 94,321 images were acquired in a fully automated, high-throughput phenotyping facility to track over 5,000 individual plants at high spatial and temporal resolution. A rich set of manually curated ground truth information is also provided, which can be used not only for plant species classification, object detection and instance segmentation tasks, but also for multiple object tracking.
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Background & Summary
Weeds are plants that, although not specifically cultivated, are adapted to grow on arable land. Typically, weeds are considered to be an undesirable element in crop production. Their negative impact on crop development can be described in terms of competition with the crop for resources (nutrients, sunlight, space and water), reduction in productivity, increased challenges during harvesting and an overall increase in the cost of agricultural production. In addition, weeds can be hosts for insects and diseases1,2, which might further increase the necessity for control strategies. Nevertheless, weeds might also have positive effects on biodiversity3 and soil structure4. Therefore, only highly competitive and invasive weed species should be removed which might lead to more sustainable agriculture5.
Over centuries, several crop management strategies were established to mitigate the negative impact of weeds, which can be divided into five main categories6: ‘preventative’ (preventing weeds from establishing), ‘cultural’ (maintaining field hygiene with low weed seed bank), ‘mechanical’ (removing weeds by mowing, mulching or tilling), ‘biological’ (using natural enemies such as insects or animals), and ‘chemical’ (applying herbicides). Disadvantages of these approaches include financial burden, additional time and effort to varying degrees. In addition, control treatments may impact the health of people, plants, soil, animals, and the environment7,8,9.
Sustainable strategies for managing weeds are critical to feed the world’s population while conserving the ecosystems and biodiversity9. The limited and rational use of herbicides is an important principle of sustainable farming, as spraying of herbicides leads to waste and can pollute soil and water sources. Furthermore, agrochemical residues are one of the most important food-related concerns. Therefore, additional non-chemical and site-specific weed management (SSWM) strategies10 are needed, which should be linked with the farm management system. One key aspect is to automatically and precisely detect weeds to mitigate the additional time and effort for either site-specific or weed-specific herbicide application or mechanical weed control. Numerous studies demonstrated methods to automatically detect weeds on the field or in greenhouses, where computer vision-based methods seem the most promising11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19. These methods can be grouped into different tasks with varying ground truth information, as shown in Fig. 1. Starting from an image as shown in Fig. 1a, image classification is the least accurate task (Fig. 1b). It is applied to a single plant cut-out without location and thus cannot be applied in SSWM tasks, where the simultaneous detection and localization of multiple plants is desired. Therefore, the object detection20 task might be utilized. However, this task detects rectangular bounding boxes (Fig. 1c) which is not satisfactory due to the complex and irregular shape of the plants. Also, these models are prone to occlusion21 which diminishes their performance in areas with high weed infestation22. Nevertheless, the analysis of a plant’s growth dynamics can be achieved, where multiple objects are tracked through time (see Fig. 1d). Moreover, by using segmentation masks, additional tasks can be performed. Here, by convention any countable entity (i.e. plant, person, etc.) is named ‘thing’ and any uncountable region (i.e. soil, sky) is called ‘stuff’: The semantic segmentation task23 provides a precise delineation of stuff, which separates every pixel in the image by class label, but cannot separate different plants of the same class24 (see Fig. 1e). This is crucial in selective weed management25 to conserve biodiversity by removing only competitive weeds. Consequently, instance segmentation24 (Fig. 1f) can generate accurate detections of things individually, which can be used in many downstream tasks such as weed density assessment or biomass estimation26. Nevertheless, this type of model is only able to detect countable objects (things) and does not consider stuff regions. Finally, panoptic segmentation27 combines the concept of both semantic and instance segmentation and assigns two labels (semantic label and instance id) to each pixel in an image (Fig. 1g).
The basis for the development, validation and assessment of such systems is the availability of high quality data on weed diversity in a particular area of interest. Several datasets are publicly available, but lack several aspects for precise plant phenotyping, as summarized in Table 1.
Most datasets available lack variability in the data (low number of individuals or plant species) limiting their usability in different studies. Only a few datasets are larger than 100,000 annotated plant samples, including Open Plant Phenotype Database (OPPD)28 and Pl@ntNet-300k29. However, Pl@ntNet-300k can only be used for classification tasks without tracking plant growth stages and OPPD is missing semantic and instance segmentation masks, which are important for precise phenotyping. Also, the bounding box information of a plant is often not sufficient, as it is too coarse for most weed management applications. Therefore, semantic segmentation or even more accurate instance segmentation masks are required. Finally, tracking a plant over time provides valuable insight into growth dynamics.
In this work we have created a high-quality dataset of different plant species with a high temporal and spatial resolution. We added manually curated semantic and instance segmentation masks of a subset to make this dataset suitable for weed management tasks. For this purpose, we used a high throughput phenotyping system to ensure a high degree of automation, as this system was equipped with controlled illumination and an automatic irrigation system. In our dataset, we included images of plants captured multiple times per day. This included captures in the evening, when the appearance of some species changes due to their dependency on sunlight. In addition, we generated data from different varieties of sorghum and maize, focusing on a wide range of seedling weeds that are also common in agricultural sites where these crops are grown.
The methodology can be summarized into three steps, as shown in Fig. 2. First, we will describe the experimental setup (Fig. 2a). Second, we will illustrate the image generation (Fig. 2b) and conclude with the labeling process (Fig. 2c).
Experimental Setup
To generate a dataset consisting of high-quality images that capture the initial growth dynamics of individual plants of several weed species, a greenhouse experiment was performed at the Moving Fields facility (https://www.lfl.bayern.de/verschiedenes/ueberuns/272457/index.php) of the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture in Freising, Germany. In the experiment, plants were grown in micro-plots that were watered and photographed automatically on at least a daily basis from the day of sowing until harvest, which took place at around shooting. Built into a greenhouse, the Moving Fields facility (LemnaTec GmbH) consists of a conveyor belt system, three irrigation stations and four ‘Scanalyzer 3d’ photo cabins, which together enable experimental units consisting of plants growing on micro-plots to be automatically moved, watered, weighted and photographed. The greenhouse can be climatically controlled with regard to humidity and temperature and can be illuminated by 48 sodium-vapor lamps (Philips Son-T AGRO). The conveyor belt system (Bosch Rexroth TS2plus) accommodates and enables the movement of 390 carriers (micro-plots). At the three measuring stations, digital scales (Bizerba ST) and high-pressure pumps (Wartson-Marlow) enable carriers, together with any plants transported by them, to be weighed and to be watered to a unit-specific target weight. The plant species included in the dataset, listed in Table 2 and Table 3, were selected as weed species common to fields of sorghum grown in Germany. Additional selection criteria were 1) commercial availability and 2) the ability to be grown at the climatically controlled conditions of a greenhouse. Seeds of the species involved were acquired from commercial breeders in Germany, the Netherlands and France. All plants were grown in boxes of size 40 × 30 × 22 cm (outer dimensions). The color of these boxes was blue, to facilitate image analysis afterwards. Each box was filled to about half height (roughly 11 cm after compression) with a commercial peat-free substrate (Höfter GmbH), primarily consisting of coconut fibers. Plants were grown as monocultures; each box contained plants of one species only. To yield data for enough individual plants per species, the number of boxes varied between species due to different germination rates.
The number of seeds planted in each box was made dependent on the expected germination rate, which was adjusted throughout the experiment. Thus, seed density varied both within species over time and between species. Following breeder recommendations, some seeds were kept in a vernalization room (at 4 °C) or treated with gibberellin acid (GA3) to ensure germination success. Units were sent to an automatic watering station as often as frequent imaging allowed, in practice at least twice a day. Each unit was watered to its unique target weight. This target weight initially corresponded to the unit’s weight at sowing. Throughout the experiment, target weights were adjusted repeatedly to prevent boxes from becoming either too dry or too wet. Twice a week, all boxes were examined to score seedling emergence, to thin the standing stock in order to minimize overlap between individual plants and to harvest plants that either started shooting or that became too big for the box they were growing in.
In addition, different varieties of maize (Zea Mays) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) were grown and captured, as shown in Table 3.
Image Generation
To generate well illuminated, high-resolution top-down images of the experimental units, one of the Scanalyzer 3D imaging cabins of the Moving Fields facility was used. In this cabin, one RGB camera (Basler piA2400-17gm) is mounted 2.8 m perpendicular above the conveyor band. This camera takes images with 2456 × 2058 pixels. This camera is equipped with a motorized zoom lens (Pentax C6Z1218M3-5); throughout the experiment, however, this lens was set fixed at a single position, which resulted in a ground resolution of ∼ 0.17 mm per pixel. The micro-plots were illuminated by 14 fluorescent lamps (Osram HE 28 W/865) that were also mounted perpendicular above the conveyor band. Units were imaged as often as possible, in practice at least once a day on the two days per week on which plant maintenance took place and at least twice a day on all other days. The units were tracked over a development period from sowing till the last plant either started shooting or became too big for the setup, representing the relevant stages for weed control on the field for sorghum. The images collected were stored in a LemnaTec-specific raw format, after which they were converted to PNG format. Each experimental unit was marked with a unique numerical barcode composed of identity codes for 1) the species, 2) the treatment (with or without GA3) and 3) the replicate at issue. Each image was saved with the barcode of the unit that was on the image as well as the date and time of image acquisition.
Labeling Process
The complete dataset was labeled using the open-source software CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool; https://www.cvat.ai/) as a self-hosted solution. This software made the labeling time-efficient, as it provided an easy interface for multiple object tracking by adding time series information per plant. Each species was labeled individually, providing the EPPO code as a label. Although only one species was seeded per tray, more weed species germinated during the experiment (compare Table 4), as the seed assortment was not completely pure. Therefore, the additional label “weed” was used to annotate these plants and the unknown species was identified by an expert in a second step. The correct species could not be specified for all plants due to several reasons (i.e., little germination resulting in small plants, occlusion with other plants, etc.), especially when they were not part of our initial assortment.
The instance segmentation masks were manually drawn using another open-source software, GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), which provides pixel-level information. Therefore, we selected one tray from each of 14 plant species, as not all species could be labeled due to complexity and time constraints (see Fig. 1g).
Data Records
The Moving Fields Weed Dataset30 (MFWD) is deposited at the digital library of the Technical University of Munich (https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1717366). The dataset consists of 94,321 high temporal and spatial resolution images of 30 different plant species (see Fig. 3).
Additional ground truth data is provided, consisting of the plant species, a bounding box per plant, and time series information to track the same plant individual through growth. We labeled a large subset of these images, resulting in 200,148 records for 5,068 plants in the current version. Additional information is shown in Table 5.
Image data is stored in PNG format to ensure the highest possible quality without compression artifacts. Compressed (JPEG) images are also stored to ensure accessibility with lower Internet bandwidth. All object detection and object tracking information are stored in a separate CSV file named “gt.csv”. The segmentation masks are stored in the folder “masks”. An additional folder is provided containing all images without ground truth annotations. The contents of the CSV file are explained in Table 6:
Technical Validation
The growth experiments were conducted using multiple trays, resulting in different numbers of replicates per species. Here, a minimum of nine replicates were used. Seeds were treated according to breeders’ recommendations. Some weeds germinated only when treated with gibberellin acid. Therefore, the optimal procedure was evaluated in a prior experiment.
The quality of the bounding boxes and labels was ensured twofold. First, a valid bounding box could be evaluated during the labeling process by using tools in CVAT directly and by an additional human inspector doing quality control. Second, using the time-series information, all plant cut-outs of one plant individual could be plotted in a series of images to visually inspect the bounding boxes. Finally, plants of additional not sown species could be assessed and classified in an additional step. Remaining instances were labeled as class “Weed”, as they were tiny and thus could not be labeled by species.
The high variability in the seed germination rate of different weed species resulted in a very diverse data set of different weeds with different germination rates, as shown in Fig. 4.
Usage Notes
The dataset can be downloaded via custom Python scripts (https://github.com/grimmlab/MFWD) and used as a resource for precision agriculture, smart farming, and computer vision related tasks. In addition, we encourage the development of algorithms that take plant phenotyping data into account. Since the dataset consists of high-resolution images, we also provide a custom Python script to easily resize the images. The dataset could be a useful resource for the computer science community in general to develop novel machine learning and computer vision algorithms for automatic weed detection. Here, the data could be used in classification as well as object detection and segmentation tasks. Furthermore, the additional time series information makes our dataset suitable for multiple object tracking. Finally, the inherent inter- and intra-class variance can be used to evaluate new algorithms that address class imbalance, which is a challenge in many machine learning tasks31,32,33.
To demonstrate the usefulness of the dataset, we provide a simple baseline experiment on the image classification task. For this purpose, we use plant cut-outs from the jpeg-compressed images and rescale them to an image size of 224 × 224 pixels². Here we focused on the multi-species classification for sorghum, i.e. all sorghum varieties were labeled as “SORVU” and excluded all maize images. Additionally, the generic weed class was excluded for this experiment, as these were mostly small plants which could not even be classified by the human eye. We also excluded POLAV and VICVI from the experiment because they contained less than three plant individuals and thus could not be separated into training, validation, and test sets. We strongly recommend stratifying the data by plant individuals, as the temporal resolution is high, and models may overfit if the data were randomly split. The final dataset of 27 plant species contained 167,505 images and was split into a training- (~60%), validation- (~20%), and test-set (~20%).
We selected two different deep learning-based model architectures, ResNet-1034 and EfficientNet_b035, to evaluate the classification performance. For the hyperparameter optimization we used grid-search and five different learning rates (sampled from a log uniform distribution in the range between 1e-3 and 1e-4). We sampled 512 plant cut-outs in a batch by oversampling the minority classes, due to high class imbalances. The networks were initialized with weights from ImageNet. The Adam36 optimizer with a learning rate scheduler and the cross-entropy loss37 was used to train the models. We validated the models using the validation-set by calculating the weighted f1-score38,39, due to the high class imbalance. Each model was trained for a maximum of 50 epochs. Early stopping40 was used as a regularization technique to avoid overfitting. After training the models, EfficientNet_b0 with a learning rate of ~5.4*10−4 gave the best results on the validation set with an f1-score of 90.00%. The summary of the hyperparameter optimization is shown in Table 7.
Finally, the best performing model was applied to the hold-out test set to evaluate the generalization abilities on an unseen dataset. Here, the model achieved a weighted f1-score of 90.57%, indicating good generalization performance within the MFWD dataset. The complete code for training and testing the model is publicly available in our GitHub repository.
However, deep learning models trained on this dataset may not be applicable to out-of-context data, such as weed detection in drone imagery. Here, pre-training a model on our dataset and fine-tuning it to the target task might be a feasible strategy to scale up weed detection in agricultural landscapes. However, the main target application of our dataset is to encourage the research community to develop new computer vision algorithms on a unified dataset, thus increasing the reproducibility of the results.
Code availability
The code to download the dataset is publicly available for download on GitHub: https://github.com/grimmlab/MFWD.
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We thank Marlene Hanly and Agnes Wappler for their assistance in labeling the dataset. Funding for the research presented in this paper is provided by the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forests within the EWIS project (Funding ID: G2/N/19/13).
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D.G.G., N.G., M.G. conceived and designed the study. J.G. and W.K.V. acquired the plants’ seeds. J.G. and W.K.V. designed the experiments and were responsible for the image acquisition. N.G. and M.W. labeled the dataset. M.G. guided the labeling process with domain expertise. N.G. was responsible for quality control of the data. N.G. and D.G.G. wrote the manuscript with contributions from all authors. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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Genze, N., Vahl, W.K., Groth, J. et al. Manually annotated and curated Dataset of diverse Weed Species in Maize and Sorghum for Computer Vision. Sci Data 11, 109 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-024-02945-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-024-02945-6