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A GnRH neuronal population in the olfactory bulb translates socially relevant odors into reproductive behavior in male mice


Hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons regulate fertility and integrate hormonal status with environmental cues to ensure reproductive success. Here we show that GnRH neurons in the olfactory bulb (GnRHOB) of adult mice can mediate social recognition. Specifically, we show that GnRHOB neurons extend neurites into the vomeronasal organ and olfactory epithelium and project to the median eminence. GnRHOB neurons in males express vomeronasal and olfactory receptors, are activated by female odors and mediate gonadotropin release in response to female urine. Male preference for female odors required the presence and activation of GnRHOB neurons, was impaired after genetic inhibition or ablation of these cells and relied on GnRH signaling in the posterodorsal medial amygdala. GnRH receptor expression in amygdala kisspeptin neurons appear to be required for GnRHOB neurons’ actions on male mounting behavior. Taken together, these results establish GnRHOB neurons as regulating fertility, sex recognition and mating in male mice.

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Fig. 1: A significant proportion of GnRH neurons is located in the OBs of mice and is connected with the OE and VNO.
Fig. 2: Male GnRHOB neurons respond to female urine.
Fig. 3: GnRHOB neurons mediate LH secretion in response to opposite-sex odors.
Fig. 4: Connectivity between GnRHOB and GnRHPOA neurons.
Fig. 5: GnRHOB neurons drive olfactory preference in male mice.
Fig. 6: GnRHOB neurons recognize opposite-sex odors and initiate mating via the pdMeA.
Fig. 7: GnRHR expression on kisspeptin neurons in the pdMeA mediates mating behavior in male mice.
Fig. 8: GnRHMOB and GnRHAOB neuronal projections and neuroendocrine/behavioral responses to odors in male mice.

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Data availability

All data generated or analyzed in the current study are included in the article and its Extended Data. The raw snRNA-seq data conducted in this study have been deposited in Gene Expression Omnibus under accession code GSE268138. For snRNA-seq experiments, raw reads were aligned to Ensembl genome GRCm39 release 105_cr6.1.2. Source data are provided with this paper.


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We thank all staff of the Lille Neuroscience & Cognition research center for their constant assistance. We thank C. Laloux and Lille In vivo Imaging and Functional Exploration platform (Univ. Lille, CNRS, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur of Lille, US41-UMS2014 PLBS, France) for technical support during behavioral assessment experiments. We also thank M. Tardivel and A. Bongiovanni (microscopy core facility; The BioImaging Center Lille, BICeL, US41-UMS2014 PLBS, France), N. Jouy (cytometry core facility, BICeL, US41-UMS2014 PLBS, France) and J. Devassine (Animal facility, BICeL, US41-UMS2014 PLBS, France) for expert technical assistance. This work was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program (ERC-2016-CoG to P.G., grant agreement no. 725149/REPRODAMH), by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-18-CE14-0017, ANR-19-CE16-0021-02 to P.G.) and INSERM-France (grant no. U1172 to P.G. and V.P.). Schematics and drawings were created with

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Authors and Affiliations



L.D., S.T. and M.S.B.S. designed and performed the study and were involved in all steps of the paper preparation. J.B. and A.G. performed the bioinformatic analyses. G.T. performed the whole-mount immunohistochemistry experiments. T.L. performed the electrophysiological experiments. A.L. performed the FACS isolation experiments. S.G. performed the RT–qPCR experiments. U.B. provided (GRIC)/eR26-τGFP and the Kiss1-IRES-Cre mouse lines and suggestions on the experiments, supervised the CRISPR genome editing experiments, and edited the paper. A.W. and V.W. designed and produced the AAV2/5-CAG-mCherry_U6-Gnrhr gRNA. P.W. performed the stereotaxic injections for the in vivo CRISPR genome editing experiments and was involved in the analysis. E.H and G.R. provided human biological resources and edited the paper. F.L., G.N. and M.F. performed retrobeads tracing experiments and data analyses. S.Z. and S.B. designed and performed the in vivo calcium experiments and wrote the paper. P.P. contributed to experimental designs for the olfactory behavior experiments and edited the paper. S.C.S., M.B. and P.T.P. designed and performed snRNA-seq experiments and curated the data. S.M.S. supervised the bioinformatic analysis and edited the paper. S.R. and V.P. edited the paper. P.G. conceived this study, designed and managed the experimental studies, prepared the figures, and wrote the paper with input from all authors.

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Correspondence to Paolo Giacobini.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Neuroscience thanks Julie Bakker, Dayu Lin and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Distribution of GnRH neurons within the olfactory bulbs of humans.

a, Top: Lateral and inferior views of a human brain. The olfactory bulb (OB) and the olfactory tract (OT) are depicted in red. Bottom: schematic representation of solvent-based tissue clearing and light-sheet imaging protocol of the human post-mortem olfactory bulbs (OBs). b, iDisco+ and light-sheet microscopy imaging showing the presence of GnRH neurons (arrows) and fibers (arrowheads) in the OB and OT of a 37-year-old postmortem brain (male). Representative pictures of n = 3 postmortem brains of men and women. Scale bars: (b) left Fig. 1 mm, right upper figure 20 µm, right lower figure 50 µm.

Extended Data Fig. 2 GnRHOB neurons express odorant and pheromone receptors.

a, Schematic representing single-nucleus RNA sequencing protocol. Two biological replicates were analyzed and each replicate comprised three olfactory bulbs (males, 18-week-old). b, UMAP visualization of the OB, colored by major cell types. c, UMAP visualization of Gnrh1 expressing cells in the OB (black dots; other cell types in grey). d, Transcriptomic landscape of Gnrh1-positive cells compared with Gnrh1-negative cells in the OB. e, f, Heatmaps indicating the relative expression of olfactory and vomeronasal receptors within each neuronal cluster for Gnrh1-positive cells and Gnrh1-negative cells of the olfactory bulb. g, Percentage expression profile of olfactory receptors in Gnrh1-positive cells and Gnrh1-negative cells of the olfactory bulb. h, Percentage expression profile of vomeronasal receptors in Gnrh1-positive cells and Gnrh1-negative cells of the olfactory bulb. Abbreviations: Oligo, Oligodendrocytes; PG, Periglomerular cells; GC, Granule cells; M/T, Mitral/Tufted cells; OEC, Olfactory ensheathing cells; IN, Inhibitory neurons; sSA, Superficial short axon cells; ET, endothelial cells; MES, mesenchymal cells; dSA, Deep short axon cells.

Extended Data Fig. 3 GnRHOB neurons express olfactory/vomeronasal receptors and mechanosensitive ion channels.

a, Schematic strategy for sorting GnRHOB and GnRHPOA cells from Gnrh::Gfp naïve male mice. b, mRNA expression level of Olfr113, Olfr323, Vmn1r209, Vmn2r1 in GnRH-positive (GFP + ) and GnRH-negative (GFP-) cells isolated from the OB. Values are mean ± s.e.m (n = 4; 12-week-old males; *P = 0.0286; ns P > 0.05; two-sided paired Mann-Whitney U test). c, Schematic of the murine olfactory epithelium and vomeronasal organ. d, Representative coronal section of a VNO from an adult male mouse (P90) showing expression of Vmn2r1 mRNA (white staining) by smFISH. The red dotted-line indicates the boundary between the basal and apical layer of the VNO. e, Representative coronal section of an OE from an adult male mouse (P90) showing expression of Olfr323 mRNA (red) by smFISH. f, Schematic representation of the OB. GnRH cells located in the OB granular layer (GrL) are depicted in green. g-i, Representative coronal section of the OB from adult male mice (P90) showing expression of Gnrh1 (green), Vmn2r1 (white) and Olfr323 (red) in the MOB granular layer (MOB GrL). Arrows point to a Gnrh1-positive neuron co-expressing Vmn2r1 and Olfr323, while the arrowhead in j point to a GnRH neuron which does not express Vmn2r1 nor Olfr323. n = 3 mice used for the smFISH. Scale bars: d, 50 µm; e, 100 µm; g-j, 10 µm; inset in i, 5 µm. k, Schematic representing single-nucleus RNA sequencing protocol. l, UMAP visualization of the OB representing the distribution of Piezo1 and Piezo2 across the different cell clusters. m, Heatmaps indicating the relative expression of Piezo1 and Piezo2 within each neuronal cluster for Gnrh1-positive and Gnrh1-negative cells of the OB. n, Percentage expression profile of Piezo receptors in Gnrh1+ compared to Gnrh1- of the OB. Abbreviations: Oligo, Oligodendrocytes; PG, Periglomerular cells; GC, Granule cells; M/T, Mitral/Tufted cells; OEC, Olfactory ensheathing cells; IN, Inhibitory neurons; sSA, Superficial short axon cells; ET, endothelial cells; MES, mesenchymal cells; dSA, Deep short axon cells.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 4 GnRHOB neurons are preferentially activated by female urine.

a, Representative in vivo calcium-imaging responses of a cell to female urine (FU), saline (Sal) and male urine (MU). Three consecutive trials for each stimulus are represented. Dashed lines indicate stimulus onset. The displayed cell (cell ID = 38) was classified as a responsive cell to FU but not for Sal and MU. b, Quantification of cell responsiveness to Sal (n = 29 cells recorded from 13 mice; paired two-sided t test). Left: average fluorescent signal across all recorded cells in response to Saline (dark gray) or fresh air (gray). Right: quantification of peak fluorescence in the 10 s after stimulus onset for Sal or Air. Gray dots and lines indicate single recorded cells. Black dots and line show the mean and the associated standard error (paired two-sided t test, n = 29 cells). c, Same as in b but for responses to MU (n = 19 cells recorded from 9 mice) (paired two-sided t test). d, Same as in b but for responses to methyl butyrate, n = 7 cells (paired two-sided t test). P values are shown in the figure.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 5 Hypothalamic GnRH neurons are not infected by DREADDshM3Dq/hKORD viruses injected in the OB.

a-d, Representative pictures showing immunostainings for GnRH, mCherry and mCitrine across the septal-hypothalamic area, performed in three biological replicates. rPOA: rostral preoptic area; OVLT: organum vasculosum laminae terminalis. Scale bars: a-c, 100 µm; d, 20 µm.

Extended Data Fig. 6 Male mice exposed to the same-sex smell do not exhibit alterations in their levels of luteinizing hormone (LH).

LH pulsatility in male mice (n = 6, 16-week-old) following the exposure to either male urine or saline. Mice are exposed to male urine 1 min before T0. Statistics by two-way ANOVA with Holm–Šídák’s multiple-comparison test (P > 0.05). Values are represented as mean ± s.e.m.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 7 Sex-steroid receptor expression in the GnRHOB neurons.

Representative coronal section of the OB from an adult male mouse (P90) showing expression of a-c, GnRH and ERα; d-f, GnRH and PR; g-i, GnRH and AR by immunohistochemistry; n = 3 biological replicates. Scale bars: 20 µm.

Extended Data Fig. 8 Distribution of GnRH receptor expressing cells in the mouse brain.

Coronal sections and GFP immunostaining (green) reveal the presence of Gnrhr-expressing cells along different areas of the male mouse’s brain (twelve-week-old): a, AOB; b, septum; c, cortex; d, pririform area; e, olfactory tubercle; f, thalamus; g, hypothalamus; h, hippocampus; i, medial amygdala; j, cortical amygdala. k, Schematics showing the distribution of Gnrhr-expressing cells in male mice brains. Lower number indicates the distance from bregma. The experiments performed in at least three biological replicates. AOB: accessory olfactory bulbs; MOB: main olfactory bulbs; SVZ: subventricular zone. Scale bar: 50 μm.

Extended Data Fig. 9 The Inhibition of the GnRHOB neurons projecting to the medial amygdala does not modify the exploratory behavior or stress in male mice.

a, Schematic representation of the bilateral AAV-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry stereotaxic injection in the pdMeA. b, Percentage of GnRH neurons infected by the viral tracer in the OB and rPOA (n = 5 male mice, age: P150). c, Number of explorations and latency to seek for female and male smells after CNO or saline injections (two-sided paired Wilcoxon signed rank test). d, Analysis of copulatory behavior after CNO or saline injections. The graphs represent the investigation duration, the intromission latency, the number of intromissions and the latency to first mount (two-sided paired Mann-Whitney U test). e, Graphs showing the different parameters evaluated during the elevated plus maze test (EPM) and the open field test after the chemogenetic inhibition of GnRHOB neurons projecting to the pdMeA (two-sided paired Mann-Whitney U test). Values in all graphs are represented as mean ± s.e.m; n = 9, 12-24-week-old males; ns P > 0.05.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 10 Number of intromissions and ejaculation latency in CRISPRKiss1-Gnrhr male mice.

a, Number of intromission and b, ejaculation latency during the copulatory behavior test following or not CRISPR genome editing of pdMeAKiss1 neurons in vivo (n = 5 controls male mice; n = 9 CRISPRKiss1-Gnrhr male mice; 16-20-week-old males; ns P > 0.05; two-sided Mann-Whitney U test for both a and b). Values are represented as mean ± s.e.m.

Source data

Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Fig. 1.

Reporting Summary

Supplementary Video 1

In vivo two-photon functional imaging showing the response of a GnRH-OB neuron to female urine based on change in fluorescence after stimulus onset.

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Decoster, L., Trova, S., Zucca, S. et al. A GnRH neuronal population in the olfactory bulb translates socially relevant odors into reproductive behavior in male mice. Nat Neurosci 27, 1758–1773 (2024).

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