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Formalizing planning and information search in naturalistic decision-making


Decisions made by mammals and birds are often temporally extended. They require planning and sampling of decision-relevant information. Our understanding of such decision-making remains in its infancy compared with simpler, forced-choice paradigms. However, recent advances in algorithms supporting planning and information search provide a lens through which we can explain neural and behavioral data in these tasks. We review these advances to obtain a clearer understanding for why planning and curiosity originated in certain species but not others; how activity in the medial temporal lobe, prefrontal and cingulate cortices may support these behaviors; and how planning and information search may complement each other as means to improve future action selection.

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Fig. 1: Aquatic versus aerial visual scenes and how the corresponding habitats affect the utility of habit- and plan-based action selection during dynamic visually guided behavior.
Fig. 2: As rats approach a choice point, a theta-locked hippocampal representation sweeps ahead of the rat toward potential goals.
Fig. 3: A normative model-based planning account of replay events observed in hippocampal place cells and in simulations of spatial navigation tasks.
Fig. 4: The successor representation allows for rapid revaluation and extraction of components that identify key features of state space structure.
Fig. 5: Unsupervised cell assembly detection to identify neural substrates of cognitive tasks.
Fig. 6: Cognitive planning behaviors can be functionally dissociated in several human fMRI studies.
Fig. 7: Activity in the dACC is associated with information sampling across multiple decision-making studies.

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L.T.H. was supported by a Henry Dale Fellowship from the Royal Society and Wellcome Trust (208789/Z/17/Z). N.D.D. was supported by NIDA R01DA038891 and NSF IIS-1822571, both part of the CRCNS program. M.A.M. was funded by NSF Brain Initiative ECCS-1835389. E.R. was supported by a Ch. and H. Schaller Foundation and the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation grant ‘Complex Systems’. E.P. and C.R.E.W. are supported by the French National Research Agency within the framework of the labex CORTEX ANR-11-LABX-0042 of Université de Lyon, and grant ANR-19-CE37-0008 NORAD and ANR-18-CE37-0016-01 PREDYCT. E.P. is employed by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. J.S. is funded by a MRC Skills Development Fellowship (MR/N014448/1). N.K. is funded by a fellowship from the BBSRC (BB/R010803/1).

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Hunt, L.T., Daw, N.D., Kaanders, P. et al. Formalizing planning and information search in naturalistic decision-making. Nat Neurosci 24, 1051–1064 (2021).

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