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Prioritized memory access explains planning and hippocampal replay


To make decisions, animals must evaluate candidate choices by accessing memories of relevant experiences. Yet little is known about which experiences are considered or ignored during deliberation, which ultimately governs choice. We propose a normative theory predicting which memories should be accessed at each moment to optimize future decisions. Using nonlocal ‘replay’ of spatial locations in hippocampus as a window into memory access, we simulate a spatial navigation task in which an agent accesses memories of locations sequentially, ordered by utility: how much extra reward would be earned due to better choices. This prioritization balances two desiderata: the need to evaluate imminent choices versus the gain from propagating newly encountered information to preceding locations. Our theory offers a simple explanation for numerous findings about place cells; unifies seemingly disparate proposed functions of replay including planning, learning, and consolidation; and posits a mechanism whose dysfunction may underlie pathologies like rumination and craving.

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Fig. 1: A rational model of prioritized memory access.
Fig. 2: Replay produces extended trajectories in forward and reverse directions.
Fig. 3: Forward and reverse sequences happen at different times and are modulated asymmetrically by reward.
Fig. 4: Replay over-represents agent and reward locations and predicts subsequent and past behavior.
Fig. 5: Forward and reverse sequences happen at different times and are modulated asymmetrically by reward.
Fig. 6: Replay frequency decays with familiarity and increases with experience.

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We thank M. Lengyel, D. Shohamy, and D. Acosta-Kane for many helpful discussions, and we thank P.D. Rich for his comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript. We acknowledge support from NIDA through grant R01DA038891, part of the CRCNS program, and Google DeepMind. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of any of the funding agencies.

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Conceptualization, M.G.M. and N.D.D.; methodology, M.G.M. and N.D.D.; software, M.G.M.; simulations, M.G.M.; writing (original draft), M.G.M. and N.D.D.; writing (review & editing), M.G.M. and N.D.D.; funding acquisition, N.D.D.

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Correspondence to Marcelo G. Mattar.

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Supplementary Fig. 1 The need term is required for channeling backups along depth-first trajectories.

(a) Number of significant forward and reverse sequences on the open field when setting the need term to the Successor Representation (as predicted by the theory). (b) Number of significant forward and reverse sequences on the open field when setting the need term to be one at every state. Notice the reduction of reverse sequences at the end of a run due to a breadth-first pattern of value propagation.

Supplementary Fig. 2 A positive need term is required for sequential value propagation.

(a) Number of significant forward and reverse sequences on linear track (left) and on open field (right) when setting the need term to the Successor Representation (as predicted by the theory). (b) Number of significant forward and reverse sequences on linear track (left) and on open field (right) when setting the need term to be one at the agent’s location and zero elsewhere. Notice the complete absence of both forward and reverse sequences due repeated replay of actions on the agent’s location.

Supplementary Fig. 3 Replay over-represents reward locations in both reverse and forward sequences.

(a) Probability that a state is part of a forward sequence at a given episode. Notice that because of the random starting location, the observed results cannot be explained by initiation bias. Notice also that locations corresponding to the final turn toward the reward were emphasized even more than locations nearer the reward itself, a consequence of the gain term being higher where there is a greater effect on behavior. (b) Probability that a state is part of a reverse sequence at a given episode. Notice that because of the random starting location, the observed results cannot be explained by initiation bias. Reverse replay tends to concentrate near the reward. Notice that the higher activation probability for reverse events is due to a combination of a reward-location bias and initiation bias, given that reverse sequences tend to start near the reward, where the agent usually is.

Supplementary Fig. 4 Differential modulation of reverse replay in increased (or decreased) reward conditions.

(a) Increased reward condition where the reward encountered by the agent was four times larger in half of the episodes. In comparison to the baseline (1x-1x) reward setting (left), there was a lower number of significant reverse sequences for 1x rewards (middle) and a greater number of significant reverse sequences for 4x rewards (right). The results presented in Fig. 5c correspond to a ratio between the two red bars (4x/1x). (b) Decreased reward condition where the reward encountered by the agent was zero in half of the episodes. In comparison to the baseline (1x-1x) reward setting (left), there was a greater number of significant reverse sequences for 1x rewards (middle) and a lower number of significant reverse sequences for 0x rewards (right). The results presented in Fig. 5e correspond to a ratio between the two blue bars (0x/1x).

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Mattar, M.G., Daw, N.D. Prioritized memory access explains planning and hippocampal replay. Nat Neurosci 21, 1609–1617 (2018).

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