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Does predictive coding have a future?

A Publisher Correction to this article was published on 22 November 2018

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In the 20th century we thought the brain extracted knowledge from sensations. The 21st century witnessed a ‘strange inversion’, in which the brain became an organ of inference, actively constructing explanations for what’s going on ‘out there’, beyond its sensory epithelia. One paper played a key role in this paradigm shift.

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Fig. 1: Hierarchical predictive coding: schematics that describe the hierarchical message passing implicit in predictive coding based on deep generative models.

Katie Vicari/Springer Nature

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  • 22 November 2018

    This News & Views article should have been marked as a Historical News & Views and the supertitle was incorrect.


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Friston, K. Does predictive coding have a future?. Nat Neurosci 21, 1019–1021 (2018).

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