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Strainy: phasing and assembly of strain haplotypes from long-read metagenome sequencing


Bacterial species in microbial communities are often represented by mixtures of strains, distinguished by small variations in their genomes. Short-read approaches can be used to detect small-scale variation between strains but fail to phase these variants into contiguous haplotypes. Long-read metagenome assemblers can generate contiguous bacterial chromosomes but often suppress strain-level variation in favor of species-level consensus. Here we present Strainy, an algorithm for strain-level metagenome assembly and phasing from Nanopore and PacBio reads. Strainy takes a de novo metagenomic assembly as input and identifies strain variants, which are then phased and assembled into contiguous haplotypes. Using simulated and mock Nanopore and PacBio metagenome data, we show that Strainy assembles accurate and complete strain haplotypes, outperforming current Nanopore-based methods and comparable with PacBio-based algorithms in completeness and accuracy. We then use Strainy to assemble strain haplotypes of a complex environmental metagenome, revealing distinct strain distribution and mutational patterns in bacterial species.

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Fig. 1: Overview of the Strainy workflow and the strain-clustering algorithm.
Fig. 2: Benchmarking using mock microbial communities.
Fig. 3: Benchmarking using simulated Nanopore and PacBio sequencing data.
Fig. 4: Assembly and phasing of an activated sludge metagenome with variable phasing stringency and variant callers.
Fig. 5: Analysis of phasing of individual MAGs assembled from the activated sludge metagenome.
Fig. 6: Intra-species small and structural variation provide evolutionary insights.

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Data availability

Nanopore mock community sequencing, PRJNA804004; PacBio HiFi mock community sequencing,; activated sludge sequencing, PRJEB48021; NDARO,; NDARO catalog, Real and mock assemblies are available at (ref. 62), and simulated reads and results are available at (ref. 63).

Code availability

Strainy is freely available at


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M.K. and A.D. were supported by the Intramural Research Program of the Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. This work used the computational resources of the NIH HPC Biowulf cluster ( The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.

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Authors and Affiliations



E.K., A.D. and M.K. developed Strainy and performed the benchmarking. M.F. performed the functional analysis of strain variation; M.P. and M.K. supervised the work.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Mihai Pop or Mikhail Kolmogorov.

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Nature Methods thanks Mads Albertsen, Jue Ruan and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available. Primary Handling Editor: Lei Tang, in collaboration with the Nature Methods team.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Informative and non-informative SNPs.

(A) An example of graph multi-phasing challenge with a set of four closely-related strains and their corresponding phylogenetic tree. SNP positions are shown in different shapes, hollow/solid indicate different genotypes. SNP1 is not informative for the highlighted subset of strains (S2, S3, S4), but SNP2 and SNP3 positions are informative for this subset (B) An example of sequence graph phasing with three strains. Strain-specific variants are shown with yellow rectangles. After phasing and graph simplification, most of the graph nodes are strain-resolved, but some nodes remain strain-collapsed.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Completeness per strain of the simulated datasets assemblies.

Assembled strain genome fraction computed using metaQUAST for every bacterial strain in the simulated Nanopore (A) and PacBio (B) datasets. Heatmaps show the number of misassemblies for each strain. Strains are sorted in the decreasing mean value among all tools.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Additional evaluations of simulated assemblies.

Analysis of assembly size, strain completeness and duplication rates of the simulated dataset assemblies for Nanopore (A) and PacBio (B) datasets.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Correlation between strain similarities and Strainy switch errors.

Pairwise average nucleotide identity (ANI) of strain genomes in the simulated datasets and the number of inter-species misassemblies computed for E. coli (A), P. Aeruginosa (B), L. Monocytogenes (C), and S. Aureus (D).

Extended Data Fig. 5 Benchmarking using simulated sequencing data, stratified by number of strains.

Plots show distribution of strain completeness, strain switch errors, intra-strain errors and NGA50 aggregated by the number of strains in the dataset for Nanopore (A) and PacBio HiFi data (B). Boxes show the quartiles of 8 data points.

Extended Data Fig. 6 Benchmarking using simulated sequencing data, stratified by coverage mode.

Plots show distribution of strain completeness, strain switch errors, intra-strain errors and NGA50 aggregated by the coverage mode for Nanopore (A) and PacBio HiFi data (B). Boxes show the quartiles of 16 data points.

Extended Data Fig. 7 Read-based evaluation of Strainy phasing.

For every simulated read, its strain of origin is known. For each phasing cluster, we define a “major” strain as the most frequent strain in the cluster. Cluster quality is defined as the proportion of reads coming from the major strain.

Extended Data Fig. 8 Additional simulations to establish Strainy phasing limits.

(A) Completeness and assembly size of individual E. coli strains for different strains for different levels of strain heterozygosity. Each data point shows the mean of 14 values and the error bands show a 95% confidence interval. (B, C) Completeness of individual E. coli strain pairs for a given read coverage depth to establish minimum depth (B) and maximum strain abundance ratio (C) required for Strainy assembly.

Extended Data Fig. 9 Additional examples of IGV visualization of strain structural variants.

(A) A 63 bp indel in a region of MAG 122. (B) A 50 bp indel in a region of MAG 87. (C) A 247 bp indel in a region of MAG 87.

Extended Data Fig. 10 Additional analysis of strain mutations.

(A, B) Substitution mutation signatures of the activated sludge dataset derived from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) and PacBio HiFi strain assemblies. (C) dN/dS substitution ratio for AMR-related genes inside individual MAGs assembled from the activated sludge dataset.

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Kazantseva, E., Donmez, A., Frolova, M. et al. Strainy: phasing and assembly of strain haplotypes from long-read metagenome sequencing. Nat Methods (2024).

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