In situ cryo-electron tomography enables investigation of macromolecules in their native cellular environment. Samples have become more readily available owing to recent software and hardware advancements. Data collection, however, still requires an experienced operator and appreciable microscope time to carefully select targets for high-throughput tilt series acquisition. Here, we developed smart parallel automated cryo-electron tomography (SPACEtomo), a workflow using machine learning approaches to fully automate the entire cryo-electron tomography process, including lamella detection, biological feature segmentation, target selection and parallel tilt series acquisition, all without the need for human intervention. This degree of automation will be essential for obtaining statistically relevant datasets and high-resolution structures of macromolecules in their native context.
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Data availability
Lamella montages and raw tilt series frames produced during SPACEtomo development were deposited in the Electron Microscopy Public Image Archive under accession code EMPIAR-11841. Example tomograms used for Fig. 2 are available under EMDB accession number EMD-38295. Labeled training datasets for deep learning models are available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10360315 (ref. 39) and https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10360344 (ref. 40). Trained deep learning models were deposited at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10360489 (ref. 41) and https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10360540 (ref. 42).
Code availability
All SPACEtomo Python scripts are available at https://github.com/eisfabian/SPACEtomo. SPACEtomo is currently still in an alpha stage and will be updated to improve performance and reliability and add additional features and models.
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We are grateful to A. Bieber and C. Capitanio for providing the yeast lamella montages used to create the training dataset. Additionally, we thank M. Pöge, G. Weiss and S. Klumpe for providing training data for the lamella-detection model and H. Kashihara and S. Tsukita for providing the EpH4 cell sample. We express our appreciation for fruitful discussions about deep learning approaches with S. Klumpe, Y. Hirabayashi, S. Suga and H. Kawai. We extend our gratitude to M. Kikkawa for providing feedback and support. Further thanks go to Y. Sakamaki, T. Wang and K. Nakamura for the support of the Graduate School of Medicine cryo-EM facility. D. Böhringer and M. Peterek supported the setup of SPACEtomo at ETH Zürich; J. Hugener, T. Zachs, M. Petersen, M. Weber, L. Rettberg and other members of the group of M. Pilhofer at ETH Zürich helped with troubleshooting of new features. F.E. was an International Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (P20764) and was a recipient of a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI, 21F20764). Y.F. (KAKENHI, JP19H05707) and R.D. (KAKENHI, 22H02554) were supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science grants.
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Authors and Affiliations
F.E. developed SPACEtomo, labeled the training data and conducted all cryo-FIB and cryo-ET experiments. Y.F. prepared yeast samples and helped with troubleshooting. F.E. and R.D. designed experiments. F.E. wrote the manuscript with contributions from all authors.
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Nature Methods thanks Jonathan Bouvette and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary Handling Editor: Rita Strack, in collaboration with the Nature Methods team. Peer reviewer reports are available.
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Extended data
Extended Data Fig. 1 Example of lamella detection on a whole grid montage LM map.
Shown is a cryoFIB-milled grid of Yeast cells with 16 detected lamellae. Bounding boxes of detected lamellae are coloured according to their predicted class (green: ‘good’, red: ‘broken’, yellow: ‘thick’). The label for each bounding box shows the class label and the confidence score of the model.
Extended Data Fig. 2 Segmentation examples of S. cerevisiae lamellae medium magnification montages.
Shown are 3 examples of medium magnification montages of lamellae milled from Yeast cells (left) and their segmentations using the SPACEtomo model trained on S. cerevisiae (right).
Extended Data Fig. 3 Segmentation examples of C. reinhardtii lamellae medium magnification montages.
Shown are 3 examples of medium magnification montages of lamellae milled from C. reinhardtii cells (left) and their segmentations using the SPACEtomo model trained on S. cerevisiae (right). While some classes (for example ice contamination, dark and bright areas, coating) are successfully segmented by the Yeast model, cellular classes are principally misclassified.
Extended Data Fig. 4 Transferability of the SPACEtomo target selection to C. reinhardtii.
Shown are 3 examples of C. reinhardtii lamella MM maps on the left and the automated SPACEtomo target selection using a target list of all classes except the organism independent classes to be avoided (for example, black, white, ice, crack). Beam shape at maximum tilt angle is marked by yellow ellipse. Camera fields of view are outlined in red for the tracking target and blue for other targets. The dashed white line represents the tilt axis orientation.
Extended Data Fig. 5 Segmentation examples of EpH4 mouse epithelial cells lamellae medium magnification montages.
Shown are 3 examples of medium magnification montages of lamellae milled from EpH4 mouse epithelial cells (left) and their segmentations using the SPACEtomo model trained on S. cerevisiae (right). While some classes (for example ice contamination, dark and bright areas, coating) are successfully segmented by the Yeast model, cellular classes are not reliably detected, and even large areas of cytoplasm are classified as background.
Extended Data Fig. 6 Transferability of the SPACEtomo target selection to EpH4 mouse epithelial cells.
Shown are 3 examples of EpH4 cell lamella MM maps on the left and the automated SPACEtomo target selection using a target list of all classes except the organism independent classes to be avoided (for example, black, white, ice, crack). Beam shape at maximum tilt angle is marked by yellow ellipse. Camera fields of view are outlined in red for the tracking target and blue for other targets. The dashed white line represents the tilt axis orientation.
Extended Data Fig. 7 Segmentation classes.
Examples for all 17 classes used to train the nnU-Net for lamella segmentation. Class names in quotes are accompanied by short descriptions, where necessary, and an example image showing the respective class segmentation in red.
Extended Data Fig. 8 Training and inference performance of the nnU-Net model.
a. Loss values for training dataset (train loss) and validation dataset (val loss) of the 5-fold cross-validated training of the nnU-Net model. All 5 folds (fold_0-4) were provided by nnU-Net during the training process for 1000 epochs. b. Mean segmentation inference time in minutes per 100 µm2 obtained from inferences of MM maps (n = 8) of sizes between 300 and 1000 µm2. Error bars show the standard deviation.
Extended Data Fig. 9 Schematic of target selection steps.
a. Sparse target selection targeting mitochondria. b. Exhaustive target selection using a hexagonal target arrangement to minimise beam exposure overlap targeting cytoplasm.
Extended Data Fig. 10 The SPACEtomo score threshold can improve precision of targets.
Top: Precision and recall relative to used threshold (0.0) for 299 tilt series collected targeting mitochondria. Setting the threshold to 0.01 would have raised the precision to 90 % while losing only 2 % of mitochondria targets. Bottom: Precision and recall relative to used threshold (0.25) for 187 tilt series collected targeting the nuclear envelope. Even high thresholds did not yield a precision of 100 % indicating the presence of misclassifications in the segmentations that could be improved with more training data.
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Eisenstein, F., Fukuda, Y. & Danev, R. Smart parallel automated cryo-electron tomography. Nat Methods 21, 1612–1615 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-024-02373-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-024-02373-9
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