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Language models for biological research: a primer


Language models are playing an increasingly important role in many areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and computational biology. In this primer, we discuss the ways in which language models, both those based on natural language and those based on biological sequences, can be applied to biological research. This primer is primarily intended for biologists interested in using these cutting-edge AI technologies in their applications. We provide guidance on best practices and key resources for adapting language models for biology.

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Fig. 1: Approaches to using language models for biological research.
Fig. 2: Example uses of natural language models for biological research.
Fig. 3: Choosing the right approach for adapting a language model.

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Code for our interactive example of protein language models is available and can be run on Google Colab at The same code, as well as the associated data, is available on GitHub at


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We would like to thank M. Karelina, F. Ekman, S. Simon and J. Chang for feedback and Z. Huang for help with the figures. K.S. acknowledges support from the Knight-Hennessy Scholarship. E.S. acknowledges support from the National Institutes of Health (T15LM007033). J.Z. is supported by funding from the CZ Biohub.

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E.S. and K.S. wrote and edited the manuscript. J.Z. supervised and edited the manuscript.

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Correspondence to James Zou.

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Simon, E., Swanson, K. & Zou, J. Language models for biological research: a primer. Nat Methods 21, 1422–1429 (2024).

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