Correction to: Nature Medicine, published online 21 May 2024.

In the initially published version of the manuscript, survival evaluation of the tLHP signature in the Javelin101 cohort (Fig. 3e, Extended Data Fig. 6q) was performed using the general convention with regards to survival analysis, i.e., considering censoring status of 1 as presence of a clinical event. In the publicly available data of the Javelin 101 trial, however, events were atypically coded as 0. The updated versions of the figures now properly reflect this different choice of the original authors. Specifically, the corrected figure sub-panels include the correlation of tLHP signature levels with progression-free survival (PFS) in the avelumab-axitinib arm (Fig. 3e), correlation of tLHP signature levels with PFS in the sunitinib arm (Extended Data Fig. 6q), level of tumor mutational burden (TMB) with respect to tLHP signature sub-groups (Extended Data Fig. 7e), and association of different mutation statuses with the tLHP signature sub-groups (Extended Data Fig. 7h). The validation of our findings on the JAVELIN data as well as the overall conclusions of the manuscript are not affected by this update. The original and corrected figures can be seen in the Supplementary information.

Fig. 3
figure 1

Original and corrected Fig. 3e.

Extended Data Fig. 6
figure 2

Original and corrected Extended Data Figs. 6q.

Extended Data Fig. 7
figure 3

Original and corrected Extended Data Figs. 7e, h.