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Bridging the gap with the UK Genomics Pathology Imaging Collection

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Fig. 1: Pathology data elements to be added to the 100,000 Genome Project.


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National Pathology Imaging Co-operative, NPIC (project no. 104687), is supported by a £50m investment from the Data to Early Diagnosis and Precision Medicine challenge, managed and delivered by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

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P.A., D.R.W., D.B., and D.T. were responsible for the conceptualization of the study. C.N.J., M.P.H. and D.T. prepared the manuscript, with input from D.B., P.A. and D.R.W. C.N.J., M.P.H., S.W., M.J., R.C., C.B., G.C. and D.K. contributed to data collection. D.B., C.C., N.M., P.A., D.R.W. and D.T. were responsible for the study setup and management. S.W., M.J., R.C., C.B., G.C., N.M. and P.A. were involved in participant engagement. All authors have reviewed and approve of this submission.

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Correspondence to Darren Treanor.

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D.T. is the digital pathology lead for the UK Royal College of Pathologists, and is the principal investigator of the NPIC program (UKRI). All other authors declare no competing interests.

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Jennings, C.N., Humphries, M.P., Wood, S. et al. Bridging the gap with the UK Genomics Pathology Imaging Collection. Nat Med 28, 1107–1108 (2022).

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