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Avoidable flaws in observational analyses: an application to statins and cancer


The increasing availability of large healthcare databases is fueling an intense debate on whether real-world data should play a role in the assessment of the benefit–risk of medical treatments. In many observational studies, for example, statin users were found to have a substantially lower risk of cancer than in meta-analyses of randomized trials. Although such discrepancies are often attributed to a lack of randomization in the observational studies, they might be explained by flaws that can be avoided by explicitly emulating a target trial (the randomized trial that would answer the question of interest). Using the electronic health records of 733,804 UK adults, we emulated a target trial of statins and cancer and compared our estimates with those obtained using previously applied analytic approaches. Over the 10-yr follow-up, 28,408 individuals developed cancer. Under the target trial approach, estimated observational analogs of intention-to-treat and per-protocol 10-yr cancer-free survival differences were −0.5% (95% confidence interval (CI) −1.0%, 0.0%) and −0.3% (95% CI −1.5%, 0.5%), respectively. By contrast, previous analytic approaches yielded estimates that appeared to be strongly protective. Our findings highlight the importance of explicitly emulating a target trial to reduce bias in the effect estimates derived from observational analyses.

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Fig. 1: Flowchart for selection of eligible individuals from CALIBER for emulating a target trial of statin therapy and cancer risk (1999–2016).
Fig. 2: Standardized cancer-free survival curves comparing statin therapy with no statin therapy, CALIBER, 1999–2016.

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Data availability

This study is based in part on data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink obtained under license from the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. The data are provided by patients and collected by the UK National Health Service (NHS) as part of their care and support. The interpretation and conclusions contained in this study are those of the authors alone. Because electronic health records are classified as sensitive data by the UK Data Protection Act, information governance restrictions (to protect patient confidentiality) prevent data sharing via public deposition. Data are available with approval through the individual constituent entities controlling access to the data. Specifically, the primary care data can be requested via application to the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (

Code availability

Access to the computer code used in this research is available by request to the corresponding author.


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This research was partly supported by NIH grant P01 CA134294. B.A.D. is supported by an ASISA Fellowship.

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Authors and Affiliations



B.A.D., X.G.-A., S.D. and M.A.H. conceived the overall study. B.A.D. analyzed the data. All authors contributed to the design and analyses. R.W.L. provided key input in processing data from the database. All authors contributed to the interpretation of the results. B.A.D. and M.A.H. drafted the manuscript, which was reviewed, revised and approved by all authors.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Barbra A. Dickerman.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Peer review information Jennifer Sargent was the primary editor on this article and managed its editorial process and peer review in collaboration with the rest of the editorial team.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1

Estimated hazard ratios for cancer diagnosis comparing statin therapy with no statin therapy, stratified by age, sex and coronary heart disease status, CALIBER, 1999–2016.

Extended Data Fig. 2

Sensitivity analysis with a 60-d, rather than 30-d, maximum gap between successive prescriptions. Estimated hazard ratios for cancer diagnosis comparing statin therapy with no statin therapy, CALIBER, 1999–2016.

Extended Data Fig. 3

Sensitivity analysis additionally adjusting for physical activity, alcohol consumption, family history of cancer, practice region, influenza vaccination in the past year. and cancer screening in the past year. Estimated hazard ratios for cancer diagnosis comparing statin therapy with no statin therapy, CALIBER, 1999–2016.

Extended Data Fig. 4

Sensitivity analysis adjusting for ever-diagnosis (i.e., having ever received a diagnosis) with cardiovascular disease and diabetes by carrying forward indicators. Estimated hazard ratios for cancer diagnosis comparing statin therapy with no statin therapy, CALIBER, 1999–2016.

Extended Data Fig. 5

Sensitivity analysis truncating weights at their 99.5th percentile. Estimated hazard ratios for cancer diagnosis comparing statin therapy with no statin therapy, CALIBER, 1999–2016.

Extended Data Fig. 6

Sensitivity analysis additionally applying weights for censoring due to loss to follow-up. Estimated hazard ratios for cancer diagnosis comparing statin therapy with no statin therapy, CALIBER, 1999–2016.

Extended Data Fig. 7

Estimated hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for total cancer diagnosis and type 2 diabetes diagnosis comparing statin therapy with no statin therapy, when emulating a target trial and when replicating the approach of previous observational analyses, CALIBER, 1999–2016.

Extended Data Fig. 8

Covariates used in the primary and sensitivity analyses when emulating a target trial of statin therapy and cancer risk, CALIBER, 1999–2016.

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Dickerman, B.A., García-Albéniz, X., Logan, R.W. et al. Avoidable flaws in observational analyses: an application to statins and cancer. Nat Med 25, 1601–1606 (2019).

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