Correction to: Nature Immunology, published online 19 August 2021.

In the version of the article initially published, in the “Quantitative PCR analysis” section of the Methods, the human rather than mouse sequences for qPCR primers of β-actin were mistakenly listed. The sentence “…and β-actin: forward, TCCTGTGGCATCCACGAAACT; reverse, GAAGCATTTGCGGTGGACGAT” has now been corrected to “…and β-actin: forward, CCAACCGTGAAAAGATGACC; reverse, GAGGTAGTCTGTCAGGTCCC”. Additionally, in Extended Data Fig. 1a, “WT” was missing from the label now reading “Casp1/11-KO: 50% caspase 1/11 knockout (CD45.2) + 50% WT (CD45.1)” and in Extended Data Fig. 10b, the FACS plot of Day 30 (control group) was originally a duplicate of Day 7 (control group) and has now been amended. These corrections have been made to the HTML and PDF versions of the article.