Correction to: Nature Chemical Biology, published online 17 February 2020

In the version of this Article originally published, there was an error in the catalog information for one antibody in the “immunoblot analysis” section of the Methods. In the sentence “Membranes were blocked with 50% Odyssey blocking buffer (LiCor) diluted with 0.1% Tween-20-containing Tris buffered saline (TBST) and immunoblotted with antibodies against POR (Abcam, ab133303, rabbit monoclonal antibody, clone no. UOTR1B493, lot no. GR290350- 7, used at 1:1,000 dilution), GPX4 (Abcam, ab41787, rabbit polyclonal antibody, lot no. GR56784-1, used at 1:1,000 dilution) and β-actin (8H10D10, no. 3700 and 13E5, no. 4970, Cell Signaling Technologies, used at 1:5,000 dilution),” the information for the POR antibodies should be “Abcam, ab180597, 0.076 mg/mL, Rabbit mAb to Cytochrome P450 reductase, clone number EPR 14479(B), Lot number GR148691-9, used at 1:1,000 dilution”. The errors have been corrected.